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Kansallinen digitaalinen kirjasto. UL AP Information Literacy Toolkit. Skip to main content The page or file you are attempting to view is currently hosted on This server is scheduled to be decommissioned at the end of the fiscal year (Jun. 30, 2014). Material housed on this server that is currently in use must be migrated to Google Sites, Google Drive, or another appropriate space. For assistance migrating content to an appropriate location, please contact a member of the WD3: Staff Web and Document Management group. You will be automatically redirected in 10 seconds. Make a Gift Search How to Find... Getting Materials Using the Libraries Consultation Services About Support the Libraries Campus Libraries. The Information Literacy Website. Assessments of Information Literacy available online (Information Literacy Assessments) Information Competency Proficiency Exam - Gavilan College - "Use or modification is permitted as long as acknowledgement is made to the Bay Area Community Colleges Information Competency Assessment Project.

" Information Literacy Survey - from Worcester Polytechnic Institute - The assessment begins on p. 70 of the document. Information Competency Assessment Instrument -- developed by Rodney Marshall, Eastern Illinois University -- a 40-item scale assessing information users' attitudes and practices -- see paper describing instrument's development Skills Assessment -- from Stanford University -- each of six modules includes 10 multiple-choice questions as a final skills assessment for the module Information Literacy Skills Assessment -- from Millikin University -- 15 multiple-choice questions -- scroll down to Appendix A Information Literacy Survey - from San Jose State University -- 11 multiple-choice questions -- scroll down to Appendix A to view assessment. S.O.S. for Information Literacy. 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media.

The National Library of Finland. Twitter - Library Instruction Wiki. Twitter Explained for Librarians, or 10 ways to use Twitter. Think of Twitter like a personal IM account that can be shared with everyone. Once you have a Twitter account set up, you can send short IM, SMS, or web-based messages to Twitter. Others who are marked as your friends or followers receive those messages. And there’s a public timeline that displays everything everyone is texting (there’s also an option to keep messages private, and to send messages only to individuals, which triggers an email).

It’s growing rapidly in popularity right now among the uber tech geeks of the world because… well, just because. Apparently, some in the library blogosphere are questioning why they should pay attention to twitter , and are wondering how it can be useful to libraries. Here’s what I’d say to that. And that’s ok. Staying in touch with geek friends and colleagues Using private messages – then it’s really about staying in touch with true friends and family (that is, if your friends and family sms and IM frequently) Current awareness search tool.

Video Games - New York Public Library. New York Public Library Gaming Initiative. Gaming in libraries is a very hot topic this year. We are seeing gaming presentations at library conferences such as ALA Annual and Computers in Libraries, as well as entire symposiums dedicated to the theme, articles are appearing in major papers such as the Chicago Tribune, and libraries are starting to report on their successes. Here’s a quick guide to some of the resources available related to the gaming in libraries meme. If you know of any others, please share them in the comments! Presentations Gaming & LearningShu Liu, Tammy AllgoodComputers in Libraries 2007 Gaming in Libraries Tyler Rousseau New Jersey Library Association (NJLA) Games without Borders: Gaming Beyond Consoles and Screens Liz Lawley ALA TechSource Gaming, Learning, and Libraries Symposium Gaming in Academic Libraries: The Why and How ALA TechSource Gaming, Learning, and Libraries Symposium Reports The Role of Gaming in Libraries: Taking the Pulse Scott Nicholson Console gaming a hit with all ages Librarian in Black Books.

More Positive Press about Gaming in Libraries. Äänekosken kirjastosta voi lainata aidon martan - Uutiset. Tietoa saa kirjoista, mutta parempaahan oppi on, jos sen saa elävänä, alan asiantuntijalta. Äänekoskella tarjotaan molempia, sillä toukokuussa kaupunginkirjastosta voi lainata myös martan. Äänesalon marttojen viikon mittainen tempaus on tiettävästi ensimmäinen Suomessa. Toimintaperiaatteensa mukaan martat tarjoavat kirjaston asiakkaille erityisesti kotitalousneuvontaa, maksutonta tietysti. Lainattavaksi tulee arviolta parikymmentä paikallista marttaa. Jokainen määrittelee itselleen tehtävän, jonka hän voi tulla asiakkaan luokse tekemään. . - Keittokirjan sijaan voi lainata minut tekemään vaikkapa marttojen keikauskakun, Pirjo Kunnari, idean äiti, kertoo. Kirjan voi lainata kuukaudeksi, mutta martan saa vain tunniksi, pariksi. . - Joku voi tulla vaikka neuvomaan dementiahiihdon eli sauvakävelyn tekniikkaa ja mittaamaan sykettä.

Martat eivät aio tulla istumaan kirjastoon odottelemaan lainaajaa. Library 2.0 - a new participatory context. Allen County Public Library Online Tour. Yoga @ your library! 5 Weeks To Social Libraries: a course about social software for libraries. Five Weeks to a Social Library is the first free, grassroots, completely online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software and how to use it in their libraries. It was developed to provide a free, comprehensive, and social online learning opportunity for librarians who do not otherwise have access to conferences or continuing education and who would benefit greatly from learning about social software.

The course will be taught using a variety of social software tools so that the participants acquire experience using the tools while they are taking part in the class. It will make use of synchronous online communication, with one or two weekly Webcasts and many small group IM chat sessions made available to participants each week. By the end of the course, each student will develop a proposal for implementing a specific social software tool in their library.

Seminaari: Library 2.0 - a participatory future? | Library 2.0 - a new participatory context. Åbo Akademin Informaatiotutkimuksen oppiaineen Library 2.0 – a new participatory context –tutkimusprojektin järjestämä seminaari ja työpaja. Seminaari kokoaa asiantuntijoita Pohjois-Euroopasta keskustelemaan kirjasto 2.0- ja web 2.0-ilmiöistä sekä niiden vaikutuksista kirjastojen ja tietopalveluiden toimintaan ja informaatiotieteellisen tutkimukseen. Seminaarissa esitelmöi joukko kansainvälisesti tunnustettuja asiantuntijoita mm. professori Aira Lepik (Tallinnan yliopisto), Kari A. Hintikka (Jyväskylän yliopisto), Mats Hernvall (Kööpenhaminan digitaalinen kirjasto) ja YTT Kimmo Tuominen (Eduskunnan kirjasto). Seminaaria edeltävässä työpajassa esitellään kirjasto 2.0 ilmiötä ja tekniikoita demonstraatioiden ja harjoitusten avulla. Työpaja on suunnattu kirjastonhoitajille, tietoasiantuntijoille ja informaatioalan ammattilaisille sekä muille kirjasto 2.0- ja web 2.0–aiheista kiinnostuneille.

Työpajan järjestävät Isto Huvila ja Kim Holmberg (Åbo Akademi). Aika: 3.-4.4.2008. BibStream. Quot; Library 2.0 Debased. Kate Sheehan makes some interesting observations about the cultural awareness of librarians. She also touches on an unfortunate truth about Library 2.0: It’s easy to become enamored of social networking sites and Web 2.0 toys to the point where they seem like a panacea for everything that’s wrong with your library or your job. Slap a wiki on it and call me in the morning. The most successful uses of the newest tech tools have recognized that they’re just that: tools. I’ve been feeling, for awhile now, that the term Library 2.0 has been co-opted by a growing group of libraries, librarians, and particularly vendors to push an agenda of “change” that deflects attention from some very real issues and concerns without really changing anything. It’s very evident in the profusity of L2-centric workshops and conferences that there is a significant snake-oil market in the bibliosphere.

Ignoring the information ecology You can’t buy Library 2.0 …And vendors, you can’t sell it. LIBRIS - Sökrutor. Låt dina användare söka i LIBRIS direkt från din webbplats eller webbtjänst. Du kan hämta färdiga sökrutor från oss. Sökrutan finns tillgänglig i olika utföranden och fungerar bäst mot ljusa bakgrunder. Om du vill anpassa sökrutan efter egen smak är det bara att ändra i stilmallarna.

Du kan också hämta en plug-in till din webbläsare så att du kan söka i LIBRIS direkt från webbläsarens verktygsfält 1.Sökruta Kopiera denna kod <! 2.Sökruta <! 3.Sökruta <! 4.Sökruta med begränsning att söka i bara ett bibliotek Ange bibliotek Ställ själv in vilket bibliotek du vill begränsa sökningen till. <! 5.Sökruta med begränsning att söka i bara en organisation Ange organisation Ställ själv in vilken organisation du vill begränsa sökningen till.

<! LIBRIS gränssnitt på engelska Koden nedanför har samma funktionalitet som sökrutan ovanför, men länkar till LIBRIS engelska gränssnitt. <! 6.Sökruta med permanent begränsning att söka i en organisation <! <! Commons 2.0: Library Spaces Designed for Collaborative Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE CONNECT. Viewpoint Commons 2.0: Library Spaces Designed for Collaborative Learning The information commons must adapt and evolve to become Commons 2.0, fostering student learning in new and creative ways By Bryan Sinclair The idea of the information commons as a space for students to gather and work with technology has been with us for over a decade now. Carving out these areas has allowed many university libraries to remain relevant in the academic lives of students. The information commons itself must adapt and evolve to meet changing expectations and technological capabilities. The "Commons 2.0" brings together a wide range of elements to foster student learning in new and creative ways.

With the rise of Web 2.0 and social software we are witnessing a major shift in the ways students approach and use information. Social software in the form of blogs, wikis, MySpace, Flickr, and YouTube is merely an extension of this socialization in a wired culture. What Should the Commons 2.0 Look Like? Endnotes. Library Automation Survey - Salutary reading for some vendors. To complement our newsletters, blogs and forums, Capita produces a free library-focused quarterly magazine called Panlibus. Panlibus Magazine brings you the latest news from the library sector.

Features include thought-leadership articles from prominent figures in the library industry, reports on projects currently being undertaken by libraries and other library-focused industries, and reviews of events. Panlibus Magazine works to encourage input from readers. If you have a suggestion for an article or library-related news, we would love to hear from you: simply email with your suggestion and contact details.

As well as the producing the magazine, we post regularly to our Panlibus blog about library market news and events. Feel free to join in the discussion on the hot topics in the library market. Nuutti-palkinto kirjastoalan visionääri Maija Berndtsonille - Tiedotearkisto. Bøgerne skal have modstand. Færre bøger på bibliotekshylderne. Flere gamle bøger skal sendes ud på depotet. Til gengæld skal reolerne med de aktuelle bøger møde lånerne, lige så snart de kommer inden for døren på Københavns Hovedbibliotek. Og bøgerne skal stå med forsiden ud mod lånerne. Og ved siden af skal man kunne finde de aktuelle fagbøger, biografier, spil og digitale tilbud. Sådan lyder en del af visionen fra 35-årige Pernille Schaltz, som er nytiltrådt chef for Hovedbiblioteket, der årligt har en million københavnere som besøgende. Da hun var med til at udvikle den moderne udgave af bibliotekerne i Aalborg, betød hendes vision blandt andet, at 90 pct. af bøgerne på børnebiblioteket blev sat ud på et åbent depot.

En helt ny zoneDet er de samme tanker, Pernille Schaltz kommer til København med, om end hun ikke har en vision om at forvise hovedparten af bøgerne til depotet. Mere end bøger»Området var indrettet som en boghandel, og vi købte specielt ind til formålet. Hvad synes du om det? »Yes. In 2018 Libraries Will Be…. Information Commons.

Libraries and Social Networking. Fred Stutzman: For research purposes, we define social networking sites as those that explicitly enable transversable, persistent social connections in a public sphere. However, as the Web inevitably gets more social, the boundaries between “social networking” and everything else out there becomes less tangible. Other people are the killer app on the Web, and designers realize this. As a result, I believe we’re going to see everything go social. In fact, I believe that sites where explicit social connections are the primary vector sort of represent version 1 off “social networking”—in the future there’s tremendous opportunity for social connections oriented around objects. for example—people build social connections around something as simple as a hyperlink. There are so many diverse communities and interests out there, I believe that there’s really limitless opportunity in the “social object” area—I think its an area that leverages “social networking” very well. Stuart L. Mina bibliotek. ONLINE Magazine. Phil Bradley&#039;s weblog: Web 2.0 questions I&#039;m most often asked. I had a great time at the Umbrella conference yesterday giving a presentation on, of course, Web 2.0. The session was very well attended - I think there were about 120 people who turned up - to the extent that some were sitting on the floor! Thanks to all of them for their interest and enthusiasm. I got asked a fair number of questions, and many of them were the kind of thing that I'm asked on a regular basis, so I thought it might be interesting to list my most asked questions here.

If you've got a question, do ask it, or if you're a presenter, are there any questions that you get asked that I've missed off this list? How can I trust these resources to keep going? However, although there are hundreds of Web 2.0 companies out there, not that many have folded. None of that is the point however.

These tools are not authoritative. I don't have time to learn all these things! Too much information! How do these things make money? I don't know which ones to use! Kirjasto 2.0 kartalla. Vantaan kaupunginkirjaston tiedohaun ja tietotekniikan opastus. Vantaan kaupunginkirjaston tilastot. Info Today Blog. Kirjasto teki poikakalenterin Espoossa - Uutiset. Keski-Espoon kirjaston miehet kokosivat poikakalenterin, jossa he esittelevät harrastuksiaan. Idean keksi aluekirjastonjohtaja Sunniva Drake. Hän kehuu, että pojat lähtivät helposti mukaan, mutta vaikka hän ruotsinkielisenä markkinoi ideaa ensin vahingossa hiukan väärin. - Sanoin pojille innoissani, että tehdään poikakalenteri pojille.

Kieliongelman selvittyä kaikki lähtivät mukaan ja valokuvaaja Lena Malm sai Draken mukaan kuvattavat vapautumaan. Drake kertoo ajatuksen syntyneen siltä pohjalta, että nykyisessä Keski-Espoon kirjastossa valtaosa henkilökunnasta on miehiä, mikä on kirjastoalalla erittäin harvinaista. Kalenteri juhlistaa paitsi Espoon 550-vuotisjuhlavuotta myös huhtikuussa 2009 avattavaa nykyistä kolme kertaa suurempaa kirjastoa. Poikakalenteria myydään Keski-Espoon, Leppävaaran ja Tapiolan kirjastoista sekä Kirjasto Omenasta.