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Yr6teachers - Big Writing, VCOP and other Ros Wilson resources. Firstgradecce - Writing - Persuasive. Adding Double Number Sets Worksheets. Text Level: Persuasive Writing. Persuasive Writing Worksheets Worksheets. Confessions of a Nerdy Teacher - First Week of School. I remember trying to plan my first day of school my first year teaching, so the kids show up at 8:00am AND……crickets. How do you start the first day?! There are so many things that the kids need to know and according to Harry Wong I had a lot of procedures to teach. But a day full of rules and procedures doesn’t sound very good to me! I have collected a bunch of first day/week of school activities that will help the kids learn about procedures, get to know each other and have fun! Goals of the First Week of School: Get to know eachother. There is time for content later, establishing your classroom community that first week will effect the entire school year! First Day of School Plan View PDF Here is my lesson plan form the first day of school last year. 1.

Word First Day Letter (You will need to customize this one, so I didn’t include a PDF) The first thing my kids do when they come in the room is find their desk and read a letter I have written them. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. 4. Word Homework Sheet. August 2011. Hey friends! Denise here from Sunny Days in Second Grade. I'm so beyond crazy excited to be a Blog Hoppin author! The group of teacher authors and bloggers here is one I have tremendous admiration for and I am just tickled pink to be part of this group! I'm just going to jump right in with a great way to build classroom community. I can not take credit for this idea.

I first saw in on Pinterest (totally addicted!) I gathered the kids on the carpet (don't all the best lessons happen there?). Then I had them come up a few at a time, making sure the rest could hear and see the action. I put 16 bandaids on 16 hands and when my 17th student came up for his, I just told him I was sorry, but I didn't have any for him. I also added in how our last student didn't get a bandaid at all! I have to say, it was a goose bump inducing lesson. If you try it, I'd love to hear how it goes. See ya on the Sunny Side! 100 Day Activities  All About Me. Teachers Pet UK - Activities and Worksheets - Home.

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