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Build Awesome Apps with CSS3 Animations. Today’s HTML5 applications can provide awesome experiences thanks to the new CSS3 specifications. One of them is CSS3 Animations. It can help you building rich animations on HTML elements. This can provide interesting feedbacks to the users and enables fast & fluid UIs. As those new animations are most of the time hardware accelerated by the GPU, they definitely raise the quality bar of the new generation of HTML5 applications. According to the “CSS Animation Module Level 3” specification on the W3C site, CSS3 Animations introduces defined animations, which specify the values that CSS properties will take over a given time interval.

This specification is an extension to CSS Transitions. As CSS3 Animation is an extension to CSS3 Transitions, you should first read the article of my colleague David Catuhe on Transitions here: Introduction to CSS3 Transitions. Let’s first start by quickly demonstrating what CSS3 Animations are. CSS3 Animations Introduction Here they are: Declarations Delay Events. HTML5 Canvas (上) Canvas教程 Canvas tutorial. 淺談HTML5中的 Mobile App Cache 與 Web Database. 作者:李孟翰 / 臺灣大學工程科學及海洋工程研究所研究生 前言 隨著Android/iPhone等智慧型手機的狂賣,Mobile apps也如雨後春筍般產出。 但大部分Mobile apps都需要上網連線才能正常運作,不管是3G上網或者Wi-Fi上網都可能遇到網路不穩或者擁塞等問題。

HTML5的開發團隊注意到這個問題,提出使用 Mobile App Cache機制,不只是可以加快網站載入的速度,離現時還可以繼續使用。 為了可以提供更佳的服務品質,HTML5納入Web Database元素,大幅豐富整體的查詢能力並且結合在線與離線能力。 Mobile App Cache Mobile App Cache的基本概念是就是告知瀏覽器哪些東西需要cache住,哪些東西一定要上網抓,若沒有網路線時應該用哪些預設檔案。 使用者只需要準備一個檔案提供這些資料,而瀏覽器讀取時將會主動cache應該要cache的檔案。 例如我有個檔案為test.html,內容如下: 這個mobile web app 需要test.html、test.css、test.js以及 才能運作。 為了讓瀏覽器能知道這個檔案,需要再<html>標籤中增加一段程式如下: 瀏覽器可利用取得manifest設定來cache什麼檔案,之後瀏覽器便可從local端取得這些資料,除了當version 編號增加時,瀏覽器才會下載新版本的cache資料,如此一來就可以達到版本控制以及減少再到伺服器讀取資料所的負擔,甚至可以達到離線支援。 使用cache將會出現cache invalidate的問題,即cache住的資料有更新時候,要如何讓瀏覽器知道? 舉個實例來探討,當Android/iPhone手機連上Google的行動版網站(,會發現曾經連過的網站,重新讀取或者在下一次載入時,其畫面出現速度會變快,而其他的網路連線資料則會稍後才會有所動作。

Web Database 為了可以提供更佳的服務品質,因此Web Database為HTML5新加入的元素,可以將資料庫存在用戶端的瀏覽器中,讓 mobile app具有豐富的查詢能力並結合在線與離線的能力。 STEP 1: 建立資料庫 存取資料前先建立資料庫,需要明確定義資料庫的名稱、版本、描述及大小。 如何让iPhone直接拨打网页里的电话号码 | XHTML MP 基础(手机网站开发基础技术 一) - - ITeye技术网站. Safari Developer Library. Style Master CSS Editor for Windows and Mac OS X. Cool Tools and Toys for Web Developers John, the lead developer (ok, pretty much the only developer) of Style Master is an avowed hacker. He loves exploring and experimenting with the latest features in browsers.

Here's a collection of tools for web developers he's put together to help you analyse and debug your sites (and other people's sites as well), play with CSS3 features (bleeding edge browsers recommended) and more. XRAY works in Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer. It helps you visualize the layout of your page. Add it to your bookmarks, and then on any web page, use it to see the position, margins, padding, dimensions and more details of any element.

XRAY uses lots of cool CSS3 features like border-radius, opacity, box and text shadow, as well as the HTML5 canvas. MRI helps you create the best possible selectors for your CSS. MRI also uses lots of cool CSS3 features like border-radius, opacity, box and text shadow, as well as the HTML5 canvas. CSS3 Sandbox Gradients Shadows. Google Swiffy extension exports Flash to HTML5, ActionScript fans rejoice. HTML5. HTML5 Demos and Examples. HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly.