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Programming Scala. Lambda the Ultimate | Programming Languages Weblog. Go Ahead: Next Generation Java Programming Style | Code Monkeyis. August 10, 2009 by Stephan Schmidt Many companies and developers move away from Java to new languages: Ruby, Python, Groovy, Erlang, Scala. You might be trapped with Java. Even if you’ve trapped, you can change your programming style and reap some of the benefits of those new languages. In the last 15 years Java programming style has changed significantly: This tips lead to better Java code. Try them in your next Java class. Uodate: Some thoughts to Cedrics thoughts. As the author of the post, your thoughts are appreciated, some of mine: “Besides, it’s convenient to be able to mutate object if you want to use pools.”

No setters doesn’t mean you can’t mutate objects, it’s just that plain setters are not object oriented thinking. “I think the first example is more readable than the second one that uses Predicates.” I think your assumptions are wrong. About the author Stephan Schmidt has been working with internet technologies for the last 20 years. Lambdaj - Google Code. First Steps to Scala. ScalazineFirst Steps to Scalaby Bill Venners, Martin Odersky, and Lex SpoonMay 9, 2007 Summary In this article, you'll follow twelve steps that are designed to help you understand and gain some basic skills in the Scala programming language. Scala is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language that blends imperative and functional programming styles. Scala is designed to integrate easily with applications that run on modern virtual machines, primarily the Java virtual machine (JVM). Scala was developed starting in 2003 by Martin Odersky's group at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

One reason you might want to use Scala is that it allows you to increase your productivity compared to Java while leveraging JVM execution speed, your existing investments in Java code, knowledge, and the vast array of APIs available for the JVM. In Italian, Scala means staircase. To run the examples in this article, you should download Scala from the Scala Downloads page. Scala> 1 + 2 unnamed0: Int = 3 #!