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Doug Belshaaw, Mozilla: new literacies

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Doug Belshaw - About. TEDx Warwick: The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies. TEDxWarwick - Doug Belshaw - The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies. Doug Belshaw, Web literacy lead at Mozilla foundation. Web Literacy Learning Pathways. Learning/WebLiteracyStandard/Legacy. Webmaker/WebLiteracyMap. Important note: Mozilla's Web Literacy Map was co-created with the community.


It describes the skills and competencies required to read, write and participate on the web. It can be found at Please use this URL when citing. A graphical representation of the competency layer can be found below and at Doug Belshaws Präsentationen bei SlideShare. Web Literacy Map - 1.1.0 (Standard für Webkenntnisse) The Never Ending Thesis. What is "digital literacy", Thesis, Doug Belshaw. Teach. Your browser may lack functionality needed by Webmaker to function properly.


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