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How to skin a rabbit | Musings from a Stonehead First, trap, shoot or otherwise kill your rabbit. Lay the rabbit on its back on a flat surface and pinch the skin at the loose part in lower belly. Cut a small hole in the skin with a sharp knife, being careful not to puncture the stomach lining. Pull apart the skin and tear all the way around the rabbit. If you haven’t the strength, then cut right around. Using the loosened edges, grasp the halves of the skin firmly in the centre of the belly and pull the skin very hard both ways until the front and back legs are free of the skin. Cut off the head and snap the lower part of all four legs to remove the feet. Taking care not to cut the intestines, cut the stomach lining and remove the guts. Retain the liver, heart and kidneys, then discard the remainder of the innards. To get the best flavour soak the rabbit in salted water with a little vinegar splashed in it for about six hours or overnight. Then use your favourite recipe for rabbit… Like this: Like Loading...
