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Breakfast, Lunch and Snack Ideas

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Breakfasts -- AIP and Paleo

Paleo Flour Tortillas (AIP-friendly!) 35 Collagen Recipes That Turn Back The Clock. You may know collagen as the buzzword commonly associated with anti-aging face creams and eye serums.

35 Collagen Recipes That Turn Back The Clock

The main protein found naturally in your skin, collagen is responsible for keeping it looking plump and youthful—the lack of which can cause wrinkles, sagging, and other signs of aging. 36 Taco Recipes — for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner! Tacos are one of my favorite meals.

36 Taco Recipes — for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner!

Not only are they suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but there are so many different varieties. Not just the flavorless ground beef and oil-laden tortilla shells of yesteryear, today’s tacos are full of variety, nutrition and flavor. If you’re ready to expand your taco horizons, you’ll love this list of my 36 taco recipe favorites. Need a creative breakfast taco? You’ll find one. If you have a grain restrictions, don’t forget that the best part about taco recipes is how easily you can tweak them to your lifestyle. Breakfast Taco Recipes 1. Steak and eggs get a taco twist in this recipe. Top 12 Ideas for Paleo School Lunches. Packing lunches for our school-aged children can sometimes feel like a delicate balancing act.

Top 12 Ideas for Paleo School Lunches

We want them to have the healthiest foods in the world, but we also want them to feel confident opening up their lunchbox around their peers. I’ve been packing lunches for my daughters for nearly 5 years now, and I’ve found some favorite products and developed simple strategies for helping us all make the most of lunchboxes (see also 4 Must-Haves for Paleo Families and 4 Back-To-School Basics for Paleo Families). First, it’s important for our children to understand why we make specific choices around food. My oldest knows that her behavior changes (in a manner similar to Bruce Banner when he gets angry) when she eats artificial dyes, and so she chooses not to eat foods with those ingredients.

Both my daughters react poorly to gluten, and my youngest also reacts poorly to dairy, so we keep those foods off the menu too. Back to School! 20 Healthy School Lunch Ideas. Back-to-school season is one of the most hectic times for families.

Back to School! 20 Healthy School Lunch Ideas

From making sure everyone is up and out the door on time to shuttling the kids between after-school activities and correcting homework assignments — not to mention our own lives — weekdays can go by in a whirlwind. I know that one of the most challenging parts of the school routine is making sure you can get tasty, nutritious meals on the table. 18 Healthy Lunches for Work for a More Energized Week. Back-to-school time isn’t just for kids.

18 Healthy Lunches for Work for a More Energized Week

The beginning of fall, when salad recipes don’t quite hit the spot, is the perfect time for adults to recommit to healthy habits — it’s like a second version of New Year’s resolutions. And one of the best things you can do is revamp your lunches. Say goodbye to sad desk lunches filled with overpriced salad bar items, preservative-laden microwavable meals and limp salads. Speedy Salmon Cakes. There is one thing that we all have in common.

Speedy Salmon Cakes

Regardless of age, sex or dietary preferences, we all require the essential micronutrients, or vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids, to be present so that our bodies and brains can function properly. While many people (more than half the population) recognize the importance of supplementation with a multivitamin, adding fat to the diet, on purpose, has, in the past, been controversial. However, there is no scientific debate whatsoever that the type of fat we are to add to your diet with this recipe is essential, and health promoting. In this recipe we make it comforting and delicious. Good fats! No matter what your dietary philosophy, be it vegetarian, Paleo, low fat or low carb there is one type of fat we want to make sure you are getting enough of: omega-3 fatty acids.

Crackers and Dips

Protein Bars. Need some healthy snack ideas? Look no further... - Healing Path. 50 High Protein Snacks to Boost Your Metabolism. Do you need a snack that will help improve muscle tone, keep energy levels steady and boost your metabolism?

50 High Protein Snacks to Boost Your Metabolism

Then it’s time you introduce high-protein snacks into your diet. As an essential nutrient in our bodies, our bodies need enough protein to run smoothly. In the battle of the bulge, protein’s ability to jump-start metabolic levels makes it an ingredient worth including in both meals and snacks. Protein not only forces your body to use up more calories during digestion than carbs, it also helps build and maintain muscle and keeps your body from storing extra fat.

18 Keto Snacks: Full of Healthy Fats + Delicious. A keto lifestyle can seem like a dream come true.

18 Keto Snacks: Full of Healthy Fats + Delicious

Not only do keto diet benefits range from weight loss to cancer prevention, but it emphasizes high-fat and protein-rich foods. A diet that encourages rather than vilifies fat? Sign me up! But all fat isn’t created equal. 22 Healthy Snacks for Kids: Food They Will Love! It’s no secret that kids ­­can be picky eaters.

22 Healthy Snacks for Kids: Food They Will Love!

If your little one eats only a handful of foods, making sure they get the healthy nutrients they need can be tough and make meal times a challenge. 5 Paleo Treats That Won't Count Toward Your 80/20. 27 Healthy Snacks on the Go. Pop quiz: when are you most vulnerable to making unhealthy choices — when you have delicious, good-for-you treats nearby or when you’re hungry and desperate to eat something — anything?

27 Healthy Snacks on the Go

If you picked the latter, you’re not alone. It’s easy to eat healthily when nutritious foods are at your fingertips, but when your only options are from a vending machine or convenience store, things get tricky. 9 Healthy But Delicious 3-Ingredient Treats That Are SUPER Easy. Top 50 Healthy Snack Ideas. Who doesn’t love snacking? Whether it’s munching on something to tide you over, grabbing a bite to eat on the go, or just refueling after a workout, snacks help keep our bodies fueled throughout the day in between meals. Unfortunately, many store-bought snacks are laden with preservatives, sugar, and other unidentifiable ingredients. 15 Awesome AIP Snack Ideas + a Free Snack Guide!

We might be tempted into intimidation at the idea of putting together AIP snacks. Even if we’ve been Paleo for a while, avoiding old staples in the pursuit of autoimmune health (no hard-boiled eggs, nuts or potato chips for a little while!) Might be intimidating. But the truth is, there’s a whole wide and wonderful world of AIP snacking for us to enjoy! My basic formula goes like this: protein + fat + carbs = a satisfying snack. 6 Paleo Snacks To Fight Those Cravings. 26 Low-Carb Snacks that Satisfy for Hours. When you’re considering going on a low-carb diet or simply reducing carbohydrates, full meals are a little easier to plan — eating all the meat and veggies is always a good option!