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School of the Future: Unschooling Education - Education. What do you want to learn?

School of the Future: Unschooling Education - Education

School of the Future is a project about what a school can be. This un-school will facilitate a model of apprenticeship and collaborative learning that questions what we know and how we learn. The mission and hypothesis is that the best learner-teachers are the best teacher-learners. School of the Future invites adventurous teachers and learners to propose classes, workshops, apprenticeships, installations, or moments that add to our active research about how to make a better education.

In the process of exploring the possibilities of school, we aim to become a body of unschooled and educated teaching students. School of the Future is an ongoing experiment that can happen anywhere, at anytime. From solar-powered lighting to a giant scrabble board, Tyvek mountains and experimental food sculptures, the School of the Future is an invitation to experiment and analyze learning through the arts.

Interested in helping us build the School of the Future? Blogs, Articles and Videos from the World's Top Thinkers and Leaders. 5 Free Online Encyclopedias Suitable For Kids. To revise the information to the level of a child’s knowledge requires effort on the part of the teacher or the parent.

5 Free Online Encyclopedias Suitable For Kids

So, right here, let’s introduce ourselves to five free online encyclopedias which have simplified explanations of deeper topics. The five online encyclopedias also help the parent or the teacher to free the kids to do their own browsing and research. Wouldn’t it be great if your kids could complete their homework without your handholding? Simple English Wikipedia Simple English Wikipedia defines “˜plastics’ in much simpler words. The online reference source is running around 64,555 articles right now in alphabetized categories. Use the search bar or drill down the Knowledge Groups to search for topics. Yahoo Kids A Yahoo search taps into the 52,000 entries and 84,000 cross linked references brought together by Columbia University Press. The most direct way to access the encyclopedia is to use the search bar. Fact Monster You can use the search bar or browse by subject. iPads in Education - Exploring the use of iPads and Tablet computers in education.

How Art Made the World. 25 Best Sites for Free Educational Videos. RefSeek's guide to the 25 best online resources for finding free educational videos.

25 Best Sites for Free Educational Videos

With the exception of BrainPOP and Cosmeo, all listed sites offer their extensive video libraries for free and without registration. Academic Earth Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars. Big Think Video interviews with 600+ thought leaders in a range of fields. Brightstorm Short-form online video lessons by professional educators. CosmoLearning Aggregator of free, online video lessons and documentaries. Coursera Lectures taught by world-class professors and reinforced through interactive exercises. EdX Courses designed specifically for interactive study via the web. Futures Channel High quality multimedia content ideal for use in the classroom. Howcast Professional and user-generated how-to videos. Internet Archive iTunes U Apple iTunes - Apple iTunes Software Khan Academy Hulu.

Free homework help, online interactive learning games and student resources. Graphic Organizers. Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn.