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SCORM Cloud « E-Learning 24/7 Blog. Cled2010 Tutorials. Social media stats (version 2) Modelos pedagógicos y Jordi Adell. Del Blog al PLE y a las Redes Sociales: hacia un Entorno de Apre. En el marco del presente seminario, y como miembro de la mesa POSIBILIDADES Y BARRERAS DEL USO DE LOS BLOGS EN LA FORMACIÓN, me corresponde introducir el tema: Del Blog al PLE y a las Redes Sociales: hacia un Entorno de Aprendizaje Personal y autogestionado.

Del Blog al PLE y a las Redes Sociales: hacia un Entorno de Apre

Pretendo compartir mi/nuestra pequeña experiencia vivida como grupo, CICEI-ULPGC, en relación a la requerida adecuación permanente, ante el proceso de virtualización creciente de todo tipo de actividad, tanto personal como corporativa. We Learn ~ Stephen's Web ~ by Stephen Downes. Stephen Downes Stephen's Web My eBooks Ed Radio OLDaily Stream - The Cranberries - Complete Concert.

We Learn ~ Stephen's Web ~ by Stephen Downes

Elearningpapers. Conectivismo: El estudiante en red. LMS is no longer the centre of the universe. OK, so here’s the deal – if learning is work and work is learning, why is organizational learning controlled by a learning management systems (LMS) that isn’t connected to the work being done in the enterprise?

LMS is no longer the centre of the universe

Learning is no longer what you do before you go to work, never having to learn anything else in order to do your job. In the 21st century networked economy, learning and working are becoming one. As Robert Kelley showed over a 20 year study of knowledge workers, we need to keep learning in order to get our jobs done – “What percentage of the knowledge you need to do your job is stored in your own mind?” In a networked economy, social learning is how we get things done. Facebook vs The LMS: Can Someone. Here are some numbers from the Facebook press room: Wow.

Facebook vs The LMS: Can Someone

The Importance of Elgg in the Future of Learning. When I survey the landscape of educational tools, I come to the following conclusion: Elgg is the most important tool, currently available, in shaping the future of learning.

The Importance of Elgg in the Future of Learning

(Disclaimer: I was on an advisory board for Elgg when it first started, though the board never really did much, but I mention it now so it looks like I might be cool). Why Elgg? I’ve used Elgg for various projects – for teaching at Red River College, for running a social network at Duke CE (both in 2005), and now with The Landing – an enterprise-level install at Athabascau University (initiated by Terry Anderson and Jon Dron). The tool has its bugs, but has developed substantially in the last few years. Learning or Management Systems? This site has been created to foster discussion on how our thinking, learning, and organizational activities are impacted through technology and societal changes.

Learning or Management Systems?

Since the original publication of Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, I've been approached by many people requesting additional thinking and discussion. Four tools are available to provide dialogue: Blog for my personal reflective thoughtsWiki for collaborative content creationDiscussion forums for discussion on issues impacted by a connectivist view of learningEmail list for discussions on technology, networks and learning Most resources on this site are intended for public viewing, but contributing to the wiki or discussion forums requires registration. Please create your account by clicking the "join" text on the top, right-hand corner. La enseñanza usando Redes Sociales y Tecnológicas. Traducción del original publicado en el 16/02/2010. The networked enterprise and learning support. Would you rather go to a doctor who is in the band-aid business or the healing business?

The networked enterprise and learning support

Prescribing training for all organizational learning is like handing out band-aids without a diagnosis. Training is often a solution in search of a problem. This becomes evident when ~80% of learning on the job is informal and less than 10% of the knowledge needed for work is in our heads. But how much organizational effort is put into training, above all else? If it’s more than 20% of the learning support budget then it’s probably being misspent. Enterprise training and its ADDIE framework are designed to develop individual skills, where the objective is always, “the learner will be able to …” not, “the organization will be able to …”. The Holy Trinity: Leadership Framework, Learning 2.0 & Enterpris.

I find myself in the center of an intellectual tempest.

The Holy Trinity: Leadership Framework, Learning 2.0 & Enterpris

The traditional ‘learning’ folks are trying to sort out how to revolutionize the industry by augmenting their formal learning strategies to incorporate social media, social learning, social networking and the like. It’s a good thing to witness, but slow as molasses in some circles. The Human Resources and Organizational Development folks are mulling over their competencies, values, leadership development programs, amongst other elements trying to embed flatter, more connected ways of working. Also good to see, but at times I see these folks in other companies plodding along without involvement of the Learning side of the house, or the technology outfits. The technology groups (be it IT, Systems Analysts, ERP groups, etc.) are busy trying to synchronize existing investments with new instances of 2.0 collaboration technologies and platforms. Learning it is getting a little too personal...just what I wante. Stephen Downes face to face is just Downes, but better.

Learning it is getting a little too personal...just what I wante

I like very much when people do and are what they say, other way we are in lie-land and I hated there. Downes is just Downes, that is to say he is really what he talks about, that is pretty awesome and not so common: the expert as someone who is learning it is a rupture, a totally new way. The connectivist way! When to LMS. Dave Wilkins, who I admire, has taken up the argument for the LMS in a long post, after a suite of posts (including mine). I know Dave ‘gets’ the value of social learning, but also wants folks to recognize the current state of the LMS, where major players have augmented the core LMS functions with social tools, tool repositories, and more.

Without doing a point-by-point argument, since Dan Pontefract has eloquently done so, and also I agree with many of the points Dave makes. I want, however, to point to a whole perspective shift that characterizes where I come from. HootCourse and CloudCourse. Two interesting new items I came across today - they actually each deserve a posting on separate days, but I already have another one scheduled for tomorrow, so am going to put them into one posting here.

HootCourse and CloudCourse

First, HootCourse. Choosing the right social and collaborat. Yesterday I gave a short webinar to the Learning & Skills Group. Don Taylor, Chairman, asked me to talk about how you choose a social and collaboration platform, as he thought this would be a topical discussion in the light of some people's concerns with the changes at Ning. So this webinar looked at 10 criteria for considering such a platform (and used Ning as my benchmark), then I gave a tour of 3 very different platforms, and finally compared them against the 10 criteria I had listed up front. The first question that was asked after the presentation was how it all fits together with other systems in the organisation, and in particular the LMS, but it also seemed clear to me that many participants were still focusing entirely on creating and managing e-courses , rather than thinking about how they could support learning in all forms that take place in the organisation. Elliott Masie's Learning TRENDS - Learning TRENDS - 625 - Google.

SCORM Cloud Pricing. Debate y Conocimiento: Eventos. Learning Management System (LMS) Innovative Learning Technology. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - TPCK. A Learning Portal is Not an LMS. Share your Top 10 Tools for Learning 2010. Moodle 2.0 Preview 1 is now available! Why bash the LMS? In response to a query about why someone would question the concept of the LMS, I penned the (slightly altered, for clarity) response that follows: What seems to me to be the need is to have a unified performer-facing environment.

It should provide access to courses when those are relevant, resources/job aids, and eCommunity tools too. That’s what a full technology support environment should contain. And it should be performer- and performance-centric, so I come in and find my tools ‘to hand’. And I ‘get’ the need for compliance, and the role of courses. eLearn: Opinions. Computer Using Educators of BC. Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas. Trends: moodle, webct.

Watch A Brief Tour Of Moodle 2.0 Online. These 12 Tutorials Teach You How to Build an Interactive E-Learn. It’s a fact that you CAN build effective elearning with rapid elearning tools. You’re not locked into linear, click and read content. All it requires is that you craft a sound learning strategy and get the most out of your tools. To demonstrate this, I deconstructed an effective elearning course originally built in Flash and then built a mock up in PowerPoint. In a previous post I shared how to create the graphic elements for that course in PowerPoint. In today’s post, we’ll look at how to assemble the course and some of the production techniques I used. While the tutorials give you a quick tour of what I did to build the prototype, your best bet is to download the PowerPoint file and break it apart to see how it was assembled. Deconstruct the Course Structure The course places you in a situation where you determine the threat level of various employees.

Review The first stage is the overhead office where you review the threat level of all of the characters. Production notes: Interview. A Teacher's Guide To Web 2.0 at School - Remezclando ....... que. Make it Blended! What makes a great Moodle course? Part 1 – What is a course? « H. A Defense of the LMS (and a case for the future of Social Learni. For some time now, I’ve seen a growing negativity toward LMS solutions by a pretty wide group folks in our space. Many of whom I really respoect. I see it in blog posts, comments, posts, LrnChat discussions, and all sorts of places. 90% of this negativity seems to be directed at the formal nature of LMS, the percieved lack of flexibility, or the lack of learner “control.” In just about every case, the argument seems to be that “social” or “informal” will fix all this — social platforms like Jive or Sharepoint or maybe just loosely joined collections of social apps, like WordPress, Twiki, and Yammer.

One post I saw even suggested that Google Analytics could be used to replace reporting in an LMS (arguably the most ridiculous thing I’ve read in some time). Suffice to say I don’t buy any of the above arguments and I largely disagree with my professional colleagues. Enseñanza Virtual de Extremadura. Standalone LMS is Still Dead (rebutting & agreeing w/ Dave Wilki. Saffron Interactive » Blog Archive How to make courses SCORM com. Once you’ve built an e-learning course you’ll want to get it onto your LMS so that people can access it. Free as in Freedom: Changing our 'Trainer' Mindsets.

Skype Introduces Group Calling. Open Course in Education Futures. Todo cambia siempre y siempre nos resistimos. Tomándonos en solfa a la filosofía y en serio a todo lo demás — Proyecto Facebook, edupunk, Downes y Arina. Este uno de los muchísimos videos del Proyecto Facebook que se encuentran en YouTube. Uno, varios, muchos Jenkins estuvieron en la Argentina. Y unos n. De Kill your Idols al copy your Idols Henry Jenkins aboga desesperado por una promociónn cada día mas intensa de la cultura participativa. En un slide de charla del pasado lunes en el audgtorio de Santillana Buenos Aires, mostraba como la íìnea que separaba al copista del autor siempre fue demasiado tenue, y que si ya era una incógnita en la Edad Media saber que era copia, y que era derivado, hoy esta pregunta retórica (por la cual Hollywood y la Industria de la música están librando la madre de todas las batallas) se ha convertido en el pentagrama trimensional sobre el cual todos nosotros dejamos nuestras huellas en un palimpsesto infinito.

Por eso no podíamos hacer con Jenkins, lo que eél mismo hace con los demás. LMS or Learning 2.0 with koldomadariaga. Can training departments learn from zoos? - Social Media In Lear. 20+ open access college prep courses from the University of Cali. Welcome to A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter. The relevance of the learning profession. Grupo de Tecnología Educativa - Universidad de Sevilla. The Landing (beta): George Siemens's blog: Moving the social net. Techno Constructivist / FrontPage.