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Alcohol-Free Cannabis Tincture. Story by Subcool Photos by Subcool and MzJill I’d like to show you how to make this amazing cannabis preparation. It’s a vegetable-glycerin-based tincture that you can make with just a few inexpensive kitchen items. I’m specifying vegetable glycerin so that you don’t confuse it with the product used to make soap, which comes from animal fats and is definitely not the same thing. Vegetable glycerin is used in cough syrups and many other products and is safe for human consumption. Glycerin – also known as glycerol – is easy to find. I like to take the high-quality shake and bud and grind them up well, then place them in a two-quart glass jar. Once the jar is 90 percent filled with ground weed and kif, slowly add the glycerin until the weed is covered and the jar is full.

Choosing Strains for the “Tinc” Now here is where some knowledge of individual cannabis strains can be very helpful. We’ve also seen incredible results with people using the tinc to treat migraines. Tincture Time. CW Analytical - Accurate, Affordable Medical Cannabis Testing in the San Francisco Bay Area | CW Analytical provides accurate, affordable medical marijuana safety, potency, and quality assurance testing in California. — Cannabis Analysis Labs. EdibleCannabisRegulations. Strain List | THCFarmer Community. Its about time to start listing strains we are working, things in the works. Its starting to get confusing and let this be the main resource. To start, most of it is just a rough draft as I get to strain and can do a more comprehensive write-up, so it will be a work in progress for a week or so as I get all my ducks in a row.Moondawg - (Chem91 x Dj Short's Old Time Moonshine) This breeding projects main purpose was to take the power and potency of the Chem91 that can often lead to sweaty palms and racing heartbeats and combine it with a breed that has strong anti-anxiety effects to create something that maintains the potency of the high but create something that is calm at the same time.

This breed will show a fair amount of diversity and expect to see phenos ranging from short squat indica plants to full blown sativa type plants. The tastes and aromas will also vary from sweet kush/hash flavors to straight rancid fuel type aromas. The Best CBD Strains of 2015. Take a look back in time at the best CBD entrants to all the Cannabis Cups of 2015. Non-psychoactive on its own, CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and is being investigated for its reported anti-cancer properties.

Find out the lineage, lab results and judges' commentary of the top three in every category. Many winners took heavy-hitting CBD mainstays like Cannatonic or Harlequin and crossed them with flavor kings like Girl Scout Cookies or Skywalker OG. These fantastic combos awed judges across the board, while continuing to deliver active doses of CBD. Not just for medicinal patients, strains with CBD have different psychoactive effects than strains with only THC. While the breadth of its effects is unknown, CBD stimulates the same receptors in the brain THC does, CB1, but in a different way.

CBD strains can have unique flavors reminiscent of cherries. 2015 World Cannabis Cup CBD Flowers 1st Place - CBD OG by C.R.A.F.T. Lineage: Trident x Skywalker OG. Profile: 19.5% CBD 9.01% THC. Paleo for Women Flax, marijuana, hops, and 44 other phytoestrogen sources you might not know you're consuming - Paleo for Women. 107 Flares Twitter 7 Facebook 0 Google+ 1 Pin It Share 99 97 Email -- Email to a friend 107 Flares × Phytoestrogens are a topic of hot debate in the medical literature. To eat, or not to eat? To cure cancer, or to beget it? As chemicals that act like–but are not identical to–estrogen in the human body, phytoestrogens complicate biological functions.

Phytoestrogens are found in plant foods. For more on the science of phytoestrogens, and specifically how they relate to estrogen deficiency and dominance in the female body, check out my post Phytoestrogens in the Body, and How They Interfere with Natural Hormone Balance. What I say in that article, briefly, is that phytoestrogens take up places on estrogen receptors in the body. Phytoestrogens can also be harmful for women with estrogen dominance, if their bodies do not respond to the increased estrogen load and instead end up over-burdening their systems.

My personal experience is that I am enormously sensitive to phytoestrogens. Finally! Top Five Marijuana Strains For PMS. There’s a serious lack of information around how cannabis can help female-specific health issues. It’s interesting to see how much research is out around issues like PTSD and other forms of anxiety, yet the health issues that disproportionately affect women are rarely talked about.

This isn’t to say that women don’t also suffer from these issues, but things like premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMDD) or menopause are hardly mentioned in relation to cannabis. Why is this? Possibly because the cannabis industry is almost always synonymous with bro-culture, pandering to twenty-something male stoners. Due to unexamined sexism within the cannabis industry, research around female- specific health issues like PMS is still widely unknown.

When looking for pain relief, it is important to smoke an indica-dominant strain. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Moms, Menopause, and Marijuana? I have an amazing mom. She’s kind, unique, and without trying to sell some iconoclastic image she’s completely unafraid to be her self. She let her hair go white in her 40s and stopped wearing make-up in the 80s. She also gave me the movie Reefer Madness as a gift when I started college, giggling as I opened it, which kind of makes her awesome. My mom is my biggest cheerleader, fiercely proud of her daughter who studies pot. My mom went to visit some friends who are also in their late 50s. “You know marijuana’s legal now, right?” She laughed. Afterwards, my mom told me the story. For a lot of woman, using hormonal therapies and other medications prescribed for menopausal symptom relief just isn’t worth the associated risks.

Something I chatted with my mom about was what symptoms her friends were using cannabis to relieve. I love my mom and her friends, but let’s not just take their word for it that cannabis can relieve symptoms of menopause. Well-being and Symptoms Relief. The Yanghai Tombs near Turpan, Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region, China have recently been excavated to reveal the 2700-year-old grave of a Caucasoid shaman whose accoutrements included a large cache 30 of cannabis, superbly preserved by climatic and burial conditions. A multidisciplinary international team demonstrated through botanical examination, phytochemical investigation, and genetic deoxyribonucleic acid analysis by polymerase chain reaction that this material contained tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component of cannabis, its oxidative degradation product, cannabinol, other metabolites, and its synthetic enzyme, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase, as well as a novel genetic variant with two single nucleotide polymorphisms.

The cannabis was presumably employed by this culture as a medicinal or psychoactive agent, or an aid to divination. Russo EB, Jiang HE, Li X et al. Insomnia As Dr. Depression and Mood Swings You afraid to “get high”? Osteoporosis Pain Relief Weigh Loss. Medical Marijuana Menopausal Syndrome Treatments | Cannabis Symptom Relief. Menopausal syndrome----- Menopause is a term used to describe the permanent cessation of the primary functions of the human ovaries: the ripening and release of ova and the release of hormones that cause both the creation of the uterine lining and the subsequent shedding of the uterine lining (a.k.a. the menses or the period). Menopause typically (but not always) occurs in women in midlife, during their late 40s or early 50s, and signals the end of the fertile phase of a woman's life. The transition from reproductive to non-reproductive is the result of a major reduction in female hormonal production by the ovaries.

This transition is normally slow, tends to occur over a period of years, and is a natural consequence of aging. However, for some women, the accompanying signs and effects that can occur during the menopause transition years can significantly disrupt their daily activities and their sense of well-being. Recommendation: Indica x Sativa hybrid (whole plant extract). Strains — Life Gardens. Over the decades, landrace strains (the original, naturally occurring indica and sativa strains which grew in different parts of the world) have been selectively bred with each other to produce boutique strains with favorable qualities; primarily for unique flavors, high potency, and specific effects.

While there are balanced hybrids that are half indica and half sativa, most hybrid strains are either sativa-dominant or indica-dominant. Hybrid strains make it easier for users to select a marijuana strain that has the right balance of indica and sativa for their preference. Blaine's Cannabis Honey - The Stoner's Cookbook. Blaine's Cannabis Honey This weed infusion is a staple for any pantry, allowing you to easily and quickly medicate with precise dosing by sweetening any meal with a touch of honey! Learn how to decarboxylate your weed before cooking with it, for the full psychoactive effect! Ingredients Phoenix Tears (see Phoenix Tears) Honey / Agave Nectar Solid heatproof jar Large pot Directions Use one dose of Phoenix Tears per tablespoon of honey, equivalent to 4g marijuana Mix with honey in a large heatproof glass jar Simmer in water in the pot on low heat with continuous stirring until the colour is consistent.

Medical Cannabis Oil, CBD-Rich, THC Oil: Constance Pure Botanical Extracts. Blaine's Cannabis Honey - The Stoner's Cookbook. MagicalButter Home - Eat To Treat™ with Healthy Herbs. AAMC: Cooking with Cannabis. AAMC: Cannabis Elixir. This is a re-creation of an old remedy from the 1800’s. It involves suspending the cannabinoids in sugar syrup in what is known as a micellized solution.

This is a very easy process similar to making candy but one should use care when evaporating alcohol (a distillation device makes this part very nice). To begin, thoroughly dry the herb to be used and make a strong tincture (190 proof is best). Grind it to a powder and then just cover with alcohol and let it stand somewhere dark for a couple weeks. After this is done strain the alcohol from the herb and save it.

The herb is now spent and can be thrown out. This basic recipe can be used to create an elixir from any tincture and the basic cannabis elixir can be modified for specific ailments. Top | Home | Mission | Patient Resources | Medical Uses | News & Events | Recipes Search | Message Board | Gallery | Contribute | Links | Contact Us. Got cancer? Decarboxylate your Cannabis – Dennis Hill. Decarboxylation is simply removing a carboxyl group (CO2+H) from the phytocannabinoid THCA to create the active THC, that will now fit the CB-1 receptor on certain cells.

This process occurs simply through heating. You can use high heat for a short time, or medium heat for a longer time. High heat destroys much of the beneficial chemistry of the cannabinoids, terpinoids, and flavinoids. The optimum temperature is 240ºF. for 30-45 minutes. There is much opinion about the process, but this is a good place to start.

Essential to the success of this process is the preparation of the plant material previous to heating. It is possible to perform the decarboxylation either on the extract, or with the dry plant material. Why decarboxylation? ~ Dennis Hill High on Health: CBD in the Food Supply ( Like this: Like Loading... Related Are drug companies making a marijuana super pill? Reprinted with permission from the author. In "big pharma" Patients for Medical Cannabis. Marijuana tincture. “The benefit from smoking as a route of administration is instant action and the ability of the patient to self titrate the dose needed for relief. Here we describe how patients can achieve similar quick acting relief and the ability to control dose without smoking.

It is important that the medical community understand that whole cannabis products are available today that provide significant relief without smoking. We don’t have to wait for a pharmaceutical pill to be developed years in the future in order to have the benefits of cannabis. The present pill (Marinol) has proven very unsatisfactory due to a long delay of action time, poor absorption in the GI tract, and its failure to include many of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory cannabinoids present in whole cannabis and its extracts. Tinctures are not new. The best way to use tinctures is sublingually (under the tongue).

Here is Dr. A Note from Jay R. Tincture is an extraction of active cannabinoids from plant material. 1. 2. How Cannabis Acts as a Substitute for Alcohol and a Cure for Alcoholism. The name of Tod Mikuriya, MD (1935-2007), may be unfamiliar to many people who have recently gotten interested medical marijuana —joined the movement, in a sense. Tod himself would not be surprised about his leadership role getting obscured. “It’s not just marijuana that got prohibited, it’s the truth about history,” he used to say. Mikuriya was a Berkeley-based psychiatrist who helped draft Proposition 215, the 1996 initiative that legalized marijuana for medical use in California. It was he who insisted that the law should cover not just the gravely ill, but patients coping with “any other condition for which marijuana provides relief.” For several years after Prop 215 passed, Tod was the only doctor in California known to issue approvals readily for conditions other than AIDS and cancer.

He called the new law “a unique research opportunity,” and kept adding to the list of conditions known to be treatable by cannabis. In 1970 the author reported on Mrs. Identifying Alcoholism Efficacy. Recipe: How to Make Cannabis-Infused Tea.