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On Flipboard. Four Reasons Why The Most Successful People Are Great Collaborators. ADPVoice: 3 Innovative Concepts To Increase Collaboration In The Workplace. CHROs may want to consider adopting the title of Chief Human Collaboration Facilitators.

ADPVoice: 3 Innovative Concepts To Increase Collaboration In The Workplace

Recent studies by Polycom indicate rapid globalization of the economy has created a need to increase collaboration “across time zones, borders and cultures.” For Millennials especially, who are now the largest generation in the workplace, teamwork is a key workplace value. In a workplace that’s increasingly global and mobile, HR leadership should focus on team-based collaboration. They can do that by taking advantage of programs and tools for worldwide teamwork. In addition, cross-departmental and cross-generational collaboration measures will help enterprise-wide knowledge sharing. Edsurge. Collaborative Overload. Executive Summary Collaboration is taking over the workplace.

Collaborative Overload

According to data collected by the authors over the past two decades, the time spent by managers and employees in collaborative activities has ballooned by 50% or more. What is Teacher Collaboration? Benefits and Importance. Isolation can be a side effect of becoming a teacher.

What is Teacher Collaboration? Benefits and Importance

It is very easy to get caught in the trap of walking into a classroom, shutting the door, and tending to your own students. This is how many schools function, with educators sharing nothing more than a parking lot. Some people like it this way, but an effective teacher is someone who wants to grow in the profession. An effective teacher wants collaboration. Research Shows Teacher Collaboration Helps Raise Student Achievement. Research suggests that collaboration with colleagues around student instruction is an essential part of every teacher’s job and results in rising student achievement.

Research Shows Teacher Collaboration Helps Raise Student Achievement

These are the findings Carrie R. Leana, a professor of organizations and management at the University of Pittsburgh, writes about in the fall 2011 issue of the Stanford Social Innovation Review. In her piece, The Missing Link in School Reform, she writes that many so-called reformers argue for increasing human capital — factors such as teacher experience, subject knowledge, and pedagogical skills — in schools. “The power of teacher human capital, the value of outsiders, and the centrality of the principal in instructional practice—form the implicit or explicit core of many reform efforts today.” The Power Of Teacher Collaboration. Teaching is simultaneously one of the hardest and one of the most rewarding jobs in the world.

The Power Of Teacher Collaboration

We often say that students make it worth it, but there’s something else that can make or break your happiness as a teacher: your colleagues. In this article, “Research Shows Teacher Collaboration Helps Raise Student Achievement,” researcher Carrie Leana writes about the missing link in school reform: teacher collaboration. In her study of over 1,000 4th and 5th grade teachers in New York City, Leana found that, “students showed higher gains in math achievement when their teachers reported frequent conversations with their peers that centered on math, and when there was a feeling of trust or closeness among teachers.” Collaboration begins with finding time to connect with colleagues, to share thoughts, and provide support.

Here are 3 tips for successful collaboration: Four Activities to Jump-Start Teamwork Among Teachers and School Leaders. Luca Nisalli By Gayle Allen Teachers and school leaders face very different challenges today from even a decade ago.

Four Activities to Jump-Start Teamwork Among Teachers and School Leaders

Why Social Learning Is an Effective Management Development Tool. Did you ever wonder how you learned to be a manager?

Why Social Learning Is an Effective Management Development Tool

Do you ever think about how you and the other managers in your organization try to improve as managers and leaders? It likely doesn’t have much to do with classrooms, lectures, or e-learning programs. 20+ Advanced Dropbox Hacks. 20+ Advanced Dropbox Hacks Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Comments Dropbox is an application for Windows, Mac & Linux that allows you to seamlessly & securely backup, store or share files between multiple locations.

20+ Advanced Dropbox Hacks

Typical uses include sharing important files between home PC’s & laptops or having a secure online backup of all your important stuff. Parent Engagement in Education: Transforming Schools and our Communities. I recently returned from two back to back trips to Washington DC, where I was able to dialogue with parent engagement advocates and other community leaders from all across the nation about issues and concerns that are particular to our lives.

Parent Engagement in Education: Transforming Schools and our Communities

While many of us work on creating better school environments by encouraging stronger parent/family school connections, that work is really not just about the quality of education, but about the quality of a community. At the core is the idea that in order to have a livable or sustainable city we must work together to create that environment. Certainly this is no small task, as a livable city has many different facets to what makes it, well, livable. The Global Education Conference Call for Proposals. Reasons and Research – Why Schools Need Collaborative Learning Spaces. Creative Commons license image source We’ve converted a few classrooms to more collaborative spaces over the last few years at The College of Westchester, and faculty reaction has generally been quite positive.

Reasons and Research – Why Schools Need Collaborative Learning Spaces

These initial room changes have revolved around modifying the layout of a few classrooms from the row-by-row footprint of the traditional lecture room to a more interactive, group-oriented layout of round tables. We are now looking to move towards the next iteration of this evolution by creating a technologically enabled space for collaborative learning. Insight for schools: Trends in university learning space design, big shift from lectures to collaborative learning. For many school-based educators, one of the justifications for maintaining a traditional teacher and content focused culture is the need to prepare students for university.

But what if universities are changing. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teams. What makes a team tick? In January, our team held a retrospective. That’s a fancy way of saying we stopped working for a day to talk about ourselves. What Do Schools Need? Collaboration and Principals Who Lead It  John Hattie is back -- and once again he is marshaling the evidence needed to improve schools. Keep in mind that Hattie took the education world by storm a few years ago with his book Visible Learning: What Works Best for Learning. Visible Learning and its sister book, Visible Learning for Teachers, began to solve a knotty problem. To wit, thousands upon thousands of education research studies -- some high-quality, some low-quality, some large-scale, some tiny -- confuse just about everyone. 5 Characteristics of an Effective School Team. I've been thinking a lot about what makes a good team in a school context.

I'll share some of these thoughts, but I really want to hear your ideas on this subject. I'm going to admit that it's taken me a while to feel convinced by the power of teams. Until recently, I didn't have great experiences in teams. I felt that alone I could produce whatever needed to be created better, and quicker, than working with others.

14 essential social media collaboration tools. Just the other day, peeking into the social media schedule here at Buffer, I noticed that it was full of wonderfully-worded, completely click-worthy, queued posts—posts that I spent zero time writing or adding. Teacher-tested Tools for Enhancing Collaboration in Class. Everyone is coachable: we are all capable of change & growth. All who wish to continually improve their craft … never lose the need to be coached. ~ Art Costa & Bob Garmston. 4 GINORMOUS Google Classroom Updates! (April 21, 2015) Groupthink. In the late nineteen-forties, Alex Osborn, a partner in the advertising agency B.B.D.O., decided to write a book in which he shared his creative secrets. Brainstorming Does Not Work — Galleys. Welcome to Collaborize Classroom - collaborative education platform with lots of features for teachers and students.

Collaborize Classroom is a "free collaborative education platform for students and teachers" that allows teachers to create an online community. Teachers can create study groups, collaborative work groups, online discussions and much more. Sixteen Lessons Learned About Working in Collaboration. The Relational Staffroom: The Power of Teacher Collaboration - Relational Schools Project. The importance of teacher-teacher relationships, especially in the current climate, the power of collaboration and the necessity for school leaders to provide the conditions to enable this to happen. This week, Helena Marsh, Deputy Headteacher, blogger and education thinker, writes for Relational Schools. Wiggio - Makes it easy to work in groups.

The Most Complete Collaboration and Task Management Platform. The T in Twitter Stands for Teacher: Tips for Us! - Education Voice. Google Classroom: Share Classroom Folder. Google Classroom requires that I use my Google Apps domain. Effective Team Communication Is Crucial for the Success of Businesses. January 17, 2015 | Author: PM Hut | Filed under: Communications Management Effective Team Communication Is Crucial for the Success of Businesses By Sharon Thomson. Why Some Teams Are Smarter Than Others.