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How to Setup User Authentication in FTP 7 on IIS 7.0. April 30, 2008By Dave Lawlor As I wrote in the article on installing FTP 7 on IIS 7.0, Microsoft completely rewrote the FTP service code for Server 2008. Included in this update were a number of ways to secure your FTP server against intrusion. One of the easiest ways to secure your FTP site is to have users authenticate instead of allowing anonymous access, and that’s what we’ll look at today.

For this article I will assume that you already have Server 2008, IIS 7, and FTP installed and ready to go. User Authentication in FTP 7 on IIS 7 In our first article on FTP, I showed you how to install and then configure an anonymous public site. While this is great for a certain type of site, if you require greater security you can setup authentication for your FTP site. Windows Users FTP Authentication This type of user authentication allows the FTP site to use the local Server user accounts/groups for access to the FTP site. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IIS Manager Authentication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Program Requires Administrator Rights - Windows-XP-General-Discussion - Windows-XP. Bit Calculator - Convert between bits/bytes/kilobits/kilobytes/megabits/megabytes/gigabits/gigabytes. Contact Adroit Data Recovery Centre of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Download Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate (RC) How To Put Windows XP on a USB Flash Drive. In this simple solution I cover one way to Put Windows XP Install Disk on a USB Flash Drive. Installing Windows XP from a USB Flash Drive might be useful for example if you wish to Install Windows XP on a Netbook or Laptop that has no CD Drive. One of the simplest approaches would be via the use of the YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer tool. YUMI can be also used to put much more than just Windows XP on the same USB device. For example, you could have Windows XP, Windows 7, various Live Linux Distributions, Antivirus Tools, System Diagnostic Tools, Recovery and Cloning Tools, and more stored and run from the same USB.

Create an ISO of your Windows XP Installation Disk. Download and start YUMI. (1) Select your USB Drive Letter from the list. (2) Select Windows XP Installer towards the bottom of the distribution list. (3) Browse to and select the Windows ISO you created earlier. (4) Click Create.Once the process is complete, you should have your very own Windows XP USB Installer. Change the Windows 7 Login Screen Background Image. When you login to your Windows 7 computer (assuming you haven’t used something like this tutorial to turn on automatic login), you’ll generally see a login window with a background looking something like this. It’s fine; there’s nothing wrong with it. But sometimes a change is good so in this article we’ll show you how to change the background image behind the login screen to anything you want. The first step is to open up the Start Menu by clicking the orb in the lower left corner of the screen. Now, in the Start Menu search box, type regedit, to open up the Registry Editor.

When the Registry Editor appears in the Start Menu, click the Enter key to launch it. You should see a window like this. Now, right-click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, and choose the Find option. The search window will appear so perform a search for OEMBackground. Once this is finished you can close the Registry Editor and open up Windows Explorer. Now simply select a favorite wallpaper. Install Windows from usb - Home page. Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) bootable live windows CD/DVD. 3 Ways to Reset Forgotten Windows Administrator Password. Passwords, passwords, passwords….something we are going to have deal with as one of our common annoyances for some time to come.

Their necessary evil provides another layer of protection for your bank, your online shopping, your tax software and of course the entire operating system. We have so many passwords these days, that we have websites and password managers like LockCrypt and Clipperz, dedicated solely at helping you manage your passwords. Even with the ability to store and retrieve your security, it does no good if the operating system is inaccessible.

Ignoring your PC for a few years, removing a computer from a domain, or simply needing administrative rights on a PC are just a few reasons that the admin password may need to be reset. With Microsoft’s improved security over the last few years, it became more difficult to resent Windows administrator password. 1. Ubuntu has become, far and away, the most popular distribution of Linux in the world. (Internet Connection Required)