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Nowadays situation in publishing

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Who’s Driving the Most Traffic To News Sites? No surprises here, Google scores high as the biggest single driver of traffic to top news sites with both Google Search and Google News, according to I use Google when I am searching for information regarding news or topics, and have never thought otherwise. Looks like I’m not the only one. The study says on the average 40% of news traffic comes to top news sites from outside referrals. The omnipresent search engine was the lead referring site for 17 major news sites reported in the study and ranked second referring site for the other four. Interestingly, according to the study most of the referrals stem from topic or news event-related searches like “Japan Tsunami” or “NCAA champion, men’s.” Users, who type in the name of a specific site or information source, go to Google for the find. reports that Google’s influence varies by the quality of the site. I sometimes wonder who has the most power over the Internet. The State of the News Media 2011. Who says paper is dead? business model innovation in the newspaper industry. The newspaper industry is suffering these days. Besides the economic crisis that leads to less advertising spending the traditional business model is under attack by the Internet. The large papers have reacted with large Internet activities that attract a lot of traffic. But the revenues of the online ventures are not sufficient to compensate for the decline in print.

So what shall they do? I had the pleasure recently to be invited back to my university, the University of St. Gallen, to give a speech on business model innovation in the media industry. Prof. Tradition is not a business model The media industry is an interesting case since their traditional business model is under attack by new technologies. For the music industry the digitalization of the music led to disembodiment of the piece of music from the carrier medium like the CD or the LP. The music industry reacted with the traditional way all endangered species do.

The newspaper industry faces a different set of challenges.

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Newspaper_Extinction_Timeline.pdf. Proof that paywalls don’t always have to drive readers away. 18 January '11, 03:11pm Follow Over the past year or so we’ve regularly looked at the way news publishers on the Web are starting to charge their readers. While we’ve usually looked at paywalls pretty negatively, some news out of the US shows that they can work – if they’re set up the right way. The New York Times, itself planning to start charging for access soon, reports on findings from Journalism Online, a service that helps newspapers charge their users.

The company says that after several months, the two dozen newspapers using Journalism Online’s tools have not seen the significant decline in traffic they might have expected. Journalism Online says that pageviews fell between 0% and 20% and unique visits fell between just 0% and 7% (neither figure a huge disaster when you introduce a paywall), while advertising revenue didn’t fall at all for any of the titles. It’s worth noting that the newspapers concerned didn’t block all content completely from non-paying visitors. In Data Presentation, Creativity And Clarity Count. One of my favorite blogs that frequently shares data visualizations and infographics, Flowing Data, hosts a recurring community challenge entitled Visualize This. Basically the community remixes original visualizations of data and makes them better. This is a neat idea by itself you could try out: host a recurring contest to bring your community together and share the content produced back to subscribers.

It could be on anything of course, not just data visualizations. A recent project was on where the public gets their news which is a topic that’s of-interest to readers here, and also the content presented allows me to make a quick point. The original image shown from PEW research center: This data shouldn’t surprise anyone and continues to paint the larger story of the world we’ve been talking about for years. You can check out the full report here. And while the original isn’t bad – a remix of the data (my favourite of the group) makes the point even better: Internet se posouvá k profesionálnímu obsahu. | Jindřich Lauschmann Nový report nazvaný GlobalWebIndex stvořený spoluprací agentur Trendstream a Lightspeed Research přinesl tři základní poznatky. Spotřebitelé se posunují k profesionálně tvořenému obsahu, více se přiklánějí k realtime sociálním médiím a stále častěji jim stačí tzv. balíčkový, tedy poskytovatelem obsahu omezený, přístup k internetu.

GlobalWebIndex vychází ze tří průzkumů provedených na největších světových trzích s časovým odstupem společností Lightspeed Research. Data získaná z těchto “vln”, jak jsou ve studii tři fáze získávání podkladů nazvány, zpracovala agentura Trendstream a dovodila z nich aktuální trendy v oblasti sociálních médií a internetu vůbec. Vlny proběhly v červenci 2009, lednu 2010 a září 2010. V poslední z nich bylo dotazováno napříč různými trhy celkem 51 tisíc lidí, na každý trh přitom připadlo nejméně 2250 respondentů. Profesionálně tvořený obsah nabývá významu, hlavně pro velké značky Mobilní aplikace a internet v televizi naznačují budoucnost. Internet roku 2010 v číslech. | Jindřich Lauschmann Internetem prošlo v roce 2010 celkem 107 bilionů e-mailů, přesněji 294 miliard denně.

Celkové množství stránek je 255 milionů, z toho 21,5 milionu jich přibylo v minulém roce. Měsíčně na Facebook jeho uživatelé nahráli v uplynulém roce 3 miliardy fotografií. Royal Pingdom sestavilo statistiky užití internetu za rok 2010. Royal Pingdom dalo dohromady za rok 2010 v číslech přehled toho, co se dělo na internetu. E-mail 294 miliard odeslaných e-mailů denně1,88 miliardy uživatelů -emailu480 milionů nových uživatelů e-mailu oproti předchozímu roku262 miliard e-mailů byl spam (89 procent)2,9 miliardy e-mailových adres25 procent e-mailových adres bylo pracovních Webové stránky 255 milionů webových stránek21,4 milionu nových webových stránek za rok 2010 Doménové názvy Uživatelé Sociální média Video Obrázky.

HOW TO: Deal With Negative Online Sentiment About Your Brand. Maria Ogneva is the Head of Community at Yammer, where she is in charge of social media and community programs, and internal education and engagement. You can follow her on Twitter, her blog, and via Yammer's Twitter account and company blog. Brands try to inspire excitement among their communities so that their fans and supporters will do the selling for them. That’s called advocacy, and it's much more powerful than self-promotion. There are of course many ways to cultivate that fan base and get your advocates motivated On the flip side, however, are “badvocates” –- the folks who spread negative comments about you with their networks. For example, Kevin Smith’s experience with Southwest Airlines. It's important for any business learn how to handle this badvocacy. Causes of Badvocacy In most cases, badvocacy is a result of negative experiences with your brand.

Inconsistency across channels and touchpoints. Chronic Complainers Finding Badvocates Figure out the issue. Excellent experience. Finding the right place on the map ... - Knihy Google. Čas paniky - noviny a magazíny na iPadu se neprodávají. Před pár dny jsem na Twitteru a Facebooku upozorňoval na článek Memo Pad: iPad Magazine Sales Drop. Poučné čtení, které se stalo inspirací a zdrojem pro řadu dalších článků a blognutí. Ve většině případů jde ovšem o něco "já to říkal" nebo "my to věděli" a "noviny a magazíny na iPadu nemají šanci". Je čas se nad tím trochu více zamyslet, protože nic není tak černobílé, jak to vypadá.

A mohu to udělat o to snáz, že obsah vstřebávám na počítači, mobilním telefonu, Kindle čtečce a iPadu. Související Informace o tom, že prodej noviny a magazínu na iPadu se snižuje (nebo v příznivějším případě zastavilm viz Memo Pad: iPad Magazine Sales Drop) není překvapivá. Odpovídají tomu i čísla - Vanity Fair prodal 8 700 digitálních vydání v listopadu zatímco v srpnu až říjnu v průměru prodal 10 500 kusů.

Nepříznivých faktorů je ale více Cena hraje významnou roli - jakkoliv je velmi snadné jedním kliknutím cokoliv na iPadu koupit (a většina lidí moc nepřemýšlí a nepočítá), je zde jeden zásadní problém. First Amazon Took Down Booksellers…Are Publishers Next? It’s not that Amazon set out to destroy small book stores. They just offered a better option for a large number of people. Now, Amazon is increasingly offering small features here and there that taken together may start to make a traditional publisher a lot less necessary for authors. No one is more shocked by that sentence than I am.

While I’ve jumped firmly from old-media to new-media when it comes to articles and videos, I’ve remained a big believer that self-publishing via eBook isn’t yet a viable option for most authors, assuming you want a lot of people to read your book. It’s just not personally satisfying either. Don’t get me wrong– I’m sure I will sell more eBooks than physical books this year and over my lifetime. But it won’t always be reality, and Amazon has quietly been doing small things on Author Central to help authors take more control. Amazon recently integrated with Facebook to allow people with Amazon accounts to “like” books.

The sales info was really the stunner.