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Twitter cómo gestionar la conversación de la gente que sigues | Aunque no tenía previsto hoy hablar de Twitter, dadas las últimas conversaciones que he tenido entre seguir o no seguir, me gustaría aclarar mi punto de vista. Salía a relucir hace un par de días en Donostia, en la jornada de Marketing Online, a cuenta de la exposición de Juan Antonio Merodio, Director del Grupo Ellas, si era mejor seguir o no seguir a todo el mundo. Juan Antonio defendía que habíamos de conseguir que la balanza de seguidores fuese mucho mayor que la que nosotros seguíamos. A lo cual, algunos de los que estábamos en la sala discrepamos de esa opinión. A mi entender, es de buena educación, no discriminar a nadie por seguirte, y devolverle el seguimiento por cortesía (a no ser que sea SPAM..). Y en este punto, algún conocido me comenta que es imposible enterarte de lo que te cuentan 1.000 personas en Twitter… evidentemente!

La respuesta fue clara y concisa: creando listas. No related posts. Publicaciones relacionadas que recibes por Yet Another Related Posts Plugin . ¿Podemos usar Twitter corporativamente? | desire. The Top 20 Threats To Social Media Marketing « Jeffbullas's Blog. Social Media Marketing has moved from an interesting idea to an essential part of the marketing arsenal in the last couple of years. It was nearly a year ago that I wrote an article on why the CEO Is afraid of Social Media and followed that up with a post that provide some answers on why he should be using social media in the 21st century that highlighted the frustration a lot of marketers were suffering due to the traditional and conservative approach to marketing. Yet despite social media marketing’s maturing from a noisy infant to an arrogant adolescent in the marketing department, over the last 12 months the resistance to taking it seriously and apply and implement appropriate resources is still ever present. 1.

Having the time to make the most of it 2. 3. 4, Getting buy in from senior managers and CEO’s 5.Measuring the ROI so as to be able to justify resources and efforts for your Social Media Marketing 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 Lack of guidelines and procedures. Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) Do social media networks increase happiness and productivity? | Much has been said about social networks and how they may contribute to and detract from the healthy social development of people, and enhance or inhibit productivity in the workplace . There is some new evidence now that social networks make happiness contagious. New research by James Fowler at The University of California shows that in a social network , happiness spreads among people up to three degrees removed from one another. Fowler say that taking control of your happiness can positively affect others, and that a chain reaction can occur.

The research has also shown that sadness spreads in a social network, but not as quickly. The study, published in the British Medical Journal, used data from the Framington Heart Study of a network of more than 4,000 people.The research study shows that each happy friend increases your own chance of being happy by 9% whereas each unhappy friend decreases it by 7%.

Top Five Social Media Marketing Mistakes – BusinessWeek | litman. Social media initiatives have become standard components of companies’ marketing and communications strategies. Large or small—from the local bakery to General Motors (GM)—businesses see the value of engaging in online conversations already taking place about their brands. While social media best practices have emerged, brands still struggle with how best to engage with their consumers. Here are five common mistakes: 1. Not (or Barely) Monitoring: Companies that do not first “listen” and observe how their evangelists and detractors talk about their brand risk jumping into a cyclone of unanticipated activity. Constant monitoring is a must. Even a well-liked Internet brand can fall victim to lack of social media monitoring. 2. Recently, Nestlé’s (NESN) Facebook page erupted in a flame war when Greenpeace staged a protest of the chocolate maker’s alleged use of palm oil from deforested areas in Indonesia. 3. 4. 5.

At the end of the day, brands must earn their “social currency.” 100 herramientas de Twitter agrupadas por categorías. AmasadoradeK - Home. Una prueba del widget de twitter para insertar en el sitio. Probando Quote para embeber tweets. I Tweet Therefore I Am. I Tweet Therefore I Am Siemens comenta este post en, claro, un tweet. Es largo pero merece la pena. Aquí queda un resumen. There is empowerment to Twitter that is unlike that of any other social network. Perhaps, that’s why it lends to a unique social egosystem, but similarly, there are stages of personal growth that unfold with every Tweet we publish, each response or RT we engender, and every follower we earn. 40 Creative Twitter Status Designs for Your Inspiration | Graphi. Twitter has become one of the most popular social media sites by playing a major role in marketing and business for the past few years. People use Twitter for many purposes ranging from product marketing, spreading discount info, sharing interesting news to bizarre photos they found around the internet.

Most of us put up our Twitter status on our website to let the visitor know our latest activities or information. Of course, every website has different layout and to make it more interesting, a different Twitter status design. Below are 40 creative Twitter status designs that will encourage you to create your own Twitter status to match your website’s design. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Twitter en las administraciones públicas, Gal2014 y otras hierba.

Ideas para elaborar una “Guía de buenas prácticas en Social Medi. Costaba ponerle un título a éste post, ya que traducir el término comúnmente aceptado en Estados Unidos, Social Media Policy, no es tarea sencilla. Conversando en Twitter con @Gonzalomartin, @oscardcoca, @nachobruyel, @rlcesar, @franmmorales, @ernestriba y @CrisAlcazar, llegamos a la conclusión de la necesidad de utilizar un término no imperativo, sino relacionado con una serie de pautas que establece la compañía con el objetivo de alentar, y no desanimar u obligar, a los empleados para que sean los motores de la participación de la empresa en la web social; no sólo por el beneficio de la compañía, sino también por el suyo propio. Después de unos cruces de tweets llegamos a la conclusión de que lo mejor sería apostar por “Guía de participación en Social Media“?

, ya que política, manual o normas son palabras que suenan más a obligación que a invitación. La “Guía de buenas prácticas en Social Media“? Principios fundamentales para la gestión de los Social Media: Guía de usos y estilo en las redes sociales. Generalitat de Cat. Curso básico de Twitter - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa. eLearn: Feature Article. The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook For Teachers. Adopting a new communication tool is not easy.

Figuring out the best way YOU can use Twitter is even harder. Luckily you are not going it alone. We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter. The microblogging service is growing in leaps and bounds (and having plenty of server downtime because of it and the World Cup) as it seems everyone is joining and sharing their lives with the service. If you haven’t yet taken the plunge, perhaps the following 100 resources might help you out. Busy teachers may feel that taking the time to learn how to use Twitter isn’t worth the return for the students benefit, so that’s why this list of 100 tips, apps, and resources is worth browsing. Find out how to get started with Twitter, ways to use it in an educational setting, and tools to help you use it better with these resources below.

PUCP | PuntoEdu. Social Learning Academy. I've been aggregating all my resources about using social media for learning in the Social Learning Academy area of my C4LPT website. Here you'll find some social resources and guides like the Introduction to Social Media, and How to Use Twitter for Social Learning, as well as many of the presentations I have produced, e.g. What is Social Learning: an explanation using Twitter, Choosing the right social and collaboration platform and the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009. You'll also find the links to many different examples of the ways learning professionals are using social media for learning, as well as other examples including my own 140 University, which has become quite popular over the last few months and lists of 100+ places to find out anything and everything and how to learn a language online.

Come and take a look - and let me know what else you'd like to see there. Just for the record the other main areas of the C4LPT website are: Doctor Love | Page 3. ¿Es posible usar Twitter en la formación? | desire. Twitter en tu entorno personal de aprendizaje | desire.