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Bourne-Again shell. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Bourne-Again shell

Bash, acronyme de Bourne-again shell, est le shell du projet GNU. Son nom est un jeu de mots sur le nom du shell historique d'Unix, le Bourne shell. Guide avancé d'écriture des scripts Bash. Google Traduction. Shell Scripts - Learn Linux. LINUX CLASSES - PROGRAMMING So how do you run this little wonder of technology?

Shell Scripts - Learn Linux

In DOS, all you have to do is name a file with a .bat extension and it'll be recognized as an executable file--but not so with Linux. Since Linux attaches no meaning to file extensions, you have to mark the file as executable by using the chmod command, like this: $ chmod +x deltemp. Traduction. Bash shell.