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Warrior Pack, Leg Purse, Shoulder Holster, Purse, Messenger Bag, Hip Bag. The Warrior Pack is designed to allow you to wear your purse eight different ways.

Warrior Pack, Leg Purse, Shoulder Holster, Purse, Messenger Bag, Hip Bag

Wear it to match your style and attitude. Why change your purse, just change the way you wear it. Our simple strap system changes the look and function of the bag 8 stylish ways: 1. Thigh Holster 2. The Warrior Pack’s design incorporates more storage space than any other thigh pack, hip purse, or fanny pack on the market. Additional features include a chain attached card wallet, able to be attached or detached and relocated on the purse. Six of the eight wear styles are proven safer from purse snatchers than other handbags on the market. The Warrior Pack offers many style options with just one accessory, the most fun you can have with a handbag, the most innovative bag ever designed, an edgy style that gets attention.

John Howe on film. The Importance of February 14th - cypress_tree - Sherlock. At 9:00 one Saturday morning, Sherlock wandered into the kitchen wrapped in a sheet, grabbing the mug of tea that John pushed in his direction and carrying it to the table in the sitting room.

The Importance of February 14th - cypress_tree - Sherlock

He gave a semi-human grunt in response to John’s “good morning” and opened his laptop. John had just finished cooking, and sat down across from Sherlock with a plate of breakfast and an extra fork. Sherlock looked up to eye the fork, suspiciously, but left it where it lay in the middle of the table. John cleared his throat. “So. Sherlock glanced down at the date in the corner of his desktop. “Any plans for the day?” Sherlock decided to downplay the importance of the date.

John smiled and took another bite of his toast. “That colour looks good on you.” John paused with a forkful of eggs halfway to his mouth. Sherlock took the extra fork from the middle of the table and stole a few eggs from John’s plate. “That colour,” Sherlock repeated. John raised an amused eyebrow. “Two.” John sighed. "Where? " Items similar to Edible Wild Sugar Mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe Cubensis 50 assorted -As Seen In Urban Outfitters.

Smitten, enamoured & besotted Indian Ocean. Since I learned to write I have been an avid fan of words: at primary school I wrote long stories who knows what anymore, but I was always excited whenever we got the chance to write something fictive where even the skies were unable to limit your mind and expressions. In my teens I fell madly in love with a TV-actor and because I really had no talent — I was miserably at any sport you may think of, I could not paint the images rushing through my mind, there was no way I could play an instrument, in short I was one of those ordinary bums without much gift — I decided to take up writing more seriously and for my astonishment the first piece of writing in which I poured my heart and soul received the best grade possible. After that I wrote countless number of stories ranging from the most horrifying descriptions to saddening yet hopeful counts of what it means to be a human.

At the age of seventeen I received my first salary . I got thousand euros in a writing competition. 100 Most beautiful words in the English language* The Green Ruby Pumpkin.