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Cooks Illustrated: Home. Recipe for Cheesy Roasted Garlic Potato Balls at Life. I think I have discovered the ultimate way to use up leftover mashed potatoes and the perfect appetizer for New Year’s Eve cocktail parties. First you mix left over potatoes with fresh roasted garlic and shredded Gruyere cheese. Next they are coated in a mixture of regular and panko bread crumbs. Finally you take the cheesy roasted garlic potato balls and fry them until they are perfectly golden brown.

They are crispy on the outside and oh so soft on the inside. As if I really needed another way to eat mashed potatoes. The numbers of combinations that you could do with this recipe are essentially endless. These are scrumptious on their own but would also be great dipped in Truffle Aioli. Group Recipes. We ♥ Food. FCS Episode 2| Stocks, The Foundation To Great Cuisine.