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Music. Instruments. Guitar. Piano. Internet. Culver Academies Game - Free stock market game - Facebook. - America's Only Humor Site | 5 Spectacularly Crazy Meltdowns by CEOs of Major Companies. #2. The CEO of RyanAir Hates Everyone Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images News/Getty Images Michael O'Leary has made a fortune selling really cheap flights across Europe. His company, RyanAir, has built an entire business catering to the kinds of people who value cheap prices more than general safety or not being treated like cattle. It's a perfectly fine arrangement, aside from the fact that O'Leary seems to freaking hate every aspect of it. Christopher Lee/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images"It's kind of nice, I suppose ... Without hesitation, O'Leary constantly talks about how cheap he and his company are and how much he openly resents the customers who made him rich in the first place.

When a story broke that a RyanAir passenger named Suzy McLeod was charged 300 euros just to print out her boarding passes, O'Leary said, "We think Mrs. AP"Hey, is there a way we can include this photo on the back of tickets? " Oh, and remember the volcanic ash cloud that erupted over Europe a couple of years ago? YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Jenna Marbles. Discover the Best of the Web.

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