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Untitled. Here's 13 Hilarious Chalk Board Bar Signs (Page 3) Noticias de ecologia y medio ambienteCómo hacer un jardín vertical con material reciclado. Completo Tutorial - Noticias de ecologia y medio ambiente. Los jardines verticales parecen propios de edificios de diseño cuyo objetivo es impresionar más que otra cosa.

Noticias de ecologia y medio ambienteCómo hacer un jardín vertical con material reciclado. Completo Tutorial - Noticias de ecologia y medio ambiente

Parecen costosos, delicados y difíciles de cuidar, lejos de la eficiencia que se supone a un huerto o un jardín ecológico. Sin embargo, en realidad constituyen una opción muy interesante para aquellos espacios en los que no podemos disponer de suelo para plantar y sirven para dar vida a paredes anodinas. 16 DIY Ways To Make Life Easier. Life DIY NEXT PAGE 16 DIY Ways To Make Life Easier.

16 DIY Ways To Make Life Easier

20 Unique Christmas Hacks You Need To Know This Holiday SeasonPositiveMed. We all love the Holiday season and all that comes with it, but we must all agree that it can be one of the most stressful times of the year.

20 Unique Christmas Hacks You Need To Know This Holiday SeasonPositiveMed

You have to decorate, wrap gift, bake cookies and so much more. These 20 Hacks and tricks below could just save your holiday from chaos. 1. DIY Holiday Ice Lanterns 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cosas divertidas para hacer con tu papá. Hay muchas actividades que un papá puede hacer con su hijo, sin importar la edad del mismo.

Cosas divertidas para hacer con tu papá

A menudo es la más sencilla de las ideas la que genera la mayor diversión y los mejores recuerdos para los papás y sus hijos. Ya sea una acampada en el patio, una búsqueda de fósiles o un viaje con un conductor que recién obtiene su licencia, la diversión con papá es más que una palabra de tres letras. Niños preescolares Planea una excursión divertida y sencilla. Haz que tu preescolar te ayude a empacar un almuerzo, completo con bebidas y tentempiés. Niños en edad escolar. Artist Leaves Cute Motivational Sticky Notes On The Train. October Jones (real name Joe Butcher), the prolific writer and illustrator behind gems like Texts From Dog and these commuter sticky-note doodles, is at it again with a fun series of sticky notes featuring a grimly determined cat named Peppy posing next to motivational messages.

Artist Leaves Cute Motivational Sticky Notes On The Train

He draws them and leaves them in the trays of the train he takes for unsuspecting fellow commuters. Illustrator Creates Doodles That Interact With Their Surroundings. French art director and illustrator David Troquier, who goes by Troqman, has an impressive sense of humor.

Illustrator Creates Doodles That Interact With Their Surroundings

He creates scrapbook doodles and places them strategically among their surroundings to create new layers of meaning. You can check him out on Instagram, where you can see the Amsterdam-based creative have a riot with his brilliant body of work. If you like his work, scroll down for more, and be sure to read the exclusive interview he gave to Bored Panda! More info: | Instagram (h/t: “Cartoonbombing was born in June 2013, during a holiday in the Greek islands. 52reasonsblue. 2011 미스테리 단편. To: Mike Jeffries, c/o Abercrombie & Fitch. May 19, 2013 Mike Jeffriesc/o Abercrombie & FitchAbercrombie & Fitch Campus6301 Fitch PathNew Albany, Ohio 43054 Hey Mike, I know you've been flooded with mail regarding your comments on sizeismbut I wanted to take a second to write you about a project I've been working on.

To: Mike Jeffries, c/o Abercrombie & Fitch

As a preface: Your opinion isn't shocking; millions share the same sentiment. You've used your wealth and public platform to echo what many already say. Fancy. Las formas mas inusuales de utilizar la Coca-Cola ¿Has usado alguna? - 17 febrero. Aunque muchos crean que es así la Coca-Cola no sólo se puede beber, también existen utilidades caseras que han descubierto las personas en el día a día.

Las formas mas inusuales de utilizar la Coca-Cola ¿Has usado alguna? - 17 febrero

Son insólito los usos que le pueden llegar a dar a la Cola-Cola y generalmente son muy útiles. ► Untouchable by Taylor Swift. Index. Sticky Hands Toy. Peace. Romance. TV. Fashion of Pretty Little Liars. - STREET ART UTOPIA. Isaac Cordal is a sculpture artist from Galicia.


His sculptures take the form of little people sculpted from concrete in ‘real’ situations. Cordal manages to capture a lot of emotion in his vignettes, in spite oftheir lack of detail or colour. He is sympathetic toward his little people and we empathise with their situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals. His sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters – in many unusual and unlikely places in the capital. Monumental Paper Architecture. Explore more. Web pages, photos, and videos.

Flirting Ecards, Free flirting Cards, Funny flirting Greeting Cards, and flirting e-cards - all at This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids. This December, in a surprisingly simple yet ridiculously amazing installation for the Queensland Gallery of Modern Ar, artist Yayoi Kusama constructed a large domestic environment, painting every wall, chair, table, piano, and household decoration a brilliant white, effectively serving as a giant white canvas.

This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids

Over the course of two weeks, the museum’s smallest visitors were given thousands upon thousands of colored dot stickers and were invited to collaborate in the transformation of the space, turning the house into a vibrantly mottled explosion of color. How great is this? Given the opportunity my son could probably cover the entire piano alone in about fifteen minutes. The installation, entitled The Obliteration Room, is part of Kusama’s Look Now, See Forever exhibition that runs through March 12. If you liked this you’ll also enjoy Roman Ondak’s Room of Heights and Karina Smigla-Bobinski’s helium-filled kinetic drawing sculpture.