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How To Make Tissue Flowers. *Update–Many of you have had questions about how to “twist” the paper.

How To Make Tissue Flowers

I have made a quick video showing you how. You can find the video for how to make tissue flowers here: How to Make Tissue Flowers Video Thanks everyone for all your sweet comments about my last Valentine’s day project…the “Be Mine” Framed Art. I had some requests for a tutorial on how I made the tissue paper rosette decor balls {kissing balls}. Many of you will remember that I have made these before and have them hanging in my daughter’s room. First off you will need a couple of rolls of tissue paper streamers. Start by cutting the paper into strips about 24 inches long. Now take your strip and start on one end and begin rolling it up between your fingers. After you have a few rolls, continue to roll it up but now twist the paper. Now just continue to roll and twist until you have reached the end of the strip. After you have a few rosettes made, start gluing {I used a glue gun} them onto a round styrofoam ball. P.S. Kusudama Tutorial part 2.

Today I am showing you part 2 of how to make a kusudama ball.

Kusudama Tutorial part 2

You can find the first part here. In part 1, I showed you have to make the individual flowers; you should now have 12 flowers made from 60 individual petals. For part 2 you will need: 12 flowers (made from 60 petals)GlueString or a ribbonBead(s) As you might be able to see from the finished kusudama at the top of the page, I made 6 flowers from blue paper and 6 flowers from a recycled map. Start to glue the flowers together one petal at the time – this will give the nicest result. When you add the 3rd flower, there are 3 petals to connect. After you have attached all 6 flowers you end up with 2 sets of half a kusudama. I used 3 beads on the bottom. Now take one of your 1/2 kusudamas and put some glue on the top. Glue your string down, making sure it is nice and straight. That’s it! In the last photo you can see another kusudama I finished earlier. If you are having a go with this 2 part tutorial we would love to see your work! Carambola Flowers by Carmen Sprung.

If you’ve been following me on Flickr for a while, you’ve probably seen this picture of Carambola Flowers before – I folded them ages ago!

Carambola Flowers by Carmen Sprung

But since my Pro account is going to expire in a few days time (and I don’t feel like upgrading it again), a lot of my old photos won’t be displayed anymore. So I decided it would be a good idea to share the very best of them on my blog! These absolutely beautiful origami flowers were designed by Carmen Sprung and I just love them! Each flower is made from a single sheet of paper, not from a square though, but from a pentagon. I would recommend using fairly thick and strong paper (80-90 gsm) to fold them – Tant origami paper will be just the right choice! Description Video tutorial presented by Sara Adams of Tags: Carmen Sprung, Floral.