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Net Gains or Net Losses. Is the Internet Changing Human Nature? The Internet has had a profound impact on the way we live and work, so profound that some commentators describe the younger generation as natives in a country where the rest of us are immigrants.

Net Gains or Net Losses. Is the Internet Changing Human Nature?

Just how different are these digital natives from their struggling, stammering parents? What does the world look like to people who don’t remember a time when ‘snail mail’ was the way most messages traveled, or when the desire for information or entertainment could not be gratified instantaneously? Opinions vary. Peter Cappelli, a professor of management at Wharton, says today’s youth are different, but not because of the Internet. “People look at young people, they seem different, and they look for explanations… In fact, the reason they seem different is because they are younger than we are,” he says.

But Cappelli is in the minority. But some researchers say it’s easier for them because their minds have been trained to handle that level of complexity. They are also more democratic. Who has control, humans or technology? The Role of Tech vs The Purpose of Education. Working in the field of digital media and learning, where the important role of new technologies in learning seems self-evident, the slow pace of change in mainstream education can feel frustrating.

The Role of Tech vs The Purpose of Education

Responding to this challenge, we give a lot of attention to thinking about ways to support and encourage teachers to make greater use of the opportunities presented by digital media, but perhaps we should spend more time considering how and why technologies come to be used, or not used, in the first place. Ambitious Goals for the Transformative Potential of Digital Media Enthusiasm for the use of digital media in education stems from a number of very different places. Whatever the reasons behind enthusiasm for using digital media in education, it can quickly turn to frustration at what can seem to be a distinct lack of progress in mainstream classrooms. A Bolder Sociological Imagination is Needed Rewriting the Narratives of Technology and Education Banner image credit: opensourceway.

The future of education technology. Top 7 must-haves for the mobile worker. Fri, Oct 05, 2012 7:17 AM Stem cell researchers have created viable eggs using normal cells from adult mice.

Top 7 must-haves for the mobile worker

Thu, Oct 04, 2012 12:09 PM Guyon designs telescopes to help find alien worlds. Thu, Oct 04, 2012 11:58 AM Rabalais has spent a lifetime documenting the effect of ocean 'dead zones.' Wed, Oct 03, 2012 3:04 PM To spot the paths of electrons, physicists looked at electrons on the surface of a semiconductor material. Wed, Oct 03, 2012 2:45 PM Peptides isolated from black mamba venom may be a safer pain killer than morphine, according to a study. Wed, Oct 03, 2012 8:50 AM. iPad Chats. DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms.