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20 lat z mistrzem Qi-gong (Tai Chi, Chi-kung), inspirujący materiał. Water has Memory. World eBook Library. Wykład Ala Bieleka (2/5) Two Comets hit the Sun. Nassim Haramein. 1/4-Crop Circles & Black Holes. Galactic Alignment in 2012. Nassim Haramein. 1/2-Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. "Umysł Ponad Materią" (Mind Over Matter PL) Przekroczyć Horyzont Zdarzeń I 1z7 PL. Nassim Haramein: 'Earth-sized space-ships crash into Sun [2011 ©] Maska z Palenque - Starożytne Cywilizacje - Artykuły. Komentuj na forum Maska króla Majów imieniem Pacal, znanego również jako Quetzalcoatl lub Upierzony Wąż, została odnaleziona w jego grobowcu, położonym w Świątyni Inskrypcji w Palenque (Meksyk).

Maska z Palenque - Starożytne Cywilizacje - Artykuły

Wykopaliska zajęły trzy lata, zanim grobowiec mógł zostać odkryty. Mieści się on bezpośrednio pod Świątynią, a dostęp do niego jest poprzez schody umieszczone pod jednym z kamieni tworzących podłogę świątyni. Schody były wypełnione gruzem i innymi szczątkami. Sama krypta ma wymiary 9,0 x 3,0 m i wysokość 6,6 m. Wewnątrz krypty znaleziono sarkofag z szkieletem Pacala Wielkiego, władcy Palenqué.

Tablet Wschodni TIE.pdf 297.38 KB 244 Ilość pobrańTablet Centralny TIM.pdf 204.16 KB 165 Ilość pobrańTablet Zachodni TIW.pdf 299.79 KB 152 Ilość pobrań W 1989 Maurice Cotterell odkrył sekret kamienia grobowca z Palenque. Poniżej znajduje się przegląd obrazów, które są ukryte w masce wraz z objaśnieniami (wszystkie obrazy pochodzą z książki Maurice Cotterella, pt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SZYSZYNKA - pełna cudów - trzecie oko.

Richard Cassaro » Publications. Publication Date: September 23, 2011 Did History’s Freemasons Secretly Encode A Powerful “Sacred Science” Into The Architecture of the World’s Gothic Cathedrals?

Richard Cassaro » Publications

A lost Wisdom Tradition that was practiced globally in antiquity is memorialized in pyramids and temple architecture worldwide. The central tenets of this tradition have been perpetuated in Western “Secret Societies.” The most visible of these is the so-called “Masonic Fraternity,” an age-old chivalric Order whose ranks have included such universal geniuses as George Washington, Voltaire, and Mozart. Fearing their principles might one future day be forgotten, the Freemasons who built the towering churches, castles and cathedrals of Europe (and America) carefully encoded this secret wisdom into the architecture of these monuments. By matching cathedral architecture with ancient temple design, Richard R. Terence Mckenna - To jest portalem (napisy PL) Nauka potwierdza Oświecenie!!! 1 / 2. Sun - Astronomy, Solar Maximum, Sunspots and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations, Mythology, News. - Najnowsze informacje o zmianach na Ziemi i cyklach Słońca. MSH Homepage. Home Page. THE HOLLOW EARTH: REALITY OR MYTH Part I. Popular Purveyor of the Paranormal, Brad Steiger, Takes a Look at One of the Most Persistent Legends of Esoterica by Brad Steiger A hundred years before William Reed wrote The Phantom of the Poles ("scientific evidence proving that the earth is hollow") and Marshall B.


Gardner privately published his A Journey to the Earth's Interior and when Jules Verne, who would later write A Journey to the Center of the Earth, was only nine years old, Edgar Allan Poe published his longest tale, "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym," which told of a fantastic land located in Earth's center, reached by a hole at the pole. So convincingly did Poe weave the pseudoscientific beginning of his narrative that Horace Greeley soberly endorsed the Pym adventure as a true account, without finishing the tale and encountering its later sections of obvious fantasy.

In Search of Shambhala, Agharta, Inner Earth , Hollow Earth, subterranean passages and tunnels , aliens, ufos Mary Sutherland, author of Living in the Light, Hollow Earth Theories and the Search for Shambhala. Hollow Earth Hypothesis - Subterranean Civilizations - Agartha. Hollow Earth Hypothesis As science and science fiction merge, we unravel the ancient mysteries of the human experience.

Hollow Earth Hypothesis - Subterranean Civilizations - Agartha

If indeed entities exist beneath the surface of the planet, they would not live in molten rock but in space ships. And as the tectonic plates are breaking - it is either by their doing, a knowing that the consciousness hologram that creates this reality, is ending so they no longer have to monitor from below, or they emerge as the plates naturally break apart.

Hollow Earth Theories always propose a central sun, aliens, and mythical subterranean cities and civilizations that some believe could link science and pseudoscience if physically discovered. Glaciers at both the Arctic and Antarctic regions are melting down at an accelerated rate, which will reveal the truth behind this mystery and its metaphoric connections to other creation myths in the story of humanity's journey on plant Earth. Freaks of the Storm. On May 27, 1896, an F4 tornado walked through St.

Freaks of the Storm

Louis, leaving a mile-wide path of devastation and playing some violent pranks along the way. Above, wheat straws were forced half an inch into the body of one tree. Below, a gardener’s shovel was driven 6 inches into another tree, and a 2×4 pine scantling was shot through 5/8″ of solid iron on the Eads Bridge, “the pine stick protruding several feet through the iron side of the roadway, exemplifying the old principle of shooting a candle through a board.”

George Washington University meteorologist Willis Moore also saw “a six by eight piece of timber driven four feet almost straight down into the hard compact soil.” The confirmed death toll is 255, but additional bodies may have floated off down the Mississippi. Divine Cosmos. Strona główna forum.