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Henry Markram builds a brain in a supercomputer. Robert Wright on optimism. Blog: Celebrating the 500th TEDTalk! Chris Anderson (Wired) Technology, History and Destiny. Profile on Blog: Q&A with Clay Shirky on Twitter and Iran. NYU professor Clay Shirky gave a fantastic talk on new media during our TED@State event earlier this month.

Blog: Q&A with Clay Shirky on Twitter and Iran

He revealed how cellphones, the web, Facebook and Twitter had changed the rules of the game, allowing ordinary citizens extraordinary new powers to impact real-world events. As protests in Iran exploded over the weekend, we decided to rush out his talk, because it could hardly be more relevant. I caught up with Clay this afternoon to get his take on the significance of what is happening. HIs excitement was palpable.

What do you make of what’s going on in Iran right now. Profile on Profile on Profile on Speakers: David Merrill. TED Speakers: Evan Williams. Speakers: Jonathan Harris. Speakers: JoAnn Kuchera-Morin. Speakers: Gregory Stock. TED Speakers: Nicholas Negroponte. Profile on Speakers: Jeff Han. Profile on Profile on The Rise of Collaboration. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Speakers: Jeff Bezos. Speakers: James Surowiecki. Speakers: Yochai Benkler. TED Conference's Photostream. Speakers: Richard Baraniuk. Speakers: Clay Shirky. Speakers: Charles Leadbeater.

TED Blog. Speakers: Howard Rheingold. Speakers: Stefan Sagmeister.