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Bruce Paltrow’s World Famous Pancakes. Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. Updated 9/22/11 to Add: If you’re coming here to sample these delicious Cinnamon Roll Pancakes, you just might like the latest recipe that I’ve posted for Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too. And Gingerbread- Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too. Enjoy! Here’s a short video sharing how to make these delicious pancakes: If you’ve ever thought you needed a reason to eat pancakes, today is the day: National Pancake Day! How do you like your pancakes? But recently I started dreaming about mixing cinnamon rolls and pancakes together… and this is what I came up with- my new favorite pancake: Cinnamon Roll Pancakes.

I have a wonderfully fluffy pancake batter that I like to use (recipe below) so I swirled a bit of cinnamon roll filling into the pancake. And they cooked up just like a pancake- fluffy, but with craters of crusty, sugary cinnamon swirled within. You might find three of these stacked in a fancy breakfast restaurant, but I’m gonna tell you that one pancake is all you need. Oh yeah. Ingredients: Cinnamon Roll Wickedness | Heard the prophetic statement, “Wickedness never was happiness?” Of course it’s true, and I’m no heretic. However… I’m afraid I’ve found one teensy, weensy exception. Oh yeahhhhh. I just bet I’ve got your attention now. heh heh heh One of my cute little moms in my cute little class brought a couple pans of these amazing…no, no…FABULOUS cinnamon rolls–and seriously, it was all I could do not to hang on her leg as she went out the door. Before we start here, let me just make one gigantic disclaimer. This is… If you make these unbelievable little babies–and I’m thinkin’ you will–and decide to eat the entire batch all by yourself, and the kids find you later that evening sitting on the floor of the pantry with frosting on your chin in a sticky cinnamon stupor—mumbling something about a cruise to Cozumel and Johnny Depp, well now, my friends, I’m just not going to take responsibility for that.

Any more than I took when it happened… to… me. Go on–make them. I dare you. The Perfect Cinnamon Rolls Dude. Red Velvet Crêpes. I rolled my eyes at the red velvet cake trend, but now I can’t get enough. I’ll make any excuse to have ‘cake’ for breakfast– here’s my take on a classic. Red Velvet Crepes (Makes about 24, 8″ crepes) Ingredients: – 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon salt - 3 tablespoons sugar - 2 cups butter milk - 1 1/4 cup whole or lowfat milk - 1 large egg - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder, sifted - 1 tablespoon red food color gel - 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted + 2 tablespoons cooking oil (for pan) *Update: Because the buttermilk lends to the acidity of this batter, do not substitute the baking soda for extra baking powder.

If you add more baking powder, and omit the baking soda, you’ll end up with a heavy and dense crepe. In order to activate the baking soda, it requires an acidic substance, which the buttermilk provides. Directions: For the Mascarpone Filling:1. For Chocolate Ganche Sauce1. 2. 3. 4. Crepes are Easy! Crepes have traditionally been a “going out food” – food that you think is so tricky that you only get it at restaurants. Deep fried whole fish is another good example of “going out food.” Crepes on the other hand are surprisingly easy to make and tough to screw up.

The only tricky part is flipping them in the pan. About half way through my batch of 12 I had it down to a science and was flipping like a pro. I used a 10″ non-stick pan and it worked out great. I got 12 crepes out of the batch I made. Crepes From: Cook’s Illustrated Ingredients: 2 large eggs 1 cup whole milk 6 tablespoons water 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon table salt 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for brushing pan Directions: Mix all of the ingredients in food processor or blender until a smooth batter is formed, 3 to 4 seconds.If you want to make a very tender crepe, transfer the batter to a covered container and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
