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Featured Teaching Channel Videos. Part of a new editorial partnership, this page features a weekly selection from the Teaching Channel, a nonprofit organization that provides high-quality videos on inspiring and effective teaching practices. Watch and share with colleagues. Featured Video Teaching Practice ELA Throughout the Day (24 min) Grade 5 / ELA / Class Culture Lesson Idea (Common Core) Ms. Grades 3-5 / All Subjects / Daily Routines Using a Number System to Streamline Class Routines (2 min) All Grades / All Subjects / Procedures <div>Please enable Javascript to watch this video</div> Repetition of key words and phrases can create a tempo and structure for the classroom, signaling to students when something is expected of them.

More Teaching Channel Videos Participation with Playing Cards (1 min) All Grades / All Subjects / Participation Hint Cards (2 min) All Grades / Math / Scaffolding Observation Exercise Observation Exercise: What Do You Hear? "Two Cents": Strategies for Student-Centered Discussion (33 min) Tch Special. Using rules and procedures to teach and engage. Tricks of the Trade: Classroom Management Tips for Teachers (Video Playlist) Teacher: Guys, I know- I know-- just- just take a deep breath, you guys.

Give us a few minutes, okay? Okay, Justin, can you stop, please? Okay. Ladies and gentlemen… Narrator: Having trouble managing your classroom? Here are some of our favorite "Tricks of the Trade. " Felipe: Are you going to play? Student: Mr. Felipe: Okay. Narrator: Kindergarten teacher Felipe Lara uses sign language to answer individual questions while maintaining focus on the class lesson. Filipe: Well, when they ask me a question and I'll either answer yes or no, it helps me figure out-- it's less interruptive. Student: [Crying] I want my mama. Filipe: So you want your mama?

Chris: All right. Narrator: Chris Opitz creates a fish bowl so that students can learn lessons in manners and math from each other. Chris: Audience, our voices are off. Student: Mike started with 8, Kelly had twice as much as Mike, and Joe had half as much as Kelly. Student: I'm not quite getting why did you do those shapes there? Claudia: Ladies? Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn: Passion to Learn. Classroom Management Tricks of the Trade: Sign Language. Student Engagement & Motivation Strategies & Tips.wmv. Proven classroom management tips & strategies.wmv. Videos - Best Year Ever! Best Year Ever! Tricks of the Trade: Classroom Management Tips for Teachers (Video Playlist)