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Top 10 Uses for Twitter (That Aren't Self-Indulgent) Use Twitter #Hashtags to Amplify Your Learning! Today, I don't spend much learning time following people or particular lists on Twitter, but I do spend time following, reflecting and interacting with relevant learning hashtag conversations (streams) taking place around the world. If you are confused about what Twitter hashtags are, you have come to the right place to understand the power and possibilities that these learning conversations can do to amplify your learning! "The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages" - Source For example, #edchat is a well-known and influential hashtag used by many to discuss educational or learning related issues on Twitter.

By following (saving) this hashtag you will be able to see all the tweets shared on Twitter including the #edchat hashtag. WHERE DO I FIND JUICY HASHTAGS? If you are looking for (#hashtag) trends, then tools like What the Trend? HOW DO I FOLLOW (SAVE) A HASHTAG? Academic Excellence in 140 Characters. eLearn: Feature Article - The Effects of Twitter in an Online Learning Environment. FrontPage.