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Alerte sur les pendentifs radioactifs. #LTHoméo (with images, tweets) · lili_sif. 10 Things Insanely Healthy People Do Before 9 A.M. Our alarm goes off and we hit the snooze button.

10 Things Insanely Healthy People Do Before 9 A.M.

That happens a few more times. Then with no time to waste, we leap out of bed, dash into the shower, fly out of the house wearing a wrinkled shirt and grab a quick coffee on our way to work. We never realized wearing hair ties on our wrists could be so dangerous. Hair ties are tricky creatures — you can buy a brand new pack of 100, but by the end of the week, be left with only one, stretched out band you found on the floor in sixth grade.

We never realized wearing hair ties on our wrists could be so dangerous

Even though it’s not the most fashionable move, most of us keep hair ties on our wrists, if only to prevent them from running off and forming an army with all of our missing socks. Unfortunately, wearing hair ties like bracelets could be a danger to your health. In a shocking report from WGAL, a young woman named Audree Kopp shared that her hair tie caused an infection on her wrist that landed her in the emergency room.

Audree was moving into a new home when she noticed a large lump on her arm, but assumed it was a spider bite. At first, she didn’t think anything of it, but over time, the bump became worrisome. Dr. I Went From 6 Cups Of Coffee A Day To Zero. Here's How. I used to live on coffee.

I Went From 6 Cups Of Coffee A Day To Zero. Here's How

It was the thing that got me started in the morning and kept me going all day long. I was an addict for that next cup, and if I didn't get it, it'd feel like the end of me. At my peak, I was chain-drinking coffee all day, usually five cups of cappuccino followed by an Americano later in the day. So when, about 15 years ago, I announced I was going to give up coffee, my friends laughed at me. Quels sont les effets de la cigarette sur votre beauté ? On le sait, fumer n'est pas bon pour la santé...

Quels sont les effets de la cigarette sur votre beauté ?

Mais vous allez voir que cela a de nombreuses conséquences sur la peau également. Pour votre santé, il est conseillé d'arrêter de fumer. Mais cela est aussi très utile si vous voulez préserver la beauté de votre peau. En effet, la cigarette est responsable de plusieurs soucis. What Sleeping In On The Weekends Could Be Doing To Your Body. The weekend is now within reach.

What Sleeping In On The Weekends Could Be Doing To Your Body

You can almost hear the silence of your alarm. You can almost feel the warmth of your covers at noon. Well, to all of you sleeping-in lovers, we've got some bad news: According to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, drastic changes to your sleep cycle may be increasing your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Researchers examined sleep patterns and cardiometabolic risk in a group of 447 men and women between the ages of 30 and 54 who worked at least 25 hours a week outside the home. Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain : Goats and Soda. Primal posture: Ubong tribesmen in Borneo (right) display the perfect J-shaped spines.

Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain : Goats and Soda

A woman in Burkina Faso (left) holds her baby so that his spine stays straight. Here Is Why Some Indigenous Cultures Have No Back Pain. Back pain is one of the most common health issues in the United States and worldwide.

Here Is Why Some Indigenous Cultures Have No Back Pain

In fact, one-half of working Americans experience back pain symptoms each year while one-third of Americans older than mid-50s suffer from chronic pain in their neck or back. Looking at these statistics, it is hard to believe that back pain is literally nonexistent in some indigenous cultures and their spine discs show almost no signs of degeneration even in older ages.

Esther Gokhale, an acupuncturist in Palo Alto, California, may have found the reason of this miraculous spine health of indigenous people. Having struggled with severe back pain for two decades, she got frustrated with Western medicine and decided to search for alternative solutions. The forgotten art of untucking the tail. The forgotten art of untucking the tail A tiny detail we’ve lost since the hunter-gatherer times and how to fix it I’ve been spending most of my time lately learning about biomechanics, healthy alignment and how movement affects our bodies in relation to gravity.

The forgotten art of untucking the tail

The research from the last couple of years shows that the way we move affect us not only mechanically, as it was previously thought, but also causing biochemical changes on cellular level, changing us from inside out. This process of the body adapting to and being shaped by movement is called mechanotransduction. How I Stopped Binge Eating & Began A Healthy Relationship With Food.

What Your Body Shape Says About Your Eating Habits. A 6-Step Guide To Radical Self-Healing. They never taught me this in medical school, but it’s now a relatively well-known fact that, as long as the nervous system is relaxed, the body can be a self-healing organism.

A 6-Step Guide To Radical Self-Healing

To say that you can heal yourself is a bit of a paradox. Though the body is equipped to heal itself, research suggests that you can’t navigate the self-healing process alone. You need the love and support of the right kind of healer. Unfortunately, most health care providers have no idea how to help patients facilitate self-healing. This lack of understanding in the medical community inspired me to found the Whole Health Medicine Institute — a training program for doctors, nurses, alternative health care providers, therapists, and coaches.

Whether you’re a health care provider, a patient, or someone who just isn’t feeling 100%, you can make your body ripe for miracles and increase your likelihood of “spontaneous” remission by following these six steps. The 60-Day Reset Diet That Cleared My Skin, Boosted My Energy & Changed My Life. As a functional medicine practitioner, my job is to uncover the root issues of chronic health problems and coach my patients into well-being.

The 60-Day Reset Diet That Cleared My Skin, Boosted My Energy & Changed My Life

But as many other health professionals will tell you, it's easy to put yourself on the back burner and forget about taking care of your own health. Research Shows Nutrition is Much Better at Improving Mental Health Than Prescription Medication. Clinical psychologist, Julia Rucklidge, delivers an enlightening TED talk on the importance of nutrition and it’s role in mental health. Julia reminds us of a time when Dr. Semmelweis was ridiculed and dismissed for suggesting that doctors wash their hands before touching pregnant women. She compares the radical reaction that doctors had then, to the reaction some doctors have now, about the idea of nutrition being more effective than medication, when treating patients with mental illnesses, such as ADHD, depression, schizophrenia, and bi-polar disorder. Dr. Rucklidge advises us that despite the array of medications on the market, mental illness continues to rise, and she asks, “If current medications are effective, shouldn’t mental illness be decreasing rather than increasing?”

Medical doctors from around the world have admitted that they learned little to nothing about nutrition during medical school. Dr. “We need to get serious about the critical role played by nutrition.” 7 Nutrition Myths That Make Us Gain Weight. People tend to assume that because I am a food psychologist that I must be naturally disciplined and virtuous when it comes to my own eating. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just like everyone else, I engage in elaborate self-deceptions to try to get to the foods I'm really craving and ignore everything I know about nutrition. So in order to help us all recognize the excuses we tell ourselves, I'm sharing the top seven lies I catch myself in when it comes to eating — and how we can all readjust our thinking.

Myth #1: If I’m craving something sweet that means my body needs sugar. The truth: Cravings can be powerful, and it’s easy to feel as though we're powerless against them. 10 Things You Need To Throw Away Immediately For Better Health. It’s no secret that human beings have adopted a lifestyle that doesn’t really take health into consideration, especially when we are talking about the large number of products that we choose to surround ourselves with on a daily basis, many of which have serious health concerns associated with them.

What’s even more troubling is the fact that these products are still approved as safe by government agencies despite all of the evidence clearly showing serious cause for concern. The list of concerning items can indeed by a long one, and again, when we are talking about disease, there is a general and growing consensus in the scientific community that many of these products are responsible for the exponential rise in various diseases, including cancer. Here is a list of 10 things you should throw away for better health: 1. Comment se brosser les dents correctement ? - loolbook. Your Poop Is Trying To Tell You Something! Here's What Your Poop Reveals About Your Health. Poop. I Gave Up Gluten, Alcohol, Sugar, Coffee, Meat & More For 21 Days. Here's What I Learned. Aside from the days when I was strict vegan, I’d never consciously given up anything.

I have friends who are gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, etc. I wondered why that didn’t appeal to me. Was there something I was unaware of in my own body? Do I, too, have sensitivities that should be addressed? To find out, I decided to do a serious cleanse. Les tampons soupçonnés de contenir de l'herbicide. Des recherches menées par des scientifiques de l’université de la Plata, en Argentine, et reprises par le site Russia Today, concluent que la majorité des tampons et serviettes hygiéniques, 85%, contiennent du glyphosate. Désherbant le plus utilisé au monde, le glyphosate est plus connu sous son nom commercial : le Roundup. Ma fille d'1 an est polluée : on a trouvé 34 perturbateurs endocriniens dans ses cheveux.

ENQUÊTE EXCLUSIVE. Votre enfant est-il pollué ? Arnaud, dites-moi, vous avez un chat chez vous, non ? " Etonnement du journaliste. Place This Mixture Under Your Tongue Before Bed And You'll Never Wake Up Tired. Les tampons soupçonnés de contenir de l'herbicide. DENOVO » Hydrater ou nourrir la peau : la vraie question !

Ce doit être une des questions les plus posées quand on parle de soin de la peau et à raison. Le fromage est aussi addictif que la drogue. Selon une étude récente de l’Université du Michigan, l’addiction au fromage est une réalité comparable à celle aux drogues, au tabac, à l’alcool. Shower Filter with Handheld Wand. La Cuisine Bruleuse de Graisses - Aliments bruleurs de graisses, Aliments soi-disant minceur qui font grossir. À l'intention des Hommes & des Femmes de Plus de 40 Ans qui ont du Mal à Perdre du Poids... This Is What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Ear.

Dr. Mark Sandomirsky is making waves in the medical community. The doctor has begun to recommend to his patients an unlikely treatment to relieve stress. Eight Health Warnings Your Fingernails May Be Sending. Zéro douche en 12 ans : ce chimiste a trouvé comment ne plus se laver. Squatty Potty - This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop.

Les épices, de véritables alliées pour notre bien-être. 10 Natural Antibiotics That Fight Infection - What Drug Companies Don't Want You To Know - Why You Should Eliminate Bread From Your Diet. Dossier thématique - L'allergie. 15 Struggles All Coffee Addicts Know To Be True. 28 Problems All Coffee Addicts Will Understand. 19 Signs Your Coffee Addiction Is Completely Out Of Hand. Businessinsider. 59-Year-Old Grandmother Still Going Strong As A Fashion Model. Explications sur les règles et le cycle menstruel. “Big Pharma” & Privilege: Or Why I Wish Allies Would Stop Using This Phrase.

Huffingtonpost. Aller travailler avant 10 heures s'apparente à de la torture, selon un chercheur. Astuce naturelle et très simple pour réduire rapidement la cellulite. The Real, And Simple, Truth About Dehydration And Performance. No, You Do Not Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day. Water Your Body. 11 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick & Fat. 9 Warning Signs Our Bodies Send Us When Something is Wrong. Clean Your Lungs Back to Life in Only Three Days! A Must-Do for Smokers! Demain l'Homme, ex SOS-planete : Malbouffe : Liste des aliments contenant des OGM, communiqué de Greenpeace. OGM Ces aliments contiennent des OGM - 2001. Groupe sanguin. If A Song Could Heal The Soul, This Is It– Nahko Bear (Medicine For The People) Quelques règles simples pour rester en forme - Le blog de Catherine Fructus.

Un bain de bouche naturel pour lutter contre les gencives enflammées - Le blog de Catherine Fructus. Le Blog de la peau Saine. Scientists who found gluten sensitivity evidence have now shown it doesn't exist. Association Santé Environnement France - L'actu vue par nos médecins. What-is-this-intestinal-chaos-during-my-period. Association Santé Environnement France. Trying to Quit Smoking? These 5 Herbs Completely Detox the Lungs. 10 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead Of Pills.