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Help for Young Learners: How To Choose AT? By: National Center for Technology Innovation and Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd) (2006) Young children with disabilities need an enriched environment to promote their social and cognitive participation and growth. Technologies, from low to high-tech, can play a role in promoting their participation, but are often underutilized. This Info Brief presents an introduction to the role of assistive technology (AT) for young children with disabilities, highlights a six-step framework representing a collaborative approach for AT decision making for young children, and provides links to new resources for researchers and service teams, including the TAM Technology Fan.

The early challenge During the first three years, children change more rapidly than at any other stage of their lives. Assistive technology (AT) tools and strategies make it easier for young children with disabilities not only to participate in day-to-day activities, but also to do so independently. Endnotes. Welcome to TechMatrix | TechMatrix. LD OnLine: The world's leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD. LD Resources. Target the Problem! Welcome to Target the Problem! , a tool to help parents and classroom teachers understand the specific problems a child may be having with reading. You'll find practical suggestions on what you (and kids themselves) can do to help students overcome or deal with their reading difficulties. Overview Target the Problem! In depth For more comprehensive information, click below to learn about areas where kids often have reading difficulties: What you'll find in each section An explanation of the problem and how it affects a child's reading Information on how children experience the difficulty as well as what it may look like from a parent's or teacher's point of view Suggestions on what parents, teachers, and kids themselves can do to help Links to more information You can also download and print this handout version of "Target the Problem!

" Download the handout (246K PDF)* Things to be aware of There are many reasons why reading can be hard. We hope you'll use this information as a starting point. Target the Problem! ATTO: Assistive Technology Training Online. CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology. Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd) TeachingLD. The International Dyslexia Association Promoting literacy through research, education and advocacy.

Council for Learning Disabilities. Developing an Accessible Technology Plan. Although each organization is unique and has unique requirements, common steps are involved in developing a good accessible technology plan. Following is a proven five-step plan used in many technology development plans that has simply been applied to accessible technology. Many of the themes described here are based on the steps in Susan Conway's and Char Sligar's book Unlocking Knowledge Assets. (Conway, Sligar 2002). Thinking through your strategy and requirements will reduce costs and increase efficiency—reducing false-starts, ensuring compatibility with existing technology, and accurately addressing your organization's unique situation and needs. The five steps are: Define the accessible technology strategy. Step 1: Define the Accessible Technology Strategy In this important first step, you describe how accessible technology fits within your organization—specifically, how it fits with your business and competitive strategies, objectives, and measures of success.

Vision statement. Developing an Accessible Technology Plan.