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How to Build a Rubens Tube.pdf. 39 Coolest Kids Toys You Can Make Yourself. 35 Things You Will Never See Again In Your Life.

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101 Simple Handmade Gift Tutorials. These simple handmade gift tutorials will make any crafty person’s heart sing with joy! You don’t need special skills or a bunch of time because these can all be done super fast! Simple and cute…that works for me! Oh, and think of all the money you will save making these gifts. {At least that’s the story I tell my husband…shhhh!} You are going to love these fabulous tutorials!!! You can make all your gifts for years from this list! If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my Sewing Tutorials and Free Printables posts…you are the coolest crafty friends!

If you want to be doubly awesome, try doing handmade gifts that are also eco-friendly! Handmade gifts make people feel special, don’t you think? ~Kim. How To Tuesday: My Sweet Josephine. 28Jun/11 After seeing Kristin's friendship bracelet giveaway on Idle Wife, I've hauled out my old bracelet books and thread from when I was a kid.

Naturally I've been furiously making all sorts of bracelets. After making six friendship bracelets in two days I decided I needed a new pattern. Following an extensive google session I found these beautiful recycled t-shirt bracelets and vowed to make them my own. And now you can too! Because you should. Really. All you need is... 2 pieces of fabric about 18 x 6 inches Scissors Pliers 2 ribbon clamps (found at Michaels) 2 jump rings 1 clasp Cut 2 pieces of fabric from your t-shirt about 18 x 6 inches. Make a loop with the first scrap and lay it over top of the second. Take that end and alternate weaving it under and over the remaining fabric lengths. Pair up the ends of fabric and wrap it snugly around your wrist.

And there you have it! DIY Doily Lamp. DIY - Rustic Votives. New Life for Ladders, 10+ DIY Ideas. Posted by on måndag, juni 4, 2012 · 19 Comments Ladders are versatile structures that can be tweaked into pretty much anything…Suspend them from the ceiling, hang them on the wall or let them stand naturally tall…then add a pinch of creativity to score amazing new functionality and style in an instant! Here’s a selection of 10+ hacky ideas to get those DIY juices flowing…Enjoy! Beautiful D.I.Y project involving a ladder +2 wooden brackets from Italian daily ‘Corriere della Serra’, DIY TUTORIAL HERE Pics, clockwise from top left: HomeMadeSimple, Shelterness, Stylizimo, RedOnline Sculpture made from reclaimed ladders, by Dutch Artist Chris Ruhe, spotted via Make Suspended ladders provides great options for party décor, pics via here, here & here Julie of blog ‘Less Than Perfect life of Bliss’ shows you the way to score stylish ladder shelves in no time, DIY TUTORIAL HERE Another set of D.I.Y Ladder shelves, spotted on ‘RealSimple’, DIY TUTORIAL HERE Pics via here & here.

Room for Color 2012. U.S. Winner Kellie's "Bright & Beachy" Room Kellie lives in Marina Del Rey, so it's no surprise that she looked to the beach as a point of inspiration for her living room decor. What is surprising is the colors she used. Rather than going for the more-expected blues, she rocked out the red, bringing the warmth indoors, with just a touch of turquoise to set it off. The bright red walls help define the fireplace as the focal point of the room, but the drama doesn't stop there. View Kellie's Entry » International Winner Jane's "Comic Strip " Room Jane's room is all about a fearless, joyful use of color! The bold combination of colors is done with skill. View Jane's Entry » The Power is in the Palette!

The Room for Color contest is our annual celebration of beautiful rooms where the stylish use of color is key. Or, if you are just thinking about adding more color to your interiors but don't know where to begin, this is a perfect way to gather inspiration and color confidence. Schedule. Oh Lovely Day™: DIY. DIY - GEOBALL ! Je sais pas vous, mais je ne sais jamais où ranger mes masking tape et autre petit objet qui traînent sur mon bureau. On voit beaucoup sur le net une forme géométrique appelée un icosaèdre, utilisée sous forme de mobile, abat-jour, porte-crayons etc... Et c'est sous forme de vide-poche qu'il m'ait le plus utile ! Je l'ai donc utilisé un peu à ma sauce en y ajoutant des couleurs pour chaque triangle.Et n'ayant pas un esprit très logique, j'ai voulu me simplifier la vie en créant un tutoriel simple et vous le faire partager : ) Avec ci-dessous le mode d'emploi.Merci de lire les termes & conditions 1/ > Téléchargez ici le Geoball 2/ Contre-collez la feuille sur une autre feuille pour renforcer le tout (d'une couleur c'est encore + joli !)

Unusually Lovely: Create Something - Blog. Growing up, my family always had advent calendars. Each year we had one of those push-out chocolate ones that you can pick up at any grocery store, and one that was shaped like a paper chimney with little boxes that my mom filled with candy and dollar bills. So this year, I knew I wanted to put together an advent calendar for Tim and I to open each day. I had this idea for a super modern black, tan, and gold advent calendar made from patterned paper boxes, and then I stumbled upon this free printable by Hey Look. It's literally the exact idea I had, but the printable was so great that I decided to give it a go. I printed the boxes out on kraft cardstock and followed her great instructions. I highly recommend this printable, the patterns are so cute! Once I had all my boxes folded and glued, I moved on to mounting them. Start by laying out your boxes in the order you want.

Take each box and spread the rubber cement on the bottom. Candy time! And that's it! Feather DIY - Ideas. Posted by on tisdag, oktober 16, 2012 · Leave a Comment I’ve been experiencing somewhat of a writers block lately, meaning no posts on the blog for a while. However, I’ve been pinning daily doses of D.I.Y onto Pinterest and Facebook, so make sure to connect over there to stay tuned! Anyways, what better way to celebrate ridding the shackles of writers block than with some free flyin’ feather D.I.Y?

Awesome paper feathers cut out from heavy paper that had been covered in pastel crayon drawings, for the full story, check out crafty Rachael Rice’s DIY TUTORIAL over at FreePeople “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly”/ Friedrich Nietzsche Feather headdress Pic sources gathered here Fringed, watercolored feathers (carefully) Work your nail scissors to give paper feathers a fine fringe. Let the supercute feather gift tags from FellowFellow inspire you, D.I.Y or buy? Feather Mobile via here ”Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?” Via here. DIY Candle Hacks - 5 Awesome Tutorials. Posted by on lördag, mars 31, 2012 · 1 Comment Today is the day when electric lights go out over the world during Earth hour.

So I figured I’d gather some hacky D.I.Y Candle Ideas from crafty corners of the blogosphere. I found 5 awesome ideas where old-school candlelight meets new-school creativity, involving everything from plastic dinosaur toys to satsumas. Links to awesome D.I.Y tutorials under each pic – Enjoy! Gargoyles. A Little Tipsy. Super Sculpey Pumpkin. True Blue Me & You: I'll Try Not to Waste Our Time. In my craft room. Shabby Chic Ruffle Necklace. Galleries. Pepper Design Blog » Blog Archive » Tufted Headboards are Modern & Beautiful. Update: welcome from Pinterest! Check out this post for my easy tutorial on tufting with a staple gun, this post on a simple, flat upholstered headboard from an old slatted bed frame, and this post on a tufted headboard that I made for our guestroom.

Original instructions on how to build a tufted headboard from Apartment Therapy are linked, and there are plenty of great suggestions in the comments! Tufted headboards are chic and lovely, and look great in any bedroom. They are that perfect balance: soft and comfy but equally classy and modern; somewhere between masculine and feminine without leaning this way or that. You can go bold with your color choice or keep it sleek and simple in a bright white and it remains perfectly appealing. The top, top picture is from the featured How-To article today: p From: Apartment Therapy Cost: $110 Checkout Apartment Therapy or one of the top links for the full how-to!

Google Image Result for. Storage Tricks for the Cost-Conscious Decorator « BoBa Designer. I would like to start off by openly admitting that I am a compulsive neat freak with an addiction to organization (hence being an office manager is a great fit). I wanted to find some new and creative storage ideas to share, and after I did a little digging I found more ideas than I knew what to do with! Some of the space-saving tricks I am going to lay out are a little out there, but I think when done the right way, they could be a big hit!

They are also all suited to the cost -onscious client, looking to spice up their space and use a little elbow grease. I will admit I started off my search looking into designer closets and mudrooms that most people would faun over, even I faun over them! I had to start with shoes because I am a shoe addict and I know how hard it can be to find ample shoe storage space in an apartment. Ok – personal favorite right here – please take note!! Similar to the shoe storage above, I had to highlight this wall mounted jewelry cabinet. Like this: Wine bottle glass holder wood handmade DIY home by TheBarnChicks. Painted Vases. My DIY post for frosted wine glasses seemed to be a favorite amongst Design Your Dwelling readers and followers! Since that post was such a success I thought I would pass along some DIY painted vase ideas to decorate your home or even give as a gift.

I made these vases for my sister as a Christmas gift. They were so fun and so easy to make. Below I'll give you instructions for how to make each one of them from left to right. All of the vases I used I found at Walmart, Target or Hobby Lobby. Frosted Stripe Vase Supplies: vase, painters tape, frosted spray paint 1. 2. 3. Tall White Vase This vase looks great with a lit candle in it! Supplies: vase, Christmas ribbon, white spray paint, glue dots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Monogram Jar I filled this jar with candy for my brother-in-law. Supplies: Glass jar, letter stencils, spray adhesive, spray paint 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. "Love" Vase Supplies: Vase, spray paint, puff paint or hot glue gun 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Feel free to send questions if you have any. Enjoy! Beth. Trend Alert : Recycling Wood Crates and Pallets. Christmas tree ornament mobile, how-to. Here is how I made my Christmas tree ornament mobile, it was easier than it looks, promise. The Supplies a 17″ steamer rack from a restaurant supply storeabout 5 feet of lightweight jack chaina small carabiner100 basic ornament hooksone roll, 500 feet, monofilament jewelry string (not the stretchy sort)200 jewelry crimp beads or tubesjewelry crimping tool100 lanyard hooks100 ornaments Note: In the photo above I show earring wire instead of ornament hooks.

I changed that later as I found ornament hooks made it far easier to move ornaments around after they’d been hung. Also, my supplies are based on a 4 foot tall mobile using almost 100 ornaments, you’ll need to adjust amounts if you make one larger or smaller. Creating the Mobile Frame Creating the frame for my ornament tree mobile turned out to be fairly simple. For the top of the mobile I needed something that would allow me to easily secure a lot of hanging points without them sliding around too much.

Notes: Why so many hooks and bits? Mini Boxy Makeup Bag. I’m sharing a great DIY today for creating this boxy mini makeup bag. Compact enough for your stylish purse but big enough to fit all your touch up supplies you may need for a party, evening out, or special event like a wedding. If you’ve never worked with a zipper before, this will be a great project to learn on. I promise, it’s really easy! Keep reading to see the full tutorial… Supplies:Two coordinating fabric (one is preferably upholstery weight), Zipper, Coordinating thread, Pins, Sewing Machine, Scissors, RulerStep 1: Cut two pieces of each fabric choice.

Each piece should be 5 1/2 x 9 1/2 Step 2: Lay one of the outer fabrics face up on your table, and set the zipper on top, face down so the top edge meets the top edge of the fabric. Then lay one of your lining pieces right side down to meet the top edge as well.Step 3: Pin along that top edge so all three pieces are attached. Fuck Yeah Upcycle. 23 super creative repurposed items.