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WestCoastBrawl chat group - smashers of BEST coast. - Post Message. Best & Funniest Auto Corrects/Completes of today. Samurai Sword Handle Umbrella. Awesome. World’s Largest Motorcycle Is A Gunbus 410 Even though it’s been around for a few years, we’re just now taking a look at this beast above. Yes that’s an honest to goodness working motorcycle that you can ride on the street. Legally. It’ll either make you look like a tiny human from afar, or a gigantic douchenozzle from near. The Gunbus 410 is made by a German company called Leonheart Manufacturing and if you’ve been smitten by its gargantuan proportions, you can own one for the princely sum of about $350,000. [ Product Page ] VIA [ DudeIWantThat ] Some Perspective: This Pale Dot Is Us.

Every little kid born to royalty, every man sitting in a cafe writing the next great American novel, every river full of bear food, every cat, every single thing that makes up humanity… is crammed in those few pixels you see above. It isn’t particularly easy to picture the Earth from Saturn because it’s often too close to the sun to point sensitive optical instruments at it. VIA [ Laughing Squid ] Stereogram Gallery #13. Howtoviewstereograms. University of Gaming.