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Fundraising and marketing techniques and web applications (HUN-ENG)

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Web development firm Pelago solved its own project management struggles by building Intervals. How we went from a web design and development agency to a provider of web-based project management software used throughout the world. In the Beginning… Our story begins back in August 2000, when Pelago was a web design and development agency. In the course of working with over 100 clients and over 300 projects, we experimented with several different time tracking and task management methodologies and applications.

We tried everything — paper timesheets, Excel spreadsheets, Open Source projects, and commercial web-based apps. The search continued on for a few years. Then we had a project spin out of control due to uncontrolled scope creep. Where We Went From There We spent the next few months building Intervals in between client projects. This unique combination of features made it easier for people to track their time and resulted in data rich enough to generate granular reports that made sense to us and our clients. Onward and Upward.

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