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NetHack. Dungeons & Denizens. Running D&D from an iPad: my first experience. What D&D Character Am I? 1. As far as looks go, I am... ugly, I am the worst looking member of my social circle. average, my appearance is normal overall. attractive, I am the best looking member of my social circle. extremely attractive, my appearance aids me in every situation in life. 2. When it comes to memory... I have a really hard time remembering things. I remember most things though subtle details sometimes elude me. 3. I have an extremely difficult time making new friends. 4. I have no vices and I've never been tempted by anything. 5. I can make people do almost anything I want them to do. 6. I am sick most of the time. 7.

I am able to exercise with no ill effects. 8. I've never been in a leadership position. 9. I can learn new things very quickly. 10. I am sometimes able to figure out a solution for a problem. 11. I can take punches that would drop normal people. 12. 13. People seem to know more than I do most of the time. 14. I am aware of most things that occur around me. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Armored Wizards here they come! -- Best Armor for Arcane Spellca. Goblins - Life through Their Eyes - Monday, April 19, 2010. Dungeons & Dragons Online®: Eberron Unlimited™ Sign Up Now!