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Free Language Lessons, Learning Tips and Much More! German Language. German For Beginners - A Free Online German Course.


German for Beginners: Study Tips. Grammar. The Top 10 German Mistakes Made by Beginners. Introduction: German Pitfalls The title of a popular book for learning German is 1001 Pitfalls in German. Unfortunately, there are many more than ten mistakes you can make in German! However, we want to concentrate on the top ten kinds of mistakes that beginning students of German are likely to make. But before we get to that, think about this: How is learning a second language different from learning a first? There are many differences, but the most significant difference is that with a first language there is no interference from another language. An infant learning to speak for the first time is a blank slate—without any preconceived notions of how a language is supposed to work. That is definitely not the case for anyone who decides to learn a second language.

The first thing any language student has to accept is that there is no right or wrong way to construct a language. Learn German.