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IAC 2011: Tištěná média se musí změnit. Ale jak? Na českému trhu s internetovou reklamou panuje nervozita. Tradiční dodavatelé informací a zábavy šetří, kvalita tím trpí. Přitom by měli hodnotným obsahem nakrmit také smartphony, tablety a čtečky. A prosadit se ve víru amatérských a sociálních médií. Co na to inzerenti? Letošek má být i u nás rokem tabletů. Autor: Ondřej Hošt Na čtvrtý ročník Internet Advertising Conference se do kongresového centra Clarion sjelo přes 350 účastníků. Dopolední sérii tří případových studií zahájila Andrea Tomšů z Economie. “Vydavatelské domy se snaží vymyslet cokoli a chytají se každé příležitosti posunout se ze světa tisku do světa elektronických médií,” přiblížila Andrea Tomšů atmosféru v branži. Vyplatilo se tedy pouštět se do takového projektu bez dobře spočítaného byznys plánu? Sledovali jsme IAC 2011 online Jak? Čtrnáctideník jednou za tři týdny Vydavatelství Computer Press, které od loňského léta patří Mladé frontě, zvolilo pro své časopisy Computer, ForMen a F.O.O.D. trochu jinou cestu.

Čteme jinak. Media, markets & public spheres ... Information 2.0 and Beyond: Where are we, where are we going? The Future Of The Web: Where Will We Be In Five Years? - Noupe Design Blog. Nov 03 2009 We’re approaching the end of 2009, and many people are wondering what the future will bring. While no one can predict for sure what the Internet holds in its future, there are indicators and trends that can point us in the right direction. A ton of technologies are ripe for further development in the coming few years. Social media and related apps are definitely going to be at the forefront of the Web for a long time. 1.

Submitted on Twitter by @mikaelgramont and @simplybastow. Some companies are already making strides in the micro-payment arena. Micro-payments will likely be popular among online magazines and news services, as well as other providers of in-depth content. The most prevalent current micro-payment systems are within MMORPGs (massively multi-player online role-playing games). PayPal is already offering support for micro-payments at a rate of 5% plus $0.05 per transaction. Micro-payments of the future may be closely-related to mobile payment systems. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Key Trends in Social Commerce. Social commerce is more than just a buzzword; it’s becoming the de facto way to do business online. It emerged as a result of brands finding new ways to connect with consumers through the open graph, and a customer demand for more fluid interaction with brands.

Done correctly, it is a win-win for both the brand and the consumer and there are many new opportunities to use social commerce methods to affect the consumer journey, including to the point of post-purchase. The brands that have recognised this are experimenting with new platforms on their own website and new ways of doing business on existing social networks. The challenge for brands is to make themselves relevant across these different points of the consumer journey to encourage a purchase without being too intrusive. Social Shopping Cart The beauty of the social graph is that you can maintain your social connections across different sites, meaning you have a cohesive consumer experience.

Personalised recommendations. Reflections of a Newsosaur. Víme, kam se bude ubírat vyhledávání na Internetu. Udrží si vyhledávače výsadní postavení, nebo se hlavní vstupní branou k internetovému obsahu stanou spíš sociální sítě? Zamysleli jsme se nad budoucností vyhledávání na Internetu. O vyhledávačích se v poslední době v médiích psalo, zejména v souvislosti s trochu předčasným oznámením, že Google v Česku ve vyhledávání porazil Seznam a získal tak nadpoloviční podíl na trhu. Později se ukázalo, že se ve skutečnosti nic takového neudálo, protože informace vycházela z analýzy špatných dat. Navíc pokud by k tomu opravdu došlo, pro český trh, ba ani pro Seznam by to nemělo nikterak zásadní či fatální důsledky. U PPC reklamy je totiž pro inzerenty důležité nikoliv to, kolik vyhledávač realizuje hledání, jako spíš to, jak moc se hledá výraz, na který cílí.

Navíc i oblast vyhledávání prochází v posledních letech zajímavým vývojem, který může v budoucnu proměnit postavení a roli vyhledávačů na Internetu. Vyhraje koncept s nejlepší monetizací Spokojený uživatel změny neocení Vyhledávání se mění už nyní. Flipboard for iPad. In-App Purchases Become Major Mobile Revenue Stream. With smartphones in the hands of more than 60 million Americans, according to eMarketer estimates, app stores are growing quickly and the application market continues to evolve as it approaches maturity. According to research from app store analytics provider Distimo, many app developers are changing how they monetize their creations.

All major application stores are growing rapidly, with triple-digit increases across the board. Apple’s App Store, the best-established market, is moving slowest but still more than doubled in size between January and December 2010. For all app stores, growth in free apps outpaces that of the store as a whole. According to the report, this rise in the popularity of free apps in turn may be causing more developers to make their apps free—but not necessarily without fees. The combination of free apps with paid-for extras is a version of the “freemium” model many content publishers are experimenting with in hopes of finding an alternative to ad support alone.

Top 10 Things We Learned About SEO in 2010 - Whitebeard Friday. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. It's that time of year when it's not uncommon to be sitting by a fire, sipping a glass of Egg Nog (with brandy), and listening to A Charlie Brown Christmas on the stereo. Wait... that might only be me. Whatever your holiday traditions may be, SEOmoz is pleased to present the 'Top 10 Things We Learned About SEO in 2010', with special guest, Rand Claus.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the video (the Egg Nog is optional)! From all of us at SEOmoz, we hope you have a wonderful holiday! Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Every year here at SEOmoz we like to have a tradition where I don this ridiculous white beard and present some interesting SEO stuff to you. First off, number one, search is here to stay. Number two, social and search are interconnected. Number three, mentions can trigger crawling and indexing. Number four, Bing and Yahoo are not a Google killer. Does Paper Outweigh Digital? We know that viewing information on paper causes more emotional processing in the brain than the same information viewed on a screen (see Paper Beats Digital for Emotion), and there’s another way paper might be better: its weight. The idea comes from the same study that found that softer chairs increase negotiating flexibility. That study, Incidental Haptic Sensations Influence Social Judgments and Decisions, also compared the effect of the weight of a clipboard.

Ackerman, Nocera and Bargh asked subjects to study a job candidate by looking at a resume placed on either light or heavy clipboards. The people who were given the heavy clipboards judged the applicants to have a more serious interest in the position than the light clipboard group. Weighty Words As bizarre as this effect sounds, our language echoes it. “Heavy” is a near synonym for “serious” in some contexts (say, literature or music). Trends 2011.

10 Predictions for the News Media in 2011. In many ways, 2010 was finally the year of mobile for news media, and especially so if you consider the iPad a mobile device. Many news organizations like The Washington Post and CNN included heavy social media integrations into their apps, opening the devices beyond news consumption. In 2011, the focus on mobile will continue to grow with the launch of mobile- and iPad-only news products, but the greater focus for news media in 2011 will be on re-imagining its approach to the open social web. The focus will shift from searchable news to social and share-able news, as social media referrals close the gap on search traffic for more news organizations. In the coming year, news media's focus will be affected by the personalization of news consumption and social media's influence on journalism. 1. Leaks and Journalism: A New Kind of Media Entity In 2010, we saw the rise of WikiLeaks through its many controversial leaks. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Syndication models will be disrupted in 2011. 8. 9. Slides: Social Business Forecast: 2011 The Year of Integration (LeWeb Keynote) Research reveals corporations to focus on integration, staffing, advertising, and measurement in 2011. I’m sharing these slides as I take the stage for one of the few business focused tracks at the largest European internet conference, LeWeb (pic). The following slides are based on the survey data collected in our latest research report on the Career Path of the Social Strategist which has been downloaded at least 3000 times and viewed over 21,000 times and been discussed on Marketing Profs, RWW, Mashable, Fast Company, and many other blogs. In the deck you’ll recognize some of the data in 2010, but we’ve also segmented it by business maturity. In the predictions section in 2011, we’ll find data on where companies are going to focus, as well as spending changes based on maturity of corporations –notice how advanced companies shift to customization and social media boutiques.

Above: Here’s a video from the front row (Thanks Erno), apologies, I’m fighting a cold and a bit stuffed up. 5 E-Book Trends That Will Change the Future of Publishing. Philip Ruppel is president of McGraw-Hill Professional, a leading global publisher of print and electronic content and services for the business, scientific, technical, and medical communities. Without a doubt, the e-book is practically the biggest thing that’s hit the publishing industry since the invention of movable type.

Publishers and e-book resellers are reporting astronomical growth. At McGraw-Hill, we have been an active player in e-book technology dating back to devices like the RocketBook (one of the first e-book readers) that was launched more than 10 years ago. And today, e-books and e-book distribution is central to our publishing and growth strategy. From the front lines of the e-book revolution, here are five trends I’m watching. 1. Enhanced E-Books Are Coming and Will Only Get Better Consumers have already shown that they love e-books for their convenience and accessibility, but ultimately most e-books today are the same as print, just in digital form. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Analýza: Kde bude Facebook za pět let? | Jindřich Lauschmann Jako největší a jediná globální sociální síť má Facebook ohromný potenciál. Jak přesně velký potenciál to ale je? Může během pěti let Zuckerbergův životní počin přerůst takové jistoty, jako je třeba Google? Může největší sociální síť dosáhnout v horizontu pěti let ročních příjmů v řádu 28 miliard dolarů, kterými se vyhledávací gigant dnes pyšní?

Facebook se pro návštěvníky internetu pomalu stává destinací číslo jedna. I příjmy Facebooku rostou raketovým tempem. Jinými slovy, Facebook je v podobné fázi svého vývoje, jako byl Google před nějakými sedmi lety. Reklama je nejdůležitější Velkou výhodou Facebooku je to, že má celou řadu možností, jak příjmů dosáhnout. Celkové reklamní výdaje v USA byly loni 125 miliard dolarů, z toho televizní reklama pohltila asi polovinu. Facebook Credits, přímý prodej a nejen to Potenciálně značným zdrojem příjmů by mohly být i Facebook Credits.

Další možností může být externí partnerství eshopů s Facebookem. Přes třicet miliard? 11 B2B Marketing Predictions for 2011. What Is a Social Newspaper?