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Determining Materiality | Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. SASB’s Materiality Map™ creates a unique materiality profile for different industries. In order to comply with the SEC’s view of materiality, our approach is designed to provide a view into the information needs of the reasonable investor. The Map relies heavily on evidence of investor interest and evidence of financial impact, and it allows for adjustments based on financial impact and long-term sustainability principles. The quantitative model is designed to prioritize the issues that are most important within an industry, to keep the standards to a minimum set of issues that are likely to be material. Sustainability accounting standards are then developed based on both the quantitative results from the Map and a qualitative research process informed by SASB’s research team.

Sustainability Issues and Industries The Map looks at 40+ sustainability issues and analyzes their importance in the context of the 80+ industries in SICS. (click image to enlarge) How is the Map created? Snohomish County : Focus on Farming : Ag Sustainability. MGT 553: Sustainability Report. Sustainability Report Writing Services. Report writing is a multi-disciplinary challenge requiring insight, honesty, sound judgment and a persistent ethical awareness – especially within the context of corporate sustainability reporting. Rooted in the need for increased corporate environmental accountability, sustainability reporting has in recent years gained in impetus and priority on the corporate agenda.

Acumen's sustainability report writing capabilities addresses the need for such reporting in an effective and efficient manner. As professional sustainability reporting specialists, we can help your organisation communicate its sustainability efforts in an honest, critical manner. In doing so, sustainability serves as an organisational benchmark, celebrating successes and highlighting remaining challenges. Environmental or 'sustainability' reporting has been a key issue within mining, energy and other extractive industrial sectors for many years.

[vtab]article[/vtab][sort][/sort][pgsize]1[/pgsize][db]sql[/db] 1 1 0. Guide to Sustainability Reporting (Australia) Global Reporting Initiative. GRI Reporting -- Get Started (GRI site) Let's Report (GRI) GRI Level C Report Template. Tips on How to Write the Perfect Sustainability Reports. Writing sustainability reports is more or less like weddings or marriages as it is a very big and bold step that you have to take.

The only difference however is that unlike in a wedding, you have to do it all over again the next year, and the next one, and the next one. Whether you are just getting started with writing your report, are half way done, or are already done with writing, the following are some helpful tips that will enhance your relationship with your target audience. - Considering the diverse audience that you will be targeting, it is always good to combine both old (print) and new (web). You can use an interactive cyberspace format to create an all-inclusive sustainability report and print just a short summary of the same. . - Tell your target audience the exact position you are on your journey to attaining a sustainable company. . - Take time to think about the most crucial sustainability initiatives that the company wishes to communicate across and underscore them. How To: Sustainability Sample Report. Four Reasons NGOs and Non-Profits Should Publish Sustainability Reports.

« Back to Home Page Last week I earned my certification in the Global Reporting Initiative the most recognized standard for sustainability reporting. (Ed. note: through ISOS and Triple Pundit) To date, large international companies including Coca-Cola, Nestle, Sunoco and GE have been the primary users of the guidelines. Sadly, non-profits and NGOs are yet to jump on the sustainability reporting bandwagon. In fact, of the nearly 500 companies listed on the GRI reports list for 2010, only 11 are in the non-profit sector (and NONE of those are in the United States). Four Reasons Why NGOs and Non-Profits Should Write Sustainability Reports: NGOs have a footprint and are ethically obligated to try to reduce that footprint.

Sustainability reports are not just for corporations. Scroll down to see comments. Should Nonprofits Publish a Sustainability Report? Last August I wrote a piece on why nonprofits (used interchangeably here with NGOs) should publish sustainability reports, similar to those produced by most large corporations. I had just returned from my GRI certification course and was disappointed to learn that very few nonprofits embraced the standards. Despite the availability of NGO specific sector supplements to help guide the process and despite the increased public expectation for reporting and full disclosure, NGOs overall remain slow to the uptake. There is reason to believe that the tide may be turning. Recently, Fulbright Academy joined an elite group of NGOs publishing sustainability reports, with GRI standards being the most widely used. Further, the sustainability report could provide a more holistic view of the organization.

Further, would a sustainability report not help to attract more donors, especially those from private or corporate foundations? Scroll down to see comments.