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Naomi Klein

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Global Warming Interview with Naomi Klein. Naomi Klein à son tour (sur la critique de l’environnementalisme) Je viens de piquer ce qui suit au site Reporterre (ici), animé par Hervé Kempf, qu’il faut évidemment soutenir. Cela m’amuse un peu - pas beaucoup, un peu - de voir que je suis rejoint par Naomi Klein, que la mouvance altermondialiste porte aux nues. Quand j’ai écrit Qui a tué l’écologie ? , en 2011, la plupart en France ont détourné le regard, et refusé net toute discussion. Fallait pas fâcher les ONG de la place, si solidement assises sur leur confortable postérieur. Peut-être en sera-t-il autrement cette fois ? Bonne journée. « Les environnementalistes sont plus dangereux que les climato-sceptiques ! Le coup de gueule de Naomi Klein Les grandes organisations d’environnement ont une responsabilité aussi grande que les climato-sceptiques dans le présent reflux de la politique écologique : c’est la forte thèse défendue par la journaliste altermondialiste Naomi Klein.

Les « Big Greens », mauvais leaders « Nous avons globalisé un modèle économique insoutenable d’hyperconsommation. Occupy Wall Street: Why Now? What's Next? The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism No Logo One of the things that’s most mysterious about this moment is “Why now?” People have been fighting austerity measures and calling out abuses by the banks for a couple of years, with basically the same analysis: “We won’t pay for your crisis.” But it just didn’t seem to take off, at least in the US. There were marches and there were political projects and there were protests like Bloombergville, but they were largely ignored. There really was not anything on a mass scale, nothing that really struck a nerve. Okay, so the first answer is, I have no idea, no one does.

So those are the two kind of prerequisites for a moment like this to take place. Do you feel that there is an organic discussion happening about fundamentally changing the economic system? Looting with the lights on. I keep hearing comparisons between the London riots and riots in other European cities – window-smashing in Athens or car bonfires in Paris.

Looting with the lights on

And there are parallels, to be sure: a spark set by police violence, a generation that feels forgotten. But those events were marked by mass destruction; the looting was minor. There have, however, been other mass lootings in recent years, and perhaps we should talk about them too. Naomi Klein. Published at The Intercept Now that it seems virtually certain that Donald Trump will withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord, and the climate movement is quite rightly mobilizing in the face of this latest dystopian lurch, it’s time to get real about something: Pretty much everything that is weak, disappointing, and inadequate about that deal is the result of U.S. lobbying since 2009.

Naomi Klein

The fact that the agreement only commits governments to keeping warming below an increase of 2 degrees, rather than a much safer firm target of 1.5 degrees, was lobbied for and won by the United States. The fact that the agreement left it to individual nations to determine how much they were willing to do to reach that temperature target, allowing them to come to Paris with commitments that collectively put us on a disastrous course toward more than 3 degrees of warming, was lobbied for and won by the United States.

Shock Doctrine

No Logo. Copenhagen. Divers Naomi Klein. Naomi Klein. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Naomi Klein

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Klein. Naomi Klein (née le 8 mai 1970 à Montréal) est une journaliste canadienne, auteur, cinéaste et militante altermondialiste. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] L'histoire familiale de Naomi Klein est teintée de militantisme politique. Ses grands-parents étaient des marxistes américains actifs dans les années 1930 et 1940. Ses parents ont émigré au Canada en protestation contre la guerre du Viêt Nam[2]. La carrière d'écrivain de Klein commença avec ses contributions au journal The Varsity, un journal étudiant de l'Université de Toronto dont elle était rédactrice en chef.

Elle est membre du comité de parrainage du Tribunal Russell sur la Palestine dont les travaux ont commencé le 4 mars 2009[6].