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Navigating the online information maze: should students trust Wikipedia? Being literate used to be about knowing how to read. In the 21st century it also means knowing how to negotiate through the torrent of information coming at you from all directions. Information Fatigue Syndrome, or “Infoglut” is a defining issue of modern life. For students particularly, it is getting harder to find useful, quality information. Information literacy to digital literacy Educators have been teaching information literacy skills to students for many decades: learning to read, how to use libraries etc. Now with the increasing amount of information on the internet, it is more important than ever for higher education to teach students to apply these metacognitive skills — searching, retrieving, authenticating, critically evaluating and attributing material — to the online environment.

Digital information literacy skills have already been recognised as essential for study and for students’ future employability. Any interested party can contribute to a Wikipedia page. PBL Resources. Project, Problem, and Inquiry-Based Learning. What are problem, project, and inquiry based learning? How are these approaches alike and different? How do I choose the best approach for my technology-rich classroom? A project-based approach is enjoyable for everyone involved. Can fun activities really promote learning? Over the past decade an increasing number of studies have shown the positive impact of project-based learning on achievement.

Read Start With the Pyramid from Edutopia. Then, read Project-Based Learning Research from Edutopia. Explore the Approaches Project-based learning, problem-based learning, and inquiry-based learning all three closely relate to the information processing approach. Read Introducing Project-Based Learning from Edutopia. Be sure to read all eight pages. Project-based Learning An approach to learning focusing on developing a product or creation. Problem-based Learning An approach to learning focusing on the process of solving a problem and acquiring knowledge. Inquiry-based Learning The "Best" Approach. Conference Table of Contents.

How to Infuse Digital Literacy Throughout the Curriculum. So how are we doing on the push to teach “digital literacy” across the K12 school spectrum? From my perspective as a school-based technology coach and history teacher, I’d say not as well as we might wish – in part because our traditional approach to curriculum and instruction wants to sort everything into its place.

Digital literacy is defined as “the ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate, and create information using a range of digital technologies.” Many educational and business professional cite is as a critical 21st century skill. Even so, many schools have struggled to adapt it into their curriculum. This is often because most institutions already have rigorous, established curricula with little wiggle room – and this is especially true in schools subject to state and federal testing. Content becomes king. Evaluating online content is a research skill Engaging online is a modern communication skill Students need to create. Encyclopedia of Earth.

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Project-Based Learning.