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Keith D Swartz

Baptist Pastor, Computer Geek, Married, # children, 3 Grandchildren


Drawing. 20 practical ways to use Google Forms in class, school. Google Forms gives educators a powerful data collection tool.

20 practical ways to use Google Forms in class, school

Check out these 25 ways to harness its power in school. Everyone wants data. Schools want it to track student performance. Companies want it to learn about their customers. Tools. Mobile Development Platform. Mobile App Builder for HTML5, iOS, iPhone, Android, & Windows Phones. App Maker - Create Android and iPhone Mobile Apps. Explaining Your Pain. Secondwind CPAP/BIPAP Outlet.

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BODY LANGUAGE. Mushrooms! Pictures, Types and Inspiration. Neuroscience. Hypnosis Collective Tree. Neanderthal. Beer Making. PROKO: The Human Head - Drawing & Shading Fundamentals. jQuery. NEW INVENTIONS and DISCOVERIES. Sketching & Drawing Lessons : Getting started - Lines, Points, Squares, Circles and Triangles. jQuery. Torrent. Torrent. Commands. Bash commands. Command Prompt.

NEW INVENTIONS and DISCOVERIES. Heads + faces. Shading Techniques. How to draw. Heads + faces. Faces from 3/4 view. Head Tutorial. Semirealistic Eye Tutorial. Quick Eye Tutorial. Expressions tutorial. Unique Features Tutorial: male. Unique Features Tutorial: female. How I draw facial features by. Tutorial - Face Sketches. Sketchin a pretty dude's face. Faces from 3/4 view.

Head Tutorial. Semirealistic Eye Tutorial. Quick Eye Tutorial. How I draw facial features by. How Smart Are Dogs? How Smart Are Animals?

How Smart Are Dogs?

PBS Airdate: February 9, 2011 NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON (Astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History): Hi, I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, your host of NOVA ScienceNOW, where this season we're asking six big questions. On this episode: How Smart Are Animals? Meet Chaser. She's got a huge vocabulary. Hacking Habits: How To Make New Behaviors Last For Good. 11 Productivity Hacks to Boost Your Mental Focus. Making a dent in the universe requires focus.

11 Productivity Hacks to Boost Your Mental Focus

So we've collated 11 simple and easy to use tips on improving your mental concentration. Most of it is a basic stuff that I tried myself, so I selected what got me the best results. What works for me may not work for you but the best way to find out is to keep testing new ideas all the time ( and eventually adopt what works and move on from what doesn't )! #1. Develop a habit of getting enough sleep. PsyBlog’s 10 Most Popular Psychological Insights From 2012. How the mind works, the dark side of creativity and how to be a great leader: these and more… Here’s my review of the psychological insights covered here on PsyBlog in 2012 that have proved most popular with you, the readers.

Music Training and Neuroplasticity. With our multi sensory brain, music harnesses powers of nature, culture, and mind.

Music Training and Neuroplasticity

How much is the brain changed by the effects of music training and neuroplasticity? Music is one of the most demanding cognitive and neural challenges, requiring very accurate timing of multiple actions, precise interval control of pitch not involved in language, and multiple different ways of producing sound. Auditory and motor actions influence each other in a constant interplay, which is largely unknown. Brain Lesion Effects on Music All brain imaging is done in a time scale of seconds, but the brain functions in the scale of milliseconds.

NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming Mind Hacks - Volume 1. 30 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Die. {Via studioflowerpower on etsy} “Rather than money, than fame, than love…give me truth.” ~ Thoreau I woke up this morning and my life clock marked 30. My first sleep-deprived idea was to pack a small suitcase, get on the first train, move to another country, change my name, change my hair color (or get plastic surgery if needed), and start from scratch. World of Photoshop - Best PSD tutorial's. 25 Creative Packaging Designs That Practically Sell Themselves. We often consider the products we use and their packaging to be two separate things – the product is the thing we want, and its packaging is a piece of trash to be thrown away.

25 Creative Packaging Designs That Practically Sell Themselves

These 30 ingenious packaging designs, however, prove that a well-designed package can complement or even enhance the product it was designed to carry. [PHOTOGRAPHY] SURREALISM. Web Threat Analytics from AVG Threat Labs. Redkit Exploit Kit AVG detects this somewhat active Webthreat and its 4 known variants. Redkit Exploit Kit is a malicious code present on fraudulent websites or illegally injected on legitimate but hacked websites without the knowledge of the administrator. 8 Warning Signs Mom and Dad Are Getting Old. You may notice some changes in your parents over the holidays.

8 Warning Signs Mom and Dad Are Getting Old

A senior care specialist points to eight warning signs that Mom and Dad might need some help. Holidays are a time when a range of emotions get stirred up. Like homemade cranberry sauce and stuffing, emotions are often a mixture of ingredients. Excitement, joy sadness and stress can all be part of the family recipe. How To Create Your Own IFTTT Recipes For Automating Your Favorite Sites & Feeds.

There are a few web services that can be considered “priceless” and IFTTT is one of them.

How To Create Your Own IFTTT Recipes For Automating Your Favorite Sites & Feeds

The service, which stands for “if this then that” has the power to automate common tasks and help you discover better uses for services you already use. If you’re sick of manually doing things, IFTTT is a breath of fresh air. Free-Floating Orphan Planet Spotted. The newly detected planet is four- to seven times bigger than Jupiter and has no parent star, though it travels with a young stellar pack.

Free-Floating Orphan Planet Spotted

A Jupiter-class planet that orbits no star, but is free-floating in space has been directly observed. The phenomenon is believed to be common, but is very difficult to detect. Astronomers were on the hunt for so-called brown dwarf stars, sometimes referred to as "failed stars" since they grow like stars from collapsing balls of gas and dust, but aren't massive enough to get thermonuclear reactions started in their cores. But when CFBDSIR2149, located about 130 light-years from Earth, came into view, scientists suspected they had nabbed something else.

Semirealistic Eye Tutorial.
