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Search results. Skeleton candles. PyroPet Candle Company. a8ecf0c3dcf9576cef2cf017db86bb87.jpg (JPEG Image, 720 × 720 pixels) 130d076a3ae6fa3d1edd42f8c105a4c3.jpg (JPEG Image, 553 × 1359 pixels) - Scaled (56. Rose Petal Candle Holder {for Mom. I have a few cute projects that I’ll be sharing throughout the week that make perfect little gifts for Mom next Sunday!

Rose Petal Candle Holder {for Mom

Many are inexpensive and really simple to put together {and I would add any of them to my own homes decor}! Today’s Project for Mom is a Rose Petal Candle Holder. For a total of $3.00 plus the handy work of your hot glue gun, you can make a simple glass candle holder feminine and lovely. The materials needed are all from a local dollar store and include a glass pillar candle holder, a bag of faux rose petals, and a pillar candle. Starting at the top of the glass candle holder, apply a dab of hot glue to the bottom of each petal and attach directly to the glass.

Be sure to stagger the petals on each layer so they fill in the empty spaces. Guest Post: Christmas Candle Chandelier. I’ve featured several projects from today’s guest poster.

Guest Post: Christmas Candle Chandelier

Her name is Connie and she runs the blog Salvage Savvy. I’m excited to share this project with you today, isn’t it beautiful?? Inspire Me Heather: {stories of a house} holly holy. We are very fortunate to have several holly trees on our property.

Inspire Me Heather: {stories of a house} holly holy

When it comes around to Holiday time I go outside and cut holly and place them in glass jars with some water and place a floating candle in each one. I make several holly jars for visual appeal and group them together for impact. I think they would look great too in glass containers of varying height as it would give a nice depth to the grouping. This idea works with almost any Winter evergreen trimmings and they look pretty with a ribbon around them too. If you don't have access to anything naturally outdoors I think that cranberries or slices of oranges from the grocery store would look beautiful too.

My holly filled jars make an inexpensive and easy centrepiece. If you liked my story, may I suggest more in this series: DIY Candle Hacks - 5 Awesome Tutorials. Posted by on lördag, mars 31, 2012 · 1 Comment Today is the day when electric lights go out over the world during Earth hour.

DIY Candle Hacks - 5 Awesome Tutorials

So I figured I’d gather some hacky D.I.Y Candle Ideas from crafty corners of the blogosphere. I found 5 awesome ideas where old-school candlelight meets new-school creativity, involving everything from plastic dinosaur toys to satsumas. Links to awesome D.I.Y tutorials under each pic – Enjoy! e7478c1ce5c60f6c93dc6a867d8a6d1f.jpg (JPEG Image, 580 × 756 pixels) Hey Wanderer: the ultimate diy candle guide. Well, it's officially holiday season, I suppose.

Hey Wanderer: the ultimate diy candle guide

I've been hearing Christmas music in stores and such for a while now and Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet. It's crazy! But, if you're thinking about making some homemade gifts this season, you should consider making candles. It's easy and it's pretty fun to create your own fragrance. And you can name the candles after your friends, or whoever you are gifting them to. Making candles is pretty easy, all you need is a container, a wick, some wax and something to scent the candle with. Here are the instructions: 1. 2. 3. Making Candles (25 DIY Decorative tutorials) Mango and Passion Fruit: Shine a light on me... This is that time of the year when the light starts to fade, the sun sets earlier than you would like it to and we tend to keep the windows closed for most of the day to keep the heat in.

Mango and Passion Fruit: Shine a light on me...

I don't know about you, but I love to light candles. I know they don't replace the warmth or the brightness of sunshine, but they have their charm... Of course, we can always add a little bit more to it. DIY-candle-holders-with-doilie.jpg (JPEG Image, 600 × 992 pixels) - Scaled (77%) 100 Candles - Candles, Candle Holders, Battery Candles, and LED Lights. Recycling Candles. Learn how to make votive candles the easy way! Sharing DIY projects is our absolute favorite thing to do… especially when it’s a project like this!!!

Learn how to make votive candles the easy way!

Today we will be showing you exactly how to make your own votive candles! Which of course is a very classic wedding favor, but when they are purchased (and not handmade) – they are just boring – so we know that our DIY brides will be thrilled to make their own! These little votives are very easy to make, it’s just a melt and pour kind of thing and you get to pick your color and fragrance! Ok, enough chatting, let’s get down to business… Pin Supplies: candle wax, we used Crystal Palm Wax from (love!!!!) It’s beautiful and unique. Start by melting your awesome ‘crystal palm wax’ on very low heat, stirring constantly. All Natural Soy Jewelry Candles at JewelScent.

Prize Candle. Diamond Candles - Home Fragrance Made Fun and Hassle Free.