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Competitive Programming: What are some must-know topics in discrete math and probability for competitive programming. Microsoft: What is it like to work on Bing's Core Relevance and Ranking team. Michael Yong: How did Michael Yong get good enough to pass a Quora/Google interview shortly after switching to Computer Science. TopCoder :: Algorithm Browser. Unix Commands: What is a good 1-hour-long tutorial on bash and the linux command line. Node.js Explained. Node.js Hackday: Using Node.js as an API server by Paul Querna. Styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects. Every major open-source project has its own style guide: a set of conventions (sometimes arbitrary) about how to write code for that project.

It is much easier to understand a large codebase when all the code in it is in a consistent style. “Style” covers a lot of ground, from “use camelCase for variable names” to “never use global variables” to “never use exceptions.” This project holds the style guidelines we use for Google code. If you are modifying a project that originated at Google, you may be pointed to this page to see the style guides that apply to that project.

Our C++ Style Guide, Objective-C Style Guide, Java Style Guide, Python Style Guide, Shell Style Guide, HTML/CSS Style Guide, JavaScript Style Guide, AngularJS Style Guide, Common Lisp Style Guide, and Vimscript Style Guide are now available. We have also released cpplint, a tool to assist with style guide compliance, and google-c-style.el, an Emacs settings file for Google style. An Introduction to the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) Introduction The Standard Library is a fundamental part of the C++ Standard. It provides C++ programmers with a comprehensive set of efficiently implemented tools and facilities that can be used for most types of applications.

In this article, I present an introduction/tutorial on the Standard Template Library, which is the most important section of the Standard Library. I briefly present the fundamental concepts in the STL, showing code examples to help you understand these concepts. The article requires and assumes previous knowledge of the basic language features of the C++, in particular, templates (both function templates and class templates). For a detailed description or listing of all the STL facilities, you should consult a reference material, such as Bjarne Stroustrup's The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition , or Matthew Austern's Generic Programming and the STL.

Containers and Iterators Pop quiz: What do arrays and linked lists have in common? Linked lists: while (current ! Codesprint Quora - Interviewstreet. Mame/quine-relay. Learn Git Branching. (38) Akshit Khurana's answer to Python (programming language): What are the best Python scripts you've ever written. KDE Dev Guide.

To start developing on the KDE Development Platform you will need to get familiar with the Qt framework, which is one of building blocks of KDE development. Qt (pronounced officially as cute) is a cross-platform application framework based on C++, that is widely used for developing application software with a graphical user interface (GUI). Thus, it is largely a widget toolkit, but is also used for developing non-GUI programs such as command-line tools and consoles for servers. Besides the KDE Development Platform, Qt is most notably used in Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop Elements, OPIE, Skype, VLC media player, VirtualBox, and Mathematica, and by the European Space Agency, DreamWorks, Google, HP, Lucasfilm, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Siemens, Volvo, and Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Writing code once to target multiple platforms Creating amazing user experiences Doing more (and faster!) Blending web and native code in a single application. (19) Happiness: What are the best pictures that showcase happiness. (19) Michael Yong: How did Michael Yong get good enough to pass a Quora/Google interview shortly after switching to Computer Science. (19) Michael Yong: How did Michael Yong get good enough to pass a Quora/Google interview shortly after switching to Computer Science. CSS Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design. CodeSprint-4 on Hacker Rank.

Fizz Buzz Challenge on Hacker Rank. Amusement of a dilettante mind... Amusement of a speculative mind.... Code Sprint - 2, Algorithmic Problems. This post is for all the self proclaimed geeks who love resolving complex algorithmic problems. Below are the questions from code sprint 2, an online coding contest. Time to overclock your brains. Happy coding. Coin toss You have an unbiased coin which you want to keep tossing until you get N consecutive heads. You've tossed the coin M times and surprisingly, all tosses resulted in heads. What is the expected number of additional tosses needed until you get N consecutive heads? Input: The first line contains the number of cases T. Output: Output T lines containing the answer for the corresponding test case. Sample Input: 4 2 0 2 1 3 3 3 2 Sample Output: 6.00 4.00 0.00 8.00 Permutation This is an approximation solution type problem.

Task: Given n and V, find the permutation p that maximizes the sum of the associated values of the consecutive pair coordinates Constraints: n <= 50 Input: First line contains n Next n lines contains n integers, forming the matrix V Polygon Sub-sequence Weighting. CodeSprint-4 on Hacker Rank. CodeSprint 3. CodeSprint - 3 CodeSprint 3 is an event designed to help bring the best talent from around the world to the startups and companies in the Bay Area that need them. At Interviewstreet we are constantly blown away by the talent that we see on our site everyday. We're starting a series of CodeSprints every month for programmers across the globe starting October. This is open to international candidates as well. Login to Contest x Login to Interviewstreet Select your login method: Login with Facebook Login with Google Standard Login CodeSprint - 3 Region: USA CodeSpint 3 will be sponsored by an eclectic assortment of companies ranging from small startups to big corporations.

Overview This event will be a 24 hour contest. Eligibility CodeSprint 3 is open to all human beings with access to computer. Problems Approximate algorithm problems, AI and algorithmic challenges Contact Still have questions? Are you a company interested in participating in a CodeSprint? Codesprint Sequoia - Interviewstreet. Challenges | Programming problems and challenges | HackerRank. The problem with GNOME 3 | Felipe Contreras. Since I started using Linux I used GNOME, v1.2 in those times. It has always done what I needed, maybe not perfectly, and not fully, but for the most part. GNOME 3 changed all that. I complained about GNOME 3 since day one, and I discussed with GNOME 3 developers many problems with their rationale about why what they were doing made sense, and I foresaw many of the problems they are now facing. I even started the GNOME user survey, in an effort to make GNOME developers see the light.

I blogged once before about GNOME 3, but only superficially, and even then GNOME developers didn’t take it well. Two years after the first release of GNOME 3, once GNOME developers have had the time to polish the rough edges, it’s time to make the call; GNOME 3 sucks. The purpose of GNOME Before we start, we need to clarify the purpose of GNOME, or rather; the purpose of any software project in general, which is to be useful to the users.

What users want Developer attitude People hate new things Really? Gsettings. Steve Mann: My “Augmediated” Life. Previous SlideNext Slide Photo: Ryan Enn Hughes 1999–PRESENT: The author has been designing and wearing computerized eyewear for decades, the gear increasing markedly in sophistication over time. 1978 The author has been designing and wearing computerized eyewear for decades, the gear increasing markedly in sophistication over time. 1994 The author has been designing and wearing computerized eyewear for decades, the gear increasing markedly in sophistication over time. 1998 The author has been designing and wearing computerized eyewear for decades, the gear increasing markedly in sophistication over time. 1998-2002 The author has been designing and wearing computerized eyewear for decades, the gear increasing markedly in sophistication over time.

Back in 2004, I was awakened early one morning by a loud clatter. Was it blind luck (pardon the expression) that I was wearing this vision-enhancing system at the time of the accident? Why did I go to such extremes? Of course, I could be wrong. Raffaello D'Andrea | Dynamic Works. Homepage | MIT EECS. Steve Jobs building NeXT. What Is A Framework? Preface The What is better? Smarter programmers or safer programming environments? Is the impetus for this article. After I stuck my foot in it (again), saying that .NET and MFC are not frameworks, Paul Watson asked one of the two obvious questions--"what is a framework? " (the other obvious question being, "If .NET and MFC are not frameworks, then what are they?

") Well, Paul's question is an excellent one (and the better of the two, I think), and it led me down this road in an attempt to put my money where my mouth is, as it were. Introduction From my perspective, a framework does several things: it makes it easier to work with complex technologies it ties together a bunch of discrete objects/components into something more useful it forces the team (or just me) to implement code in a way that promotes consistent coding, fewer bugs, and more flexible applications everyone can easily test and debug the code, even code that they didn't write wrappers. A Framework Is... A Wrapper An Architecture. Aaron Greenspan :: Writing. Quora’s Technology Examined. Quora has taken the tech and entrepreneurial world by storm, providing a system that works so fluidly that it is sometimes hard to see what the big fuss is all about. This slick tool is powered, not only by an intelligent crowd of askers and answerers, but by a well-crafted backend created by co-founders who honed their skills at Facebook.

It is not surprising that, with all the smart people using this smart tool, there are many pondering on how it works so well. The NoSQL boffins scratch their heads and ponder such questions as, “Why does Quora use MySQL as the data store rather than NoSQLs such as Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, etc? “. In this blog post I will delve into the snippets of information available on Quora and look at Quora from a technical perspective. Components Of Quora The general components that make up Quora are… The last point, the super-fast auto-complete search-box, is one of the defining features of Quora. What’s Cooking Under That Hood? The Search-Box Speedy Queries Nginx. Cascading and inheritance - Web developer guide. Go to Previous Section: How CSS works.

This is the fourth section of the CSS Getting Started tutorial; it outlines how stylesheets interact in a cascade, and how elements inherit style from their parents. You add to your sample stylesheet, using inheritance to alter the style of many parts of your document in one step. Information: Cascading and inheritance The final style for an element can be specified in many different places, which can interact in a complex way. Three main sources of style information form a cascade .

The browser's default styles for the markup language. The user's style modifies the browser's default style. Example When you read this document in a browser, part of the style that you see comes from your browser's defaults for HTML. Part of the style might come from customized browser settings or a customized style definition file. Part of the style comes from stylesheets linked to the document by the wiki server. The <strong> elements are red.

More details Challenge. Machine Learning Blog | Bid Optimizing and Inventory Scoring in Targeted Online Advertising. (2) Google Summer of Code (GSoC): What are some programs other than and similar to GSoC, to gain some experience as well as improve coding skills. (2) Google Summer of Code (GSoC): What are some programs other than and similar to GSoC, to gain some experience as well as improve coding skills.

Announce | Diary of a Data-Driven Product Manager. ASF in the GSoC I received a message now from Sally Khudairi , in behalf of the Apache Software Foundation announcing that they will be participating in the Google Summer of Code again this year: I let you the completed message: The Apache Software Foundation will be participating in the Google Summer of Code again this year as a mentoring organization. Google Summer of Code is a program where students work on open source projects backed by a stipend granted by Google.

Each year, 30-40 students are guided by volunteer mentors from various Apache communities. This year we hope to build on our previous successes and again build student interest and enthusiasm in The Apache Software Foundation. If you are enrolled as a university student and always wanted to get involved with Apache, here’s is your chance. Final Thoughts Happy Hacking !!! (3) Quora Infrastructure: Why did Quora choose Python for its development. (3) Computer Programming: What programming languages are used in developing websites like Quora and Facebook. Google S Larry Page Fed Up With Heated Zero Sum Competition Among Tech Firms - Latest Technology News | :: TopCoder: What is the best way to start solving problems in sites like Topcoder, SPOJ etc.? What are the prerequisites before one can attempt such questions.

Learning to Program: What are the best ways for a complete beginner to learn programming. What is the best way to educate yourself on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX. Learning JavaScript: What are the best resources for learning JavaScript. HTML: What is the best way to learn HTML. CodeSprint-4 on Hacker Rank. We're Playing a Long-Term Game, Says Quora CEO Adam D'Angelo - Liz Gannes. Visiting Quora is striking because it seems to be one of the rare places on the Internet where a diverse group of people come out of the woodwork to try to be smart and thoughtful.

That just doesn’t happen very often. But then, it can be easy to forget to visit Quora, with its random jumble of writings on topics that are interesting but not crucial. As Quora’s co-founder, CEO and also a significant investor, Adam D’Angelo is the driving force behind the site as it expands from Q&A to other kinds of writing. In an interview last week at the company’s new Mountain View, Calif., headquarters, the former Facebook CTO downplayed concerns about the revenue-free Quora growing too slowly, saying he believes he can outlast the faddish companies that come and go by building a high-quality product.

Why harp on growth? Here’s an edited and condensed write-up of the chat: Liz Gannes: How would you describe where Quora as a company is now? What do you use the data for — is it personalization? Really? The 10 Hottest & Most Eligible Bachelors in Silicon Valley – The Valley Byte. 10. Matthew Charles Mullenweg – WordPress Photo from: Business Week At the age of 19, this native Texan founded WordPress, the free and open source web software that powers 15% of the web. Despite having dropped out of the University of Houston and never receiving a degree, Mullenweg is estimated to have a net worth of $40 million. Not only is he renowned as an innovator of open source technology, Mullenweg actively supports several charities and is an expert at the jazz saxophone. 9.

Blake Ross – Firefox Photo from: Wikipedia After taking a leave of absence from Stanford University, this 26-year-old software developer started the Firefox Project while working at the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to preserving an open-source Web. 8. Photo from: Forbes This 26-year-old Iranian-American dropped out of MIT in his last year to focus on his business, Dropbox. 7. Photo from: Telegraph 6. Image from: Huffington Post 5. Image from: Business Insider 4. 3. Image from: New York Times 2. 1.

Showcase Of Creative Flash Preloaders. Advertisement When it comes to Flash, images, animation, videos and sound effects are often used on large scale. Consequence: in most cases Flash takes quite much time to load and requires a good dose of patience from users. Users know it and are often willing to give a Flash-site some time to load. However, to count on user’s patience, Flash-designers need to inform site visitors how much patience is actually required. If it isn’t done, the latter have no anchor point to estimate how much more time is needed and consequently close the browser window thinking that the site simply doesn’t work properly. Flash-preloaders are supposed to avoid exactly this. It’s important to inform visitors about what is happening. ff0000 informs the visitors about the modules which are loaded on the site.

In this post you’ll find some creative Flash-preloaders which may serve as an inspiration for your Flash-projects. Please notice that 1. Changing from black-white background to a red one. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CS 183 -Peter Thiel – Entire Class Readings | The Next Mile. For those of you who want to complement Blake Master’s notes with the class readings: Class 1: The Challenge of the Future (4/2) 1.

“How to make Wealth” -Paul Graham 2. Class 2: Party Like it’s 1999? 1. 2. 3. 3. Class 3: Value Systems (4/9) 1. Class 4: The Last Mover Advantage (4/11) 1. Class 5: The Mechanics of Mafia (4/16) 1. 2. Class 6: Thiel’s Law (4/18) 1. Class 7: Follow the Money (4/23) 1. 2. Class 8: Pitch (4/25) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class 12: War and Peace (5/19) 1. Class 13: You are not a lottery ticket (5/14) 1. Class 14: Seeing Green (5/16) 1. 2. Class 15: Back to the Future (5/21) 1.

Class 16: Decoding Ourselves (5/23) 1. Class 17: Deep Thought (5/30) 1. Class 18: Founder as Victim or God (6/4) 1. Class 19: Stagnation and Singularity (6/6) I am trying to figure out what’s the most effective way to share the class slides and other material not available online. Notes Essays—Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup—Stanford, Spring 2012. (66) Quora Recruitment Stories: How did Vladimir Novakovski get recruited to Quora.

(66) Quora (company): What is the recruiting process like at Quora. Install - Gazebo Wiki. RT 2011: Screencast 01 - emacs keyboard introduction. Vision Life. Algorithm Tutorials. (62) TopCoder: How should I practice so that I will be at a level where I can approach TopCoder's Div1-500 problems with confidence. (62) Algorithms: What is needed to become good algorithmist like top rankers in Topcoder/Spoj/GCJ. How Quora Founder and Ex-Facebook CTO Adam D'Angelo Became a TopCoder. (62) Adam D'Angelo: How did Adam D'Angelo improve so fast in TopCoder. (62) What it's like to start work at Quora - Posts - Quora. What Is Google App Engine? - Google App Engine. What is Google App Engine? (55) What does it take to become a programmer as good as a typical programmer working at Google.

Brian Douglas. Student Dave's tutorials. Error hiding. Top 50 Free Open Source Classes on Computer Science : Comtechtor.