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Natural Homemade Shampoo- Easy Recipe. 6 Homemade Hair Detox Shampoos & Masks. The hair care industry makes billions and billions of dollars each year worldwide, but you don’t have to contribute to it if you don’t want to.

6 Homemade Hair Detox Shampoos & Masks

It’s possible to make your own detox shampoos and hair mask treatments to strip your scalp of the built up chemicals and toxins and reveal it’s naturally clean self. We’ve accumulated some of the best recipes that will show you exactly how to make and use these concoctions to the great benefit of your hair and scalp. Homemade Detox Shampoos to Cleanse and Nourish the Scalp Use these shampoos to effectively cleanse the scalp and free it from impurities that traditional shampoos leave behind. Lemon and Cucumber Shampoothie The lemon in this will get your scalp nice and clean, as the citric acid will go to work.

All Natural pH Balanced Shampoo If you’re concerned about the pH levels of your hair, this is one way to make sure that everything is in proper balance, and you can do it without having to shell out money to Big Shampoo. Coconut Milk Shampoo. 19 Fantastic Natural Homemade Shampoos ... Natural homemade shampoo is safe to use, healthy, amazingly budget-friendly or, in short, everything our standard store-bought shampoo isn’t which, you will agree, does make for a pretty good reason to give DIY shampoos a go.

19 Fantastic Natural Homemade Shampoos ...

And with so many fantastic natural ingredients just waiting to be used in all those modern and traditional natural shampoo recipes and a list of 18 fantastic DIY shampoos, it’s time to go DIY or go home! First on my list of natural homemade shampoos is a recipe I’ve promised to one of our readers some time ago then shuffled through a whole lot of old notebooks only to realize I don’t have it anymore. Luckily, there are ladies out there who still had it and although it took some time, I finally managed to get my hands on it!

Ingredients: Organic Nettle Shampoo (500ml) 1-2 Table Spoons Panthenol Solution Stinging Nettle Extract (25ml) 2-3 Vials Vitamin B Complex Castor Oil (50ml) DIY Honey Shampoo. If you had told me last year that my shelf of hair care products would be reduced to a homemade honey shampoo, I would not have believed you.

DIY Honey Shampoo

Shampoo, conditioner, conditioning mask and painfully pricey anti-frizz serum… how could humble honey replace all of that? Let me start at the beginning. This past year, I’ve been on a crazy hippie journey to eliminate toxic products from my life. Now, I’m excited to say that all of my body care items are homemade and non toxic. This includes: toothpaste, deodorant, body moisturizer (a blend of coconut oil, emu oil and essential oils), facial oil, and facial toner. I’ve been washing my hair with this DIY honey shampoo for the past month and I LOVE the results! The pH of the scalp is between 4 and 7, and the pH of honey is about 4. Want to ditch the chemicals in regular shampoo and renew your scalp? Ingredients Instructions Make the shampoo "single serving" basis to prevent spoilage. How to store the honey shampoo Honey Shampoo Updates and FAQs.