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10 Proven Ways to Build Trust With Employees. Contrary to popular belief, the hardest part about running a business may not be finding customers, it’s getting one started.

10 Proven Ways to Build Trust With Employees

Depending on the public policies and application processes of your country, you might struggle or succeed in opening and operating a business. If you live in New Zealand, for example, you can get a new enterprise up and running in half a day. If you live in Luxembourg or Argentina, however, it’s a different story─with the process sometimes taking over a year. Today’s chart uses data from the World Bank’s annual Doing Business 2020 report, which delves into the ease of doing business in countries around the world. Measuring the Ease of Doing Business Now in its 17th year, the Doing Business (DB) report measures how easy it is for someone to start and run a company in an economy, using 12 key factors throughout a business lifecycle: Of the 190 countries reviewed last year, only 115 made it easier for entrepreneurs to do business.

Most Improved Scores. 5 Things Budding Professionals Can Do to Manage Their Personal Brand. The internet has changed the way people interact, do business, and remain relevant.

5 Things Budding Professionals Can Do to Manage Their Personal Brand

That’s why building a brand is no longer only about establishing companies and cultivating their reputations. Now, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and just about anyone with a career (or trying to build one) benefit from having a personal brand. 13 Habits Young Professionals Should Consider Implementing. The Dos and Don'ts of LinkedIn. In some respects, LinkedIn can make or break you in terms of networking and applying for jobs.

The Dos and Don'ts of LinkedIn

Recruiters and peers will spend time looking at your profile if you’ve taken the time to create it, so it’s important to make your online impression just as great as in person. As you continue to take your networking online, here are the do’s and don’ts to make your connections really count. Just as it is appropriate to respond to emails, phone calls, and even text messages within 24 hours, LinkedIn is another communication channel to add to your stream.

Ensure you respond within two business days as contacts reach out. Though it may seem creepy, on LinkedIn it is perfectly normal for different connections to add you. Keep your headshot clean and professional. 7 Productivity Hacks to Help You Stop Wasting Time. Though many of us wish for more time in a day, we’re all given the same amount.

7 Productivity Hacks to Help You Stop Wasting Time

And fortunately—or unfortunately—many of us are better at maximizing our time than others. 8 Books on Personal Growth That Can Help Launch Your Career. Professional development and career growth can be daunting—but with the right resources and preparation, the only constraint preventing you from getting where you desire to be is your own ambition.

8 Books on Personal Growth That Can Help Launch Your Career

That’s why we should never say no to that extra push, and reading books that inspire us to get further might just do the trick. With so many resources and opportunities at our disposal, building a successful career in just about any field is quite possible. The Seven Deadly Sins of Networking. Networking While Introverted: It Can Be Done.

Interview Preparation

Resumes. Ask a Manager. Dr. Tom Denham Archive - Careers and Worklife. 12 Things You Should Never Do When Applying For A Job. To Accelerate Your Career, Form a Mastermind Group. 5 Out-of-Date Job-Search Tactics. “Is it still correct to use ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ in a cover letter?”

5 Out-of-Date Job-Search Tactics

A reader asked in an e-mail. “That isn’t such a great idea,” I wrote back. “No one uses ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ anymore, unless they’re actually writing to a madam, such as Heidi Fleiss.” I’m not sure my e-mail correspondent caught the joke. It’s not that using out-of-date job-search approaches brands you as older. Employers pay us, in part, to be aware of trends and phenomena that affect the workplace. Here are five formerly useful, now dangerous job-search approaches that hark back to an earlier age. 1. 2. 3.

Groveling doesn’t work, which is why compiling and mailing goofy lists such as “here are 10 reasons you should hire me” are terrible things to do. 4. 5. How to Get an Interview Without Directly Applying. 8 Common Job Search Mistakes People Over 50 Make. Why You Should Take 5 Minutes to Google Yourself Today. Image via Pixabay/Hebi65 One of the first things recruiters or hiring managers are likely to do when considering you as a job candidate is Google you to see what you’re all about.

Why You Should Take 5 Minutes to Google Yourself Today

Investing the time and energy into building your brand online is essential in landing a good job. Not sure where to begin? Follow this five-step checklist to cultivate a strong personal brand online that’s discoverable, professional, and impressive. 1. First things first. Have a trusted friend or colleague offer an external set of eyes for the same search. Only publish things to the Internet that you wouldn’t mind a recruiter seeing. tweet Make sure that you, and they, toggle over to Images, Videos, and News searches as well as the default Web search. If any content comes up on the first page that you feel doesn’t reflect well on you, especially in the eyes of a hiring manager, prune it if it’s something you own, like a tweet, a video, a pin, a Google+ post, or a blog post. 2. Image via Pixabay/Settergren 3. 4. Do job-seekers really need an elevator pitch? A reader writes: I recently visited my grad school on behalf of my employer as part of their college recruiting team.

do job-seekers really need an elevator pitch?

My objective was to collect resumes and speak with students regarding our summer internship program. I’ve worked the career fairs before but have not done so in a couple of years, and at this one I noticed some students doing something that I found off-putting. They’re making an “elevator pitch” for themselves. This is basically a very slick, well-rehearsed speech with a lot of emphasis on their purported skills and how much value they’ll bring to the table as my intern next summer, and a ton of flowery language about their knowledge and skills.

Several of the students using this tactic also used aggressive body language, tried to read the notes I was writing on the back of their resume, and demanded that I give them my business card or work email address (which is not permitted by HR). The Seven Deadly Sins of Networking.