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Master’s Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online. MOOC: bienvenue au Far West. L’effervescence qui entoure actuellement les MOOC conduit de nombreux acteurs privés et publics à se positionner sur ce terrain, chacun à sa manière. Certains recherchent de la visibilité, d’autres un modèle économique, ou même les deux. Pour illustrer les modèles économiques, les intentions et les manières de fonctionner des uns et des autres, je vous propose une métaphore qui est souvent utilisée dans le contexte d’émergence de niches économiques : la ruée vers l’or. Tout commence au moment où les pionniers Andrew Ng et Sebastian Thrun lancent leurs premiers MOOC d’intelligence artificielle en novembre 2011. 150.000 personnes s’inscrivent : le filon a été découvert, il faut maintenant l’exploiter.

Udacity: la compagnie minière Très rapidement après la fondation d’Udacity et de Coursera apparaît edX, consortium public à but non lucratif (ou en tout cas en principe) mené par le MIT et Harvard. Le consortium va attirer certains des établissements les plus prestigieux de la planète. New 'MOOC' Model for Online PD Offers Diverse Course Lineup - Digital Education. Open Education's Wide World of Possibilities - The Digital Campus. Social Pedagogies (#THE2013) Best content in Revolution or Evolution? Technology and Higher Ed. Clickers :: Agile Learning. Classroom response systems, or “clickers,” are instructional technologies that enable teachers to rapidly collect and analyze students’ responses to multiple-choice and free-response questions during class.

I am interested in helping college and university instructors explore types of questions and activities that take advantage of these technologies to productively transform the way they use class time. To that end, I’ve listed below a number of resources relevant to teaching with classroom response systems. General Resources Blog Posts I blog regularly about classroom response systems. Uses of Clickers Question Types Other Topics Teaching with Classroom Response Systems Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Engaging Students with Clickers Generating Classwide DiscussionsGenerating Small-Group DiscussionsCreating Times for TellingStructuring Class TimeMaking Class More Fun Chapter 2 – Assessing Students with Clickers Uncovering Student LearningEvaluating Student Learning Chapter 4 – Teaching Choices Dr.

What kind of software and online services are research labs using for social collaboration, and project, knowledge and lab management? @ Janne SmonenBibDesk, Bibme, EndNote, Referencer are some other software tools available for reference management. For blogging, Blogger, Tumblr, Wordpress are useful. For Task management, JIRA and Projects are useful. Hello, I am the founder of Docear which is a free and open source literature management software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Docear has a unique concept that helps you organizing, creating and discovering academic literature with a strong focus on the management of PDFs and annotations. If that sounds interesting to you, have a look at And you might also be interested in this article which is discussing some aspects of how to (not) chose a reference manager Hi, I know several labs that are using StrainControl and it is a highly appreciated software.

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity. EDUCAUSE Homepage | Learning to learn at university: Edinburgh Napier University staff conference, June 2010. Supporting modules with YouTube Brian Davison, School of Computing The Internet can be a source of excellent teaching material but one of the main issues is how to filter out the huge quantities of useless noise.

Internet video is no exception - witness the many hundreds of "funny animal" clips on YouTube. By setting up your own channel, however, you can select only the videos that are relevant to your module and make them available in the form of playlists to your students. This session illustrates this approach with three different modules from the School of Computing and briefly summarises the steps required to set up a channel. Given the range of material available on YouTube, the general approach is easily transferable to other subject areas. Making selected video material available to students in this way extends their options for learning. They can take greater control over their learning by posting a comment or subscribing to the module channel. ELRAH How it works.