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Coding in the classroom

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Between Grok and a Hard Place - Coding in the Classroom. After 8 months of searching… I think I have found my Coding in the Classroom solution. What I was looking for was a product that gave me a means of some semblance of classroom control but gave the students the flexibility of an open learning environment. I also needed a product that gave me the confidence in saying “this is the one” to students, parents and administration.

What I have come to after months of searching is a Learn to Code solution called Grok Learning out of Australia. They have developed an all in one learn to code platform using Python as their first offering and from what I have played with thus far, it looks to be a tight little package. Being a coding neophyte myself, I needed something I could learn quickly along side my students but at the same time had enough complexity and sophistication to challenge the aspiring Wozniaks in the room. From what I have read, Python is apparently the way to go. Some of the things I like about Grok are the following: Cheers, Keith. Start Here. You are here because you want to learn how to make an iPhone game, make that game, and get it published.

We are here because we know you can do it. We've helped dozens of developers - from high school students to passionate indies far out of college - learn how to make iOS games and published their games. We'll do it for you too and the process is simple: follow these tutorials, start building your own awesome game, and then contact

We'll make all the art+music for your game, give you personalized game design and code help, optimize your icon and keywords, publish your game to the App Store, promote it, and port it to Android for you! Check out Elemental Fury and Snake Snake on the App Store! Those were made by high school students! Our tutorials assume you have basic experience in object oriented programming and you'll need a Mac to install the required software. What are you waiting for? Grok Learning. The Hour of Code 2013. This resource kit contains everything you need to organize and run a fantastic Hour of Code event during Computer Science Education Week. Whether you're just leading a classroom of 15, or an entire school of 1,000, we've got you covered. If you aren't an event organizer, but you want to recruit others to participate, please use our participation kits to recruit the help of your school, employer, local community organizations, or elected officials.

Use the navigation bar on the left to navigate among the resources. If you have questions that are not answered here, or if you have suggestions for additional content that's not here, please ask on our Hour of Code forum. NEXT: Tutorial Guide. Welcome | Make Things Do Stuff. MIT App Inventor.