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Heart page marker in Crafts for decorating and home decor. Diy idea: heart-shaped paper clips. I love projects that make me smile and think “why didn’t i think of that?”. This fun heart-shaped paper clip project from jessica jones at how about orange is so easy it’s almost impossible to resist making a few of these at your desk right now. all you need is a paperclip and your fingers- because you’re just a few bends away from a heart-shaped way to keep your sweetie’s papers together. if i had children i would definitely use this to pin a sweet valentine’s day note to their lunches. click here for more info on jessica’s site.

[thanks, jessica!] Crafts / ss_101496355.jpg (JPEG Image, 300x400 pixels) Crafts. Life's too short not to smile ☮♥☺ Letterfu - Letter-writing without envelopes, cutting or glue. Random Tutorial Generator. Seed Paper Tutorial | I first heard of seed paper–or hand made paper that has real flower seeds embedded in the pulp itself and is actually plantable–about a year ago while browsing through a stationary catalog. It was the coolest idea I’d ever seen–and so incredibly spring-y!

Well, who knew that you could make this funky stuff all by yourself? And dang we had a good time! These would be just perfect to include with a birthday or Christmas card–don’t you think? First Step: Making the Screen Frame Here’s what you’ll need for the screen frame: 6-12 wide craft sticks–think tongue depressors Craft glue 1 or 2 pieces of mesh or screen about 6″x6″ electrical tape Glue four sticks together–like this. Lay the screen over the sticks and glue in place. Now glue two more sticks–one on the top and one on the bottom. I rested a glass bowl over the frames to hold everything in place until the glue dried.

Your frame should look pretty much like this. Second Step: Making the paper pulp Here’s what you’ll need to make the pulp: water. Delightful country cookin': homemade air freshener. "Don't you get fresh with me, ya hear! " Oh, I love it when adults (especially grandparents) say that to little kids. What does it mean exactly? Does it mean we'd rather children get dirty with us? Haha...who knows? Today, I'm going to ask you to actually get fresh with me. I digress. I was roaming around on Tasty Kitchen one day when I came across a recipe for homemade air freshener. To make these little beauties, you first need a heat-proof jars (I found mine for $0.99 each at Michael's), food coloring colors of your choice, and essential oil.

Into each jar, drop a few drops (I repeat...a doesn't take more than 2 or 3) of food coloring. Now for the fun part. Why salt? Get one cup of water boiling on the stove. Then, pour in the other cup of cold water and the salt, stirring until the salt is dissolved. Quickly pour the hot gelatin mixture in each of your jars, and then use a disposable stick or spoon to stir it into the oil and food coloring.

DIY TUTORIAL and a giveaway! Happy Monday everyone! Today I am going to show you how to make this necklace and introduce my first giveaway! Below are the steps to make this tulle necklace. And to win this necklace, just leave me a comment below! A winner will be announced on Friday. Good luck! Hope you enjoy this little tutorial! Step 1: Pick out your fabric and beads. Step 2: Measure the fabric around a bead and then add an inch, this is where you will cut. Step 3: Cut the fabric the long way.

Step 4: You should now have a long strip of fabric. Step 5: Sew the folded fabric at the open end. Step 6: You should now have a tube. Step 7: In order to turn the tube right side out, attach a safety pin to one end. Step 8: Feed the safety pin through the tube. Step 9: Once the tube is right side out, put a bead in the tube and center it. Step 10: Make a knot at each end of the bead. Step 11: Feed another bead into the tube and knot after the bead. Step 12: Sew the ends shut. Finished Necklace! How to Stiffen Tatting for Lace Projects. How to make your own air dried porcelain with common household ingredients. Anything that is quick, affordable and makes beautiful things is a craft winner for me . But…I often find myself uninspired for something new and different. I’ve found it in air dried porcelain (aka Porcelana Fria). What will someone make with 3 cups of white glue (PVA) 3 cups of cornstarch (Corn flour) one tablespoon of white vinegar one tablespoon of glycerin (health food or hobby shop), and 2 tablespoons of canola oil?

The beautiful mouse and necklace pictured (compliments of Espirit ) is the answer! There’s more fantastic ideas on the site of the woman who’s recipe I have used: Libreria Andrea Amazingly simple and a GREAT school holiday project, get the kids into the kitchen to cook up some home made, air dried, porcelain.

Let’s make it: In a mixing bowl (or non-stick pan) mix 3 cups of white glue and 3 cups of cornstarch. For microwave heating : Cook in a microwave-compatible recipient for 2 to 3 minutes on high (for a 800W oven; longer for a less powerful oven). DIY: Mod Podge. Don't you guys love Pinterest? That's where I found this idea. Here's a great way to save some money on your craft addictions; make you own Decoupage! And it really works plus it's easy to do.

You need.... A jar Elmers Glue Water Empty the glue into a jar. Add Water. Shake shake shake And you are done!! I know it works because i used it to paste this paper label onto the jar :) It could make a great gift for your crafting buddies Do you have QUESTIONS about this? To make. On the Cheap: Scrapbook Paper iPhone Covers.

I found this clever trick on Pinterest the other week from Oops I Craft My Pants and had to try it for myself: iPhone covers using scrapbook paper! Now when I had my first cell phone in high school (the old Nokia), I probably had about 15 different cell phone covers that I would switch out to match my clothes everyday! I figure this scrapbook paper iPhone phone cover is an easy way to update my phone without spending all the cash! First thing I did was purchase a couple sheets of scrapbook paper from Michael’s. I also purchased a clear iPhone 4 cover from Best Buy. First thing I did was trace the scrapbook paper around the iPhone cover to get the basic shape. I cut out the main section just using a pair of scissors. For the camera hole I used a pencil to sketch in the hole that I had to cut out using an exacto knife…. and that’s about it! I’m really digging these fabric scrapbook pages! Oh, and that iPhone cover below? This is also a great way to get festive for the holidays!