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20 techniques photos pour tous les bluffer ! Créer une vidéo : le TOURNAGE pas à pas. Préparatifs I Tournage I L'éclairage I Le son I Juridique Le tournage ou prise de vues, consiste à enregistrer les images et les sons destinés, après montage, à constituer le film.

Créer une vidéo : le TOURNAGE pas à pas

Entre le moment où démarre l'enregistrement et l'arrêt, cet enregistrement est un rush. Le tournage succède à la préparation et précède la postproduction. Le tournage reprend les règles de la photographie. Pour réussir la prise de vues, il est donc nécessaire de connaître ces règles et d'avoir l'œil du photographe. Matériel Broadcast. Régler l'autofocus. A cause des tolérances sur le boitier et sur les objectifs, l'autofocus des reflex n'est pas parfait: il peut souffrir de problème de back focus ou de front focus.

Régler l'autofocus

Heureusement, des reflex proposent un réglage fin de l'autofocus. Ce billet propose une méthode simple et efficace pour calibrer les boîtiers, en se basant sur une mire de test, une procédure de calibration et un calculateur pour vous aider dans ce processus. Définitions Front focus: la zone de netteté est trop en avant par rapport à la zone de mise au point.Back focus: la zone de netteté est trop en arrière par rapport à la zone de mise au point.Réglage fin: menu du boitier (ou interface mécanique, comme une vis à tourner) permettant de régler la mise au point automatique par micro ajustements. Ce réglage est à faire pour chaque objectif (le boitier reconnait un objectif en interrogeant l’électronique embarquée qui l'informe de la focale, de l'ouverture max, du modèle, du numéro de série,..). 666 DIY Horror Filmmaking Tutorials.

It’s that time of year again, so we thought it was time to update last years killer feature “Horror Filmmaking: From Script to Scream.”

666 DIY Horror Filmmaking Tutorials

That’s right a sequel! This time we are narrowing the focus a bit and concentrating on the DIY (Do It Yourself) elements. Hopefully this will help you slash the budget without murdering your production values. DIY: Blood, Bullets & Stunts. My camera bag » Sarah Ainsworth Photography. For those of you that may read my blog who are more interested in the technical side of photography, more so than just looking at the pictures, I really want to share some of what I have learned along the way with you!

my camera bag » Sarah Ainsworth Photography

People often ask me what kind of equipment I use when shooting. Two or three years ago, I would have said something completely different, but after working in the field a while, I have come to realize the significance in quality equipment. And by that I mean, unfortunately, very expensive. After using a variety of different camera bodies and lenses, I have witnessed the extreme difference in quality.

3 ways to affect depth of field: free cheat sheet. Depth of field, or ability to control which parts of your pictures are sharp, is one of the main advantages of owning an SLR camera. Look at a scene with your own eyes, and everything from your feet to the horizon is usually in focus. But your pictures do not need to look like this. You can set up your digital camera so that only certain parts of the shot are in sharp focus, and others are artistically blurred.

This allows you to create emphasis where you want it – and to hide elements that would otherwise prove distracting. The Fundamentals of Exposure (Infographic) Cómo hacer fotografías #infografia #infographic #design. Lighting Modifiers Cheat Sheet Card. So we had a Portrait Lighting Cheat Sheet that was designed to help placing the light in space around the model.

Lighting Modifiers Cheat Sheet Card

While I called it portrait lighting cheat sheet card, I was only telling half of the truth. The half that I did not include in that card was how different modifiers will change the light falling on your subject. It is time to correct this wrong, so this lighting modifiers cheat sheet completes this gap.

There are some new things on this sheet, like a perfectly still model, dark walls to control reflections and a few beers that you can not spot in the actual card. But they were there. You can download a “super size” here. Again, we tried to keep it simple. What’s In The Card? The card is divided into four sections, each dealing with a different type of modifiers. Understanding aperture: f-stop chart for photographers.

One thing we consistently hear from people is confusion about aperture and just what exactly those numbers mean.

Understanding aperture: f-stop chart for photographers

Free portrait lighting cheat sheet. Feeling in the dark about portrait lighting?

Free portrait lighting cheat sheet

Portrait Lighting Cheat Sheet Card. Setting up lighting for a portrait can be quite a complex task.

Portrait Lighting Cheat Sheet Card

If you, like me, are using small strobes which have mo modeling light it is hard to predict what will be the outcome of each lighting array. There are however some basic lighting schemes, kind of a starting ground for new portraits. Of course, once you lay out the initial lighting you can change it, move it around and use modifiers to soften or restrict the light. Free portrait photography cropping guide. Portrait photography is challenging for a whole host of reasons.

Free portrait photography cropping guide

Getting your portrait right in-camera is only half the battle. Knowing how to edit your portraits can be quite difficult when it comes to cropping a photo. 54 Portrait Ideas: free downloadable posing guide. Are you stuck for portrait ideas?

54 Portrait Ideas: free downloadable posing guide

The landscape's greatest challenges: a free photography cheat sheet. Now that the cold and rain have finally gone, we can stop looking for things to photograph around the house (such as these great examples of still life photography) and pick up where we left off with our landscape photography. Even in better conditions, though, the landscape can be difficult to capture well. Free action photography cheat sheet. Best shutter speeds for every situation. Do you struggle with finding the best shutter speeds when shooting unfamiliar subject matter? It can be difficult to know how to set up your camera to freeze movement, capture motion blur and other popular digital camera effects. In the latest of our ongoing photography cheat sheet series, we’ve put together our list of what we believe are the best shutter speeds for every situation.

We spell out each shutter speed and what it is typically used for, and we also have provided a super-quick guide on how to adjust your shutter speed. Of course, no list is definitive and you may have some other suggestions for what these shutter speeds are best used to photograph. If so, let us know in the comments! To download the large version of this photography cheat sheet, simply drag and drop it on to your desktop. Free macro photography cheat sheet. With spring in full bloom and summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time of year to start paying closer attention to the smaller world around us.

While big vistas and landscape photography are popular subjects in the summer months (download our flow chart for overcoming some of the landscape’s greatest challenges), it’s also a great time to hone your macro photography skills. For the latest infographic in our ongoing photography cheat sheet series, we’ve turned our cameras downward to the garden and forest floor to help you learn how to capture smaller subjects more effectively.