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Konstantin Grechko

Human Connectome Project  A coronal slice of a diffusion tensor imaging data, each pixel is represented with an ellipsoid glyph depicting water molecule diffusion.

Human Connectome Project 

Alternate: HARDI (high-angular resolution diffusion imaging), Coronal view. The tensor can be visualized as an ellipsoid in 3D space, showing fluid mappings and brain connectivity. Image by David Shattuck, PhD. and Paul M. Thompson, PhD.HARDI (high-angular resolution diffusion imaging), Coronal view. The tensor can be visualized as an ellipsoid in 3D space, showing fluid mappings and brain connectivity. By @robfitz - Tools and guidance for confused founders. In my first company, I tried to act extroverted, because I thought that’s what good leaders did.

by @robfitz - Tools and guidance for confused founders

It was exhausting and counter-productive. I’ve found a more comfortable way of working and wanted to share a few thoughts and resources that have been helpful to me. The back-thumping, rapport-building, steak-and-strippers salesman is just one of several styles, and it’s not even the most effective. In fact, it tends to be actively harmful if you’re developing long-term relationships (like in large sales, long-term partnerships, and fund-raising).


Gov. Job. Еврейский юридический центр - Услуги для бизнеса. The Application Security Company. Foreign Policy - the global magazine of economics, politics, and ideas. In the war on truth, honest reporting matters.

Foreign Policy - the global magazine of economics, politics, and ideas

Lenticular printing. Close-up of the surface of a lenticular print.

Lenticular printing

Lenticular printing is a technology in which lenticular lenses (a technology that is also used for 3D displays) are used to produce printed images with an illusion of depth, or the ability to change or move as the image is viewed from different angles. Examples of lenticular printing include prizes given in some snack boxes that showed flip and animation effects such as winking eyes, and modern advertising graphics that change their message depending on the viewing angle. This technology was created in the 1940s but has evolved in recent years to show more motion and increased depth.

Originally used mostly in novelty items and commonly called "flicker pictures" or "wiggle pictures," lenticular prints are now being used as a marketing tool to show products in motion. Recent advances in large-format presses have allowed for oversized lenses to be used in lithographic lenticular printing.[1] Process[edit] Construction[edit] Shopping Cart. No More Thumbprints. Researchers have made materials that repel oil and are able to clean themselves without the help of soap and water.

No More Thumbprints

What’s more, the researchers describe exactly how the materials work, which could help others design similar materials. This could lead to a range of applications, including fingerprint-shedding cell-phone displays. The researchers, from MIT and the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base, in CA, describe their results in the current issue of Science. New Technology, Science News, The Future Now. At the nuvera fuel cells lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 25-year-old chemical engineer Darryl Pollica stands in front of a prototype 5-kilowatt fuel cell -- a miniature powerplant that can make most of the electricity needed by a family of four.

New Technology, Science News, The Future Now

Its metal skin has been removed to reveal a cubical frame about 5 feet on each side, packed with tanks, valves, and electronics. Conspicuously taped to the outside of the frame is a Nokia cellphone. "That's our mascot," Pollica says. "We want to shrink this," he says, opening his arms as if to embrace the entire assembly, "to this," and he brings them together and points toward the tiny phone. Pollica's boss, Nuvera Chief Operating Officer Jeff Bentley, a 25-year veteran of the difficult effort to create cost-effective fuel cells that are relatively small, is a bit more cautious. "We're optimists," Pollica shoots back with a confident smile. They better be. Nothing happened. But before we get there, the matter of cost has to be resolved. Kite Ventures.

Best Illusion of the Year Contest. Lenticular Stamps, Outer Aspect lenticular security printer. International science film festival - Pariscience on iPhone and Android !

international science film festival -

For the 8th edition of the International Science Film Festival Pariscience, we chose an artistic and scientific picture from Jacques Houvault. More info about the photographer here. Thank you very much for submitting your films, the results will be announced on the end of July ! Watch the virtual press conference of the 8th edition of Pariscience International Film Festival !

Pariscience Film Festival is looking for high and middle school classes for its Jury ! Submit your film now! The Grand Jury, chaired by Cedric Villani, awarded the four prizes of the competition. Have a look at the school programme ! Scientists, authors, directors, journalists... The PARISCIENCE team is very pleased to announce the official competition and the jury members of its 8th edition. НЕ!обычные подарки от Мастер Кит. Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome. Hart wie Diamant – amorph wie Glas - Wissenschaft aktuell. Sanitary ware. Royal Academy of Engineering - Home. Designcollector™ SEED – The near-future of mobile technology The year 2014 is the last break point on the way to omni-channel digital world were device is no more a single way to communicate with information and data.


Here is a new… Shape – A Film About Design Presented by Pivot Dublin and Dublin City Council and directed by Johnny Kelly a short film “Shape” is a project to get young people thinking about how the world is made around them… Sponsor: Mujjo iPhone Leather Wallet Case. Red dot online: design award. Welcome to Foresight. National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance. MAGIRA® LightPoints. Concept Store - Pro-Idee Concept Store - neue Ideen aus aller Welt.
