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Books: P-Hook Bookmark Gives You Something To Grab. Hacked Gadgets Workbench Contest Winner - Hacked Gadgets - DIY T. Workbench: ========= The actual workbench frame is made from an old computer desktop I found in the trash. Just before submitting this entry, I bought some 2nd-hand lab equipment (#’s 01 and 02): - (01) oscilloscope (on a shelf made of an old stand for a tractor feed printer). Great for tracing electronic signals. The tool par excellence for electronics. One suggestion for getting an oscilloscope or other equipment – check to see if there is a Freecycle site in your city (I got the impression that there is one in every major city in North America – at any rate there is one in Montreal) . - (02) Function Generator (good for injecting test signals). - (03) Stereo amp (on shelf up near the ceiling) & headphones (for music while you work) - (04) experimenter’s board - (05) various multimeters.

. - (07) Flood light (I prefer incandescent lighting instead of fluorescent). - (08) Safety Glasses (I tell my students : ‘Just because you have two eyes, it doesn’t mean you have one to spare!’) - Emco F1. How to fold a shirt in japan. Sleepy Dog Labs - Bathtub Cleaning Drill Brush var sc_project=23. I was looking for an easy way to clean my tub, and as Bradley Rhodes (aka DocBug) says; “"If it's worth doing, it's worth doing with power tools".

Thus my need for a drill brush was born. Now, I don’t claim to have invented the drill brush, in fact I could have sworn I’ve seen a nice nylon bristled brush at HomeDepot, but never purchased it due to the price (I am, after all, a cheep bastard). So I thought I could build my own and wanted to pass along some construction advice. Materials Round Brush with nylon bristles – Nylon bristles are very important if you’ll be cleaning tub and tile, or else you’ll scratch the glaze. I found this brush at the local supermarket for under $4. It’s used for cleaning dishes and has a reservoir for holding dish soap. 4 ½” bolt, ¼” diameter Two nuts Superglue Tools Pliers, two pair Hacksaw Drill and Drill Bit– you better have a drill if you’re going to make this, right? Construction Pull off the rubber cap and remove the plunger and spring. Declutter Your Desk. Home Tips: Home Improvement, Home Repair and DIY.

The Fastest Way to Tie a Tie - How to Tie a Tie in less than 10. Private Phone Line for Under $10 - The World's Biggest Show. Products of dreams (35 pics) (//STATiC) VÍZSZERELŐ BUDAPESTEN. - Free repair information for appliances, electri. 10 Ways to Remove Clutter from Your Life - Dumb Little Man. Our lives tend to accumulate clutter in every corner: on our desks, in our drawers, on our shelves at home, in our closets, on our computer — you name it, and clutter finds a way to fill every available space. But having a simple, uncluttered life is possible, with some very simple methods. Devote a little of your time to tossing clutter from your life, and keeping things relatively clutter-free, and you’ll be rewarded with much more pleasing living spaces, with a less stressful life, and with better organization and productivity.

Clutter weighs us down, distracts us, brings chaos into our lives. Let’s look at some ways to kick it out … for good. Now examine each one, and decide if it truly gives you joy and value in your life, and whether it’s worth the time you commit to it. Routines It is extremely useful to examine your daily and weekly routines. Diy Fix It home improvement advice guides and tips : help and re. 27 Skills Your Child Needs to Know That She’s Not Getting In Sch. Everyone knows that our school system, in general, is not giving our kids the basic reading, writing, ‘rithmatic and science skills needed to be competitive in the high-tech workforce of the upcoming generation (at least, that’s the general assumption, and we won’t argue it here).

But there’s much more to life than those basic subjects, and unless you have an exceptional teacher who is willing to break out of the mold, your child isn’t learning the crucial things he or she needs to learn in life. Think about your own experience for a moment. When you got out of high school, did you know everything you needed in order to survive in life, let alone succeed? If you were lucky, you knew how to read and had some basic history and math skills, and if you were even luckier, you had good study habits that would serve you well in college. But were you prepared for life? Most likely not, unless you had parents who did you that favor. That’s a part of life, you might say, learning these lessons. LH Top 10: Home networking tricks - Lifehacker. Better Living Through Design. Mágnesfal,magnetwall - G-Portál. A mágnesfal Tájékoztató A mágnesfal maga valójában egy glettanyag, mely önmagában nem mágneses, viszont élettani hatásai az elektromos és mágneses terek leárnyékolása, és elektroszmog szűrő hatása miatt kiválóak, a repedezett felületeken tartósan megszünteti a repedéseket, és ami a lényeg, hogy kiválóan tapad rá a mágnes.

Világbajnokságon dobogós helyezést elért termék, mely forradalmasítja a dekorálás fogalmát. Fúrás, faragás nélkül helyezhetünk el akár több kilós tárgyakat is a falon, mennyezeten anélkül, hogy azok leesnének. Rögzítésük után a felhelyezett tárgyak mozgathatóak, helyzetük tetszés szerint megváltoztatható, így például egy reklámfelület esetén nem kell attól tartanunk, hogy egy-egy plakát/poszter felhelyezésével visszavonhatatlan kárt teszünk a falban.

Egy rétegben csak kisebb dekorációkra, jegyzetek, rögzítésére alkalmazható. Rugalmassága miatt kiváló a repedésgátló tulajdonsága, az élettani hatása kiváló. Felhasználási területei: A teljesség igénye nélkül: Képkeretezés.