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FlexGet. Learning Vim in 2014 - Loop Findr. Build your shiny new PC, Gaming PCs, Parts Configurator.


Usefull. Flipping Tutorials. Dance Tutorial and HowTo Index - Dance Forum - GenXGlow. FileBot - The ultimate TV and Movie Renamer / Subtitle Downloader. Casual Gameplay Design Competition #6 — "Explore" Welcome to the 6th Casual Gameplay Design Competition! All entries are available to play immediately.Each entry is represented by an icon on the left.Clicking on an icon will reveal more information about the entry. Click the "Play" button that appears to play the game.A section for comments will also appear, so please provide supportive feedback and constructive criticism to the game designers.The competition judging period is over. Results have been announced! Thank you kindly for your support and for helping to make these competitions a success! All entries and their icons have been randomized here and their order stored in a cookie so that you see the same order each time you visit.


Media. Interesting / Random. Computers. WiGLE - Wireless Geographic Logging Engine - Plotting WiFi on Maps.