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Utvecklingsedare, Viadidakt Katrineholm/Vingåker och ordförande i Nitus - Nätverket för kommunala lärcentra

The Flipped Classroom! Folkbildning. Projekt Digital egenmakt. Nätverket för IT i högre utbildning » OER-resurser. Wikipedia_i_skolan.pdf (application/pdf-objekt) Viadidakt. IT-Samordning. Digital delaktighet. Olika tankar runt det digitala lärandet. Internetguider. Digidel 2013 - En kampanj för digital delaktighet i Sverige. Digital delaktighet. .SE tror att internet kan bidra positivt till såväl individers som samhällets utveckling.

Digital delaktighet

Alla människor i Sverige ska ha samma rätt och möjligheter att utnyttja internets tjänster. I allt högre grad krävs i dag grundläggande internetkunskaper exempelvis på arbetsmarknaden eller för att kunna ta del av samhällets service. De som av olika anledningar saknar nätkompetens riskerar att hamna utanför, vilket kan få konsekvenser såväl för demokratin som för samhällsekonomin. Nödvändigt för en fungerande demokrati Även i ett land som Sverige, där utvecklingen ligger långt framme, finns många människor som inte är digitalt delaktiga och som därmed ställs helt eller delvis utanför när samhällsnyttiga funktioner flyttar ut på internet. Projekt Digital egenmakt. Skolan.

Lä Digitala whiteboards. Learning Net. Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare. Hello, We launched Writeboard back in October of 2005 as a stand-alone service.

Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare.

A few years later we integrated Writeboards into Basecamp Classic and Backpack. Today, the vast majority of Writeboards are created inside those two products. As part of refocusing on Basecamp, we’ve decided to retire You’ll still be able to create Writeboards inside Basecamp Classic and Backpack, but you’ll no longer be able to start new stand-alone Writeboards here at But don’t worry — any Writeboards you already created here at will continue to work. Thanks to everyone who used over the years. Onwards, Jason Fried, Founder & CEO, Basecamp. 10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About – 2011 Update. These Technologies Are Changing Education.

10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About – 2011 Update

Are You Familiar With Them? It’s been nearly two and half years since the publication of the first “10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about” article on this site and given the fast paced evolution of technology it’s time for an update. The start of new school year is the perfect time to refresh this list! Below you will find updated information for 5 of the technologies from the original posting, and 5 new technologies that have earned their rightful place in the list (displacing 5 other types of tech, that while still worthy, are not quite as relevant today, IMHO).

This is not intended to be a definitive listing, but rather an informed resource that provides insights and raises awareness. Webb, data och flexibelt lärande. Webb, data och flexibelt lärande.

Ipad i utbildning

Samarbeta online. Det fanns en tid, för inte alls så länge sedan, då Internet främst sågs som en arena för att söka information.

Samarbeta online

För dem som var någorlunda slängda i teknik var det dessutom möjligt att publicera information. Så är det inte längre. iPads. All About Apps for (Special) Education. I keep finding more and more excellent resources around using iPads, iPods and Apps in (Special) education and wanted to share some of my favourite links with you.

All About Apps for (Special) Education

The first comes from the great Victorian Government site called Ipads for Education . There are a number of resources in the support section, including the handout ‘iPads in Special Education’ . Apps are grouped into topic areas, such as Organisational Apps, Writing Apps and Maths Apps and are rated at different levels. Another good resource is a handout from Bridget Gilormini at the Simon Technology Center. Special Education Apps for iPad. Add In my classroom , I was blessed to have students from amazingly diverse backgrounds and with an array of skills and strengths. I worked relentlessly to build in supports and foster an inclusive community for all of my students. This meant cutting, laminating, velcro-ing, washing, re-making, and constructing what felt like a million supportive learning devices for my students with and without special needs.

10 Websites to Find Special Needs Apps for the iPad & iPhone. This post is part Five of the Special Needs iPad & App Series.

10 Websites to Find Special Needs Apps for the iPad & iPhone

In only one year the Apple iPad has revolutionized the tech industry. 15 Million iPads have been sold and estimates are that within the next 3 years over 115 million tablets will be shipped. Dozens if not hundreds of applications have been created that enhance the quality of life for individuals with all types of disabilities. This has lead Apple to create a special education section in the App Store. To try and make sense of all of this we have put together a nine part series on the iPad and useful applications. In part four we discussed 11 Social Skills & Life Skills Apps in iPad App Store This week we bring you: - iPad apps for children with special needs. 0 Comments March 25, 2011 By: Guest Blogger Mar 24 Written by: 3/24/2011 11:36 PM ShareThis.

- iPad apps for children with special needs

Handheld learning. Personalize & Unpersonalize iPads All In Same Class Period.'s on Education Pearltree. Mobile Learning. Digital Delights. Digital Delights for Learners. Search. Corridor of learning. Utbildning på nätet. Nitus - Nätverket för kommunala lärcentra. Re:flex » Nättidning för folkbildningens flexibla lärande. Re:flexbloggen. Reflexfbrs kanal. Folkbildningens öppna lärresurser 2010. iPad Resources. Lärcentra. Startsida. Startsida - Högskoleverket. Free Books Online.